Come to me

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*For more fanfics and future bonus chapters, find me on archive of our own!! my username is dollchan :>*

What have I done?

You dropped to your knees; a gritty dust cloud created as your weight dropped into the sandy terrain of the wasteland. Junior clutched to your side, his little body trembled as he clutched hopelessly at your sleeves, begging for you to stand up. The world was muted, everything felt so distant, the events that unfolded seemed so far away. Junior's pleading voice sounded warbled; all you could hear was your heartbeat thumping slowly, but so harshly in your ears.

If he didn't see me, would he have survived?

The beam ended, the dust and rocks settling in a heap. That strange electric feeling in the air dissipated just as the blinding azure light was no longer visible. Goku seemingly zapped of all his energy, fell to his knees himself, his hair now black and unruly. He hadn't seemed to even notice you, both you and Junior seemingly invisible to the man. Or rather, he was too exhausted to care. Another forceful pull at your sleeve finally snapped you out of your state of shock. Getting to your feet with the aid of Junior, he steadied you and brushed dirt from you acting more like the adult in this situation. You saw no sign of Cell, as the debris cleared, just an empty void in your heart. Fresh tears welled in your eyes as you began sniffling softly.

"Mommy! We need to get out of here!" Junior shook you, trying to reach you, trying to explain the gravity of the situation. It didn't matter to you anymore. Your mate, your lover, was gone. This time, it seemed like he wouldn't be back. Your face twisted as you gritted your teeth and wailed, your heartbreak able to be heard miles away. It was a sound of pure sorrow and grief, a wail of complete and utter loss. You grabbed at your sides and screamed louder, tears mixing with your runny nose. Your stomach heaved with each loud hic of your cries.

"Y-You idiot! Why did you do this?! I told you not to! I'm an idiot! An idiot for not stopping this, I killed you! It's my fault!" Junior pulled you into a hug and began softly crying into your shoulder, his tears pelting your top as his shoulders heaved. "M-mommy... you didn't kill Dad... don't say that!" He rubbed his soft little cheeks into the crook of your neck trying to calm you down. You embraced him tightly, trembling as you began rubbing your face on the crown of his head. "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry baby..." You whimpered in defeat, as plump tears began flowing from your now puffy splotched face. Junior began sobbing loudly too, both of you grieving into each other, making a vain attempt in soothing one another's heartbreak. In that moment, all you felt was the warmth of your son, his tears and snot wetting your top, and the stabbing ache in your soul. Where you both were seemed far away, the fact that countless men responsible for the death of your companion seemed to completely slip your mind. That is, until you heard one of them cough, and weakly get to his feet. You looked up shakily, once seeing who had risen, your gaze burned with hate.

Goku stood, but barely, his body bloody and riddled with deep gashes. His clothes were torn to shreds, yet he continued to step weakly towards both of you. Each step seemed to exert an exuberant amount of energy, he would wince and his posture waver with each step. Eventually, he reached you and Junior, and did his best to sit to your height. You instinctively held Junior to your bosom, and he growled and snarled at Goku, his eyes red slits and you could taste the electricity in the air.

"Woo, that Cell has got some crazy power now huh? Almost got me for a second!" He let out a hearty laughter before wincing and grabbing at his ribs. He sighed and his smile dropped as he gazed upon you sympathetically. "Ya know, I could tell he had changed." He said gently, his gaze still fixed on yours. "You must be a really great woman. Don't beat yourself up too bad." He moved to brush your head and before you could, Junior snarled and swatted his hand away.

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