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(Cells' POV)

3 months had passed since he last spoke to the woman. Despite being far away from Earth's natural rotation of the sun, he had the innate ability to sense time. 3 months since he had seen...her. A deep crease of irritation formed on his ivory face.

He had spent every morning and night with her for over a year, yes, but he would live on eternity and beyond. A year and some months was a blip in time for him, in the grand scheme of things, it meant nothing to him. And yet, every day since that night she plagues his thoughts, almost as much as destroying those buffoons. She is an insignificant human, she is nothing like him.

He scowled, a bead of sweat dropping from his forehead. The last he saw her, he noted he felt strange. When she pointed out his own strangeness by asking why he cared, it was surprising to him as well. He could not begin to process why he didn't want her to be ill, why he seemed to worry for her well-being as a whole. He wasn't supposed to care, she was a human, she was weak! Cell had left right then and there that day. That feeling, he could only describe as baffling to say the least. It greatly unsettled him, not having an answer for why he felt the way he did, why he did the actions he did, why he said what he said.

"It took only one woman to move past her fear and instead show the beast kindness" Her words all those months ago traced his mind. He clenched his teeth.

"That little human makes no sense." He says as he punches the air deep in space.

"Why...why does she not truly fear me" His punches and kicks growing faster. "It's been well over a year, she provides me with food and shelter, yet she knows my atrocities. It makes no sense. I feel she has no guard up around me, she sleeps soundly now every night." His punches wanning.

"Yet she does not grow wary, is she stupid? Who would not fear me? Why..." Cell halted his training, clenching his fist as he stood still. Her kindness, feels strange to him. Never a feeling he can recognize, perhaps he was not programmed for it?

"No, no" he shook his head and clenched his fists. He is perfect! Yes completely perfect. Then why does he not recognize this feeling? This feeling, it creeps into his gut always. It has been for a long time. Maybe even when he encountered her in the forest, it was there, yes. It was just a diminutive speck in his stomach, but it grew like mold rapidly. It leaked out that night, ever so subtly. What did that woman do to him? He scowled deeply, his canines flashing. He tried to retrace their common interactions in search of an answer.

"Every night, I dine with her. She and I both talk to one another, she doesn't talk as much as me but her human mind is feeble and she must not be able to think as quickly as I naturally" He thought aloud smiling at the end of his phrase. Does she feed him thinking he will bestow her mercy? She must be a fool if that is the case. But it is strange, everyday she brings food, knowing there will be nothing in return. Her kindness will go ignored, yet she does anyway. Why? Why dammit?!

"I believe things like that can occur in reality, though it may just be rare. But kindness and love can soften anyone"

Her mind makes no sense. Does she really believe what she says? Her actions lack even less sense. When she speaks, her voice holds no fear. It's as if she does these things for no other reason other than the fact she wishes to.

"Why does this feeling return when i dwell on this woman?" That same familiar feeling began building in the pits of his stomach. He finally noticed the feeling that night when he saw her in the harsh rain. Her body was soaked in cold, her clothes clung tightly to every curve. He ached deeply in his pit at the memory, that same feeling seeming to bounce around in his chest. The aching was so intense yet, he could sense no damage had been bestowed onto him. This feeling must've made him ask those questions.. or... He clasped his hands over his face and took a deep breath in to gather his thoughts.

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