19. Blood runs deep

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   "Loki, I'd like to know more about you. Are you who I think you are?" Cersei raises a brow. 

   "I don't know what you mean by that," he smirks. 

   She frowns and leans back in her chair. "Well, what have you accomplished? I need to know you before I can have you on my team."

   "Oh like how I know you?" he blurts out. 

   She widens her eyes and looks at one of the Angels guarding the door. "Leave us." And with that, she leaves and closes the door behind her. Cercei turns back to Loki with a smile. "What do you want to know?"

   Loki's stunned. He didn't think it'd be that easy. "For one thing, why does nobody know of this realm? Asgard has had it's fair share of enemies, but why would Odin go through such lengths?"

   "What do you know so far?"

   "I know the facts. You declared war causing Odin to break havoc here. And then you lost," he proudly smiles. "But not before you tried to kill his only child. I mean how despairing could you get."

   She shakes her head and smiles in disbelief at the fractured story. "Are you done?" she licks her lips. 

   He furrows his brows. "Yes?"

   "Guard dogs... That's what we were to Odin. His dogs," she shakes her head. "We were protected by him only to keep his people in check. He mistook our value, as does everyone else. Probably for the fact that we're all women."

   "You must have been paid or else you would have never served under him."

   "Yes we were," she pauses. "But not enough. Even Odin knew that. It was obvious given the fact that Angels chose to reside in Asgard, despite always being discriminated against for having wings. And so I thought about joining the coup against his rule. Jotunheim at least offered more than what Odin was giving us. Everyone was in it to win it.  Svartalfheim, Niffleheim," she lets out a sigh. "Even Hela."

   "Who's Hela?"

   "Oh that's not important," she tries to hush him. "Once Odin found out, he rounded up all the Angels who were on Asgard." She looks down at her lap and takes a moment to her self for reflection. "Let's just say we didn't take that softly," her head rises, and she gives Loki a death glare making him uneasy. "One by one, he went to each realm and stopped us before anything could happen. He told me he was heartbroken mostly with us. As if he didn't see it coming. If only I was the one to cause his untimely death, and not some stones."

   "That is a story. A good one, I'll give you that. If Odin treated me like how he treated Thor over the years I wouldn't have believed you," he chuckles. 

   "I'm glad to see we're on the same page. I never did ask you if you've ever thought of ruling the Frost Giants. Or maybe Asgard if you'd like, since that's where you've spent your whole life."

   "Asgard already has a King, and it's Thor. Regardless of our history in the past, I can promise you that Thor is not Odin. Maybe if you didn't throw him in a cell the second he got here, you would have seen that."

   Cercei takes in his words and thinks to herself. She inhales deeply and then lets it out. "Maybe I acted out of rage." 

   Loki discreetly rolls his eyes.

   "Or maybe I'm right," she raises her brows. 

   "I can assure you you're not."

   "Alright," she clenches her pendant thinking of the guard outside. Soon after, the previous Angel that left returns back. "You can see him if you want. And then maybe bring him up for open discussions," she smiles. 

   Loki pushes his chair back to stand up. He swallows hard, and without saying another word, he leaves. 


   The Angel from before, who escorted him to her Queen, is leading him to his brother. 

   "You should probably tell me your name after seeing you twice in a row today," he smirks. 

   "You can call me Lydia," she squints her eyes at him. 

   "Is that what your friends call you?" he raises his brows playfully. 

   "You and I will never be friends," she says in a serious tone. 

   "But why not?" he's offended. 

   "Because your skin is indeed not blue like what you claim your heritage to be."

   "You think I'm lying about being born on Jotunheim?"

   Lydia doesn't say a word as they enter the dungeon. Loki looks at the neighboring cells and realizes that they all have one thing in common... Their gender. 

   He continues to walk by her in awe until they reach a door. She begins to unlock it and allows Loki through. Once he steps in, he sees Thor sitting with his back to the wall and Angela sitting in the corner sharpening something. 

   Lydia locks him in and stands by the door until he's done. 

   "Thor..." Loki begins and grins. "Have we made friends with the rats yet?" he eyes Angela. 

   "What do you want?" he's not in the mood with Loki's usual playfulness. 

   "Well the Queen and I have got to talking and-"

   "How do you do it?"

   Loki stops in his ramble and furrows his brows. "What?"

   "You always seem to gain my trust after all the terrible things that you've done. And in the end, you always seem to squeeze your way back into the narrowing crack that's left. Only to betray me... again."

   The raven haired prince is confused. "You think I've sided with the Queen?" he raises his brows.

   "You always seem to have your own agenda brother that you keep hidden."

   He licks his lips and finally sees where this is going. "I see," he sighs and shakes his head. "Do you truly think so little of me?"

   "Loki, I thought the world of you. I thought that we were gonna fight side by side forever. At the end of the day you are you, and I am me. It's fine, really. I mean. I did put myself in this situation, didn't I? Our sister is probably dead for all we know."

   Loki widens his eyes and looks at Angela who pretends like she wasn't just looking at him. "Right," he smiles to himself. "I presume your loyalties have been transferred else where. You must truly be the fool I once took you for."

   "This cell must not meet your standards. Clearly nothing can satisfy you," he laughs. "So you should probably go," he nods his head. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I mean," he pauses. "That's if you ever really did."

   The god of mischief chuckles to himself and nods his head in understanding. He gives his brother and Angela one last look before turning around and banging on the door for Lydia to let him out. When she does, he storms straight to the Queen. 

   "So Asgard..." he lets out as soon as he sees her. 

   A sinister smile take over on Cercei's face, as she was right the whole time. 

A/N: I like this chapter hehe

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