One Last Battle

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The sun rose on the final day of summer camp, there was an air of excitement amongst the campers, not for the end of camp but for the upcoming showdown between Red and Ash. Sometime after the pokeathlon ended yesterday, Professor Oak and Kevin announced the planned match and the entire population was more excited than ever before. Two champions having one of the most anticipated battles of all time here at this secluded little camp in the Kanto Mountains. Most had gathered where the battle was meant to take place already, it was just a matter of Red and Ash showing up. 

Red was super focused as he put the last of his belongings into his bag leaving the room bare with just the bed and the dresser left. "I haven't faced Ash in a battle in years," Red thought, "We've both gotten a lot stronger and with all his most powerful pokemon at his disposal he's going to be tough to defeat. Geez, when was the last time I went up against somebody as strong as Ash? Well, Leaf did defeat Blastoise. Seriously though, I've got to give it everything I've got."

With his stuff packed, Red left the cabin. After spending a whole summer sleeping here, it felt kinda sad leaving it all behind. He went over to the parking area, it was only a matter of time before they arrived. As he waited, he was hugged from behind by Leaf who rested her head in the crook of his neck. "It's almost time isn't it?" she said.

"Yeah they'll be here soon," Red replied.

Red turned around so that he could hold her too, the two sat in a comfortable silence as they enjoyed each other's embrace. "You ready to face him?" asked Leaf.

"Yeah, it's gonna take everything I've got. Honestly, this battle could go either way," Red replied.

Leaf pulled back a bit without loosening her grip on Red, "If anyone can beat Ash, it's you Red. I have all the faith in the world in you."

Red smiled as he leaned in kissing her soft lips, they dragged out the kiss as much as they could until they broke it off. "With that kind of support how could I possibly lose?" Red said warmly.

As the two were about to go in for another kiss they were interrupted by the sound of an approaching vehicle. It wasn't just Ash in the vehicle but Serena and Delia as well. As soon as the car came to a stop, Ash jumped out of the car, "Hey Red, we're here!" he said excitedly.

"Pika, Pika!" Pikachu said.

Pika jumped out of his Pokeball and greeted his fellow electric rodent.

"Glad you made it," Red said happily as he gave his brother a quick hug.

As soon as they separated, Red was given the usual death squeeze by his mom. "Red! I'm so happy to see you, how have you been?!" she said.

"Been...really...great...Mom," Red struggled to say.

Red took a deep breath as she finally let him go. "I'm glad you all are here. So Ash, Serena, how was Alola?"

"It was amazing, I've never been anywhere so tropical and beautiful," Serena said.

"And there were so many new pokemon too!" Ash added.

"I'm happy you guys enjoyed it."

"It makes me happy to see that you're all so happy," Delia said before turning her attention to Leaf, "How are you doing Leaf?"

"Oh I'm doing great, it's good to see you all again," she replied.

"Likewise dear, has Red been treating you well?"

"He's been amazing, I don't think I've ever been happier in my life," Leaf says as she leans against Red making him rub the back of his head sheepishly.

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