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You awoke feeling incredibly well-rested. Though, you remember falling asleep in front of the television.

You scrunched your nose a bit, retracing your actions of last night. You definitely didn't put yourself in bed. That means he must've placed you in bed. The thought made you smile softly as you yawned deeply and rubbed the rheum from your eyes. You smacked your mouth, and wrinkled your nose at the taste of sleep.

Walking into the bathroom, you rinsed your face with a cleanser, and brushed your teeth. You exited your bedroom and were immediately greeted with Cell looking towards you, leaning against the counter. He has been staying the night these past few days, but it seems as if he was waiting for you. This caught you a bit off guard but you straightened up. Before you could speak, he greeted you.

"Good morning y/n '' He mumbled quietly. "Morning Cell, I'd ask how you slept but you don't sleep do you?" you laughed lowly. He didn't respond, instead fiddling with his thumbs.

You noticed the air in the house smelt off, sort of smoky. It stung at your nostrils a bit. You waved your hands in front of your nose.

"Hey do you smell that?" You said holding your nose to shut off the singed smell.

Cell puffed his chest out proudly."Ah so you smell my perfect meal. Quite the keen nose you have there, doe." He winked at this and continued "I decided to try cooking for myself." He smiled with his eyes closed.

You were close to bursting out laughing when he then pulled out a plate of completely black food. You couldn't even recognize what it was supposed to be or ever was.

"I um had scraps. I figured you may have been hungry, not like I care or anything" he was blushing and looking down at his feet. His wings buzzed quietly.

Your face grew pale. There was no way in hell you were gonna eat this. But then you thought again, Cell made you breakfast? I mean it looked like shit, but he made you breakfast? He did something selfless. You smiled and took the plate.

"Thanks for putting me in bed last night. '' His blush grew deeper. He simply grunted in response and continued to look away. He is quite cute when he makes that face you noted. You stared back down to your inedible food and walked to the fridge. Cell stared at you now expectantly. You made up a quick excuse about wanting to eat it later to savor it. He simply hummed at your response. You walked past him and sat at the couch, sighing as you did. Maybe you should make today another lazy day, you smiled contently at the thought. It was a Saturday so why not?

Cell simply stared at you, and if you met eyes with him, he would look away quickly.  He acted a lot like a schoolboy these past few days, stealing glances at you, his wings fluttering. You've not had much relationship experience, well in all honesty none at all, but these signs... could he be attracted to you? Your face grew red. But why all of a sudden?! Jeez, he has been so strange since he came back from leaving for 3 months, but this sudden change in less than a week is crazy. Plus Cell has never been the emotional type, he literally has decimated whole cities and still wants to destroy the world. What could have changed in such a short period of time?

Your face must've shown your brewing thoughts as Cell walked over to you and stood closer to you, arms still crossed, still looking away from you. "W-woma ahem, y/n, I have a question to ask you" he muttered as if he truly didn't want to ask. "As you know, I've been training and gaining strength to defeat my enemies and lay waste to this planet" he sighed and gulped.

Why is he acting like it's hard for him to speak? Nothing he hasn't told you before. "Uh, yea I know you sorta told me that rather aggressively the other day." you said flatly.

His eyes widened, staring at you, then he looked away. Clearing his throat he continued, "Well, you offered to train me in how to understand humanity better. I am partially human, though a very small percentage, but I believe it still has impacts on my form." He uncrossed his arms and patted his muscular chest with a smirk and wink. Always trying to show off. You thought as you rolled your eyes.

Vain Biology- Cell x Reader Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon