Down to the Watery Finish

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"Alright announcements!" Hilda said over the microphone, "We are moments away from resuming capture the flag, it is a close game, you guys. By the end of the day, there will be a winner and a loser. Spirits and hearts will be broken. And REMEMBER, losers serve dinner to the winners, so prepare your apron, Nate." Hilda walked off and joined Hilbert at a table, pumped for the grand finale. "I hope you can keep up cause today I am going to lay waste to the enemy," Hilda said.

"Don't worry about me I'll be fine, I'm just worried you're gonna hurt someone," Hilbert replied with a grin.

"Hey, I'm not that crazy."

"I know, all I'm saying is, it is just a game. Seriously you get a little scary."

Hilda smiled at her boyfriend and the two went in for a kiss. Red was currently picking up dishes of people who were done eating, he was still feeling pretty down about yesterday and it kind of showed. Nate who was doing dishes with him took notice, "Are you OK man?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm fine," Red quickly replied. Nate wasn't buying it but accepted the answer, as he was about to continue he suddenly remembered something, "Hey Red, can you help me out with something when the game starts back up," he said.

Red looked at him questioningly, "What is it?" he asked.

"I need some help guarding the flag, most of our team is gonna be on the front lines trying to take down the other team so I need as many hands as I can get."

"OK, but why me?"

"You're one of the only ones who isn't following the crowd, so you up for it?"

"Alright, I'm in what do I have to lose?"

"Awesome I'll see you out there," Nate said getting back to work.

As Red continued his work, he looked over to see Leaf happily chatting with Blue and it only made him feel worse. Especially when he took her hand and led her out of the building.


After breakfast, the game had started again. Although this time both teams were more focused on finding the opposing team's flag. Nate was already on his way to the flag's location with Red and Tracey in tow. "Alright guys this is all or nothing, you need to stay alert and disable with extreme prejudice," Nate said as they reached the archery range.

"Alright, I'm ready to go," Tracy replied. "You ready for this Red?"

"Yeah, ready to kick butt," Red replied trying to sound happy. Tracey noticed something was off with him, however. As this was happening someone hiding in the nearby bushes ran off.

"Is there something wrong Red?" He asked.

Nate looked back towards the duo, so it wasn't just him. "No, I'm fine," Red replies. Part of him wanted to vent but at the same time, he didn't want to vent to people he barely knew. Well, that wasn't really true about Tracey but he could say it about Nate. Although Nate did seem like an understanding and trustworthy guy. "Red I know you and I have never really talked much as long as we've known each other, but It's pretty obvious when something's bothering you," Tracey said.

Nate began thinking back to this morning, he didn't see anything happening with Red so what was going on with him? As he thought about it a little he started to piece it together; "Does it have to do with Leaf?" Nate asked. Red blushed and looked away and Nate looked at him with an understanding smile, "I thought so, it's cause she's hanging out with Blue isn't it?" Red let out a sigh knowing that Nate had him pegged, "Yep pretty much. He only just got here and he's already sweeping her off her feet." 

"Are they actually dating?" 

"No, not yet anyway."

"Well, in that case, you still have a chance. You just have to seize the opportunity when it arrives," Nate reassured.

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