Saving Lowee, Vs. CFW Trick & Hikari The Sin of Wrath

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Blanc's POV

We return to the Basilicom after we defeat Warechu and destroying the source of my nation's problem related to our Shares with the help of Boruto Kaslana, one of the retainers of the Dragneel Family, Mina was happy as we give her our report.

Mina: *happy* you're back

Kazuma: yes, ehehehehe, Mina we here to report our mission.

Mina: alright, tell everything so far.

*5 minutes later*

Mina: a new Arfoire chip ! so that was the cause....

Red: don't sweat it ! me, my wifey and our hubby stomped on them until they turned into electronic dust piles !

Compa: i think your Shares are safe for now.

Ram: yeah, okay, but what about Rom ? What's gonna happen to her ?

Kazuma: Ram, i know you worried for Rom, but don't worry, Mina here can make a piece of Sharicite to treat her with Shares.

Ram: so.... she's gonna get better ?

Boruto: she will be.

Mina: who are you ? i don't remember meeting you.

Boruto: excuse me Miss Mina, my name is Boruto, Boruto Kaslana, one of the retainers of the Dragneel Family.

Ram: the Dragneel Family ! so that mean....

Boruto: yes, Haru Dragneel was both our family's friend and lord.

Kazuma: i was also surprised to meet one of my grandpa's retainers while chasing after the Rat.

Ram: at least, that rat won't cause any trouble now, *smiling* onii-chan, you really are the best.

Blanc: my sisters are really attached to you honey.

Kazuma: they are babe, and i'm happy to have you all as family.

Blanc: *smiling* ehehehehehehehehe.

Meanwhile in the Basilicom's bedroom, Rom was still sleeping due to the Shares she lost, Underling managed to sneak into the place and she was not alone.

Rom: Ooooohhh....

Underling: Tactical espionage entrance, success ! All clean inside, boss.

???: good ! H-Hrrm ? Wait... My body seems to be stuck. I... don't think... i can fit...

Underling: oh yeah, i forgot that you're a big dude, why'd you want to come along this time, anyway ?

???: bwahahahaha.. it's obvious, no ? i heard the quite snores of a gorgeous young lady asleep in this very room !

Underling: uh, okay. Well, there's a kid sleeping, but...

???: Oooh ! i simply must see her ! Stare at her sleeping face ! why must i get stuck now !?

*sound of the celling moving*

Underling: this probably isn't your type of job, boss...

???: aggggh, it's that foolish ceiling ! i shall dole out an appropriate punishment for this !

Underling: wh-whoa ! Boss, you're making way too much noise !

Back at the Basilicom's main room, Mina just finished creating the Sharicite using the Shares we take back from Warechu.

Ram: Come on, hurry it up, Mina, you're slow like a grandma !

Mina: now, now. This process cannot be rushed... it's nearly ready... Aaaaand, there we go. Done.

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