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(your POV again)

You could hardly believe he actually came back. You were sure he died or just got tired of you and your cooking.  Seeing his face again was oddly relieving, you found. You smiled softly at the thought of him. To be fair, you both had spent well over a year together every day, so you may have slightly grown used to seeing him.

It is strange though, he left for months with no real explanation and returned as such. Though, you noticed, he seems different. He oftentimes seemed tense around you, his body stiff and rigid. You happened to notice he would often stare off into the distance for long periods of time, you would even be able to catch him off guard sometimes, something you thought impossible.

You noticed his eyes would linger on you for a bit too long, but you decided to label this as your imagination. Though he had only been back for a few days, you both fell into the same routines as 3 months prior. You would bring Cell food, inviting him for dinner occasionally, the usual. But now, he lingers, making excuses about why he decided to stay over.

Eventually, this progressed into him staying the night. You found it strange, but in all honesty, did not mind. On days you were off work, he would join you on your walks. His demeanor was unlike how he acted previously, though it was subtle. You had more than enough interactions with the bio android to tell when he was off.

He wasn't kinder to you or anything, he would still drebbel his same malicious intent on the world or his enemies. He remained as arrogant and vain as ever, which probably would never change. His change was almost so minute that you often found yourself crazy when noting the differences.

Now when he says his same stupid comments about his perceived perfection, he would look to you as if he wants you to agree or approve of his statements. It confused you greatly in all honesty. It was so unlike him to act this way, however subtle the contrast was. You also noticed his wings would occasionally buzz every so often, which they never did before, well not this much. What a strange guy, even after knowing him for a year his quirks still surprised you.

Today marked the end of the week, it being Friday. It had just been a little under a week since he had returned. Today, you decided to remain home for work. You had told Cell you were planning to go to work in person yesterday, but you decided at the last minute to change your mind. It wasn't out of the ordinary for you, but you really needed to speak with Cell.

You had questions that had been burning into your mind ever since he returned a few days ago. He seemed to see no issue with his sudden absence, acting as if he never left, but that bugged you. How could he pretend nothing occurred, where had he gone? You also wondered, why did he even come back? Sure you both were initially intertwined by his need for food, and your fear, but what now? And why did you want him to stay?

At first, you basically kept up with him and his antics out of fear he would lash out or something, but now, you genuinely enjoy his presence. You enjoy cooking new meals for him, and love seeing the look of pleasure when he eats something he loves.

You sighed aloud and pinched the bridge of your nose. Gods, even after he left for so long you still were crushing hard on him. The biggest question you had for Cell and yourself was, why does he insist on staying here? Sure, he said it was to stay near his enemies, but then why does he stay the night? Why does he take walks with you, asks you questions, and look at you with those beautiful magenta eyes? He has no real reason for these actions and if this was for his entertainment or something, wouldn't he have grown bored by now? It honestly makes no sense.

"I should talk to him, '' you muttered, trying to convince yourself.

You switched out your tank top for a loose long sleeve shirt and oversized shorts. Once dressed, you exited your bedroom. As you walked out, you were greeted with the image of Cell leaning cooly against the wall. His arms remained arms crossed doing his "image training" as he called it.

Vain Biology- Cell x Reader Where stories live. Discover now