4. Stormbreaker

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   Without wanting to waste any time, Thor speeds up to the Bifrost with the help of his hammer. 

   "Heimdall," the god of thunder greets him. "Take me to Earth."

   "May I ask why? You seem like you're in a hurry."

   Thor doesn't want to give the man false hope that they could bring everyone back. "Unfinished business." Heimdall nods his head understanding that Thor knows what he's doing. "Actually, I need to make a quick stop at Nidavellir."

   "No problem," he says as he inserts the sword in its handle to open up the bridge. "See you soon, and good luck."

   Thor lands in the realm Nidavellir, homeland of the Dwarves. The first thing he realizes is its complete darkness and quietness. This forge hasn't gone dark in centuries. Thor continues to walk around the, what seems to be, abandoned star. He admires all the objects the blacksmiths have built in their past. When he comes across a gauntlet, the exact one Thanos was wearing, fear takes over his face. "Heimdall," he calls out as he turns around to see a giant dwarf hovering over him. The dwarf swings his arm causing Thor to fly and hit the wall. The dwarf approaches Thor on the ground ready to attack him again. Thor realizes who he is. "Eitri wait," he raises his arm to try and block the giants punch. 

   Eitri, still holding his punch in the air, looks closely at the man standing before him with confusion. "Thor?" Thor nods his head and the dwarf slowly lowers his hand. 

   "What happened here?" he says out of breath. 

   "You were supposed to protect us," the dwarf is on the verge of tears and raises his fist once more. "Asgard was supposed to protect us," he yells. 

   Thor stunned, doesn't know what to say. His father was on the throne, and he can not speak for him. "I'm sorry," Thor lets out. The dwarf grunts and lowers his fist again. "That glove," Thor points to the gauntlet he saw. "What did you do?"

   Eitri shakes his head and walks further away to increase the distance between the two. He slumps down to the ground ashamed with what he's done. "300 Dwarves lived on this ring," he begins. "I thought if I did what he asked they'd be safe. I made what he wanted. A device capable of harnessing the power of the stones. And then he... and then he killed everyone anyway. All except me... 'Your life is yours' he said. 'But your hands are mine alone," Eitri shakes his head.  

   Thor doesn't know how to comfort his old friend. He is the last of his race. "Eitri, this isn't about your hands. Every weapon you've ever designed, every axe, hammer, sword... it's all inside your head," he points and gestures to his own head. "Now, I know it feels like all hope is lost. Trust me, I know. But together you and I... we can kill Thanos. Help me make a weapon that will make that bastard regret what he did."

   Eitri looks at Thor and sighs. He gets up and starts making his way somewhere which Thor follows. He stops once they're in front of a machine holding a brick. "What is that?" Thor says. 

   "It's a mold. A King's weapon, meant to be the greatest in Asgard. In theory, could even summon the Bifrost."

   Thor looks at the piece of metal with intent. "Does it have a name?"


   Thor nods his head. "So how do we make it?"

   "You'll have to restart the forge. Awaken the heart of a dying star," he turns to show him the star he speaks of, it's dull grey color in the center of the rings. 

   Thor gulps and beings to think. "I'll need a rope and something with power to help me pull the ring."

   "Will a pod do?"

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