13. Bittersweet

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The Bifrost drops the two near, what appears to be, the city. Nearby Angles watch as the breathtaking bridge comes and goes.

"This place looks much different," Thor lets out a bit uneasy. It's grown dark and gloomy. Probably because of there limited resources over the past hundreds of years.

"Thor look," Loki points to Angels approaching them. Three woman land on the ground in front of them.

"Who are you?" The one in the middle speaks for them.

Loki takes a good look at theses magnificent creatures. Their wings are bold and made of feathers. Only a single cloth covers their private areas. They don't leave much for the imagination.

"We have come to negotiate peace within our nations," Thor states.

"Go on."

"I am Thor Odinson, King of Asgard. And this is my brother Loki. May I request the presence of your Queen?"

"Asgard?!" she's in shock. "You've chosen the wrong realm Odinson," she prepares her spear.

"Please, I come on good terms," he begs.

"These are lies," she tells the ladies besides her. "Anyone of Asgard is an enemy here." The ladies follow her purist and take out their weapons.

"Thor, what now?" Loki conjures up daggers for his own protection and takes steps back to distance himself from the visible threats.

"You must believe me. I did not come to fight. I wish to speak to your Queen."

"No one calls upon our Queen. She decides who she speaks to herself," she charges at Thor in the air with her spear pointed towards him. The other two ladies attack Loki.

Loki dodges, but he has no idea how to hit them. They come swinging, left and right at him, in the air. He grabs one of their arms, causing her to lose balance and a chance for Loki to stab her in the back. The other jumps on him, making him hit the ground.

"Enough," a prominent voice ceases their battle. They all look up to see the Queen and all her glory with others behind to protect her. She is more covered than the rest of her people.

More women? Loki furrows his brows. Where are the men?

"State your business Asgardian."

The Angel on Thor swallows hard and takes a step back from him. "Yes well," he clears his throat. "To my knowledge, I've come to know of my sister. I assume she is here."

The Queen's eyes widen, and rage takes over. "She is dead. I killed her centuries ago." She turns back to her guards, but they just lower their heads not wanting to meet the snake's eyes. She licks her lips then smiles sinisterly and looks back at Thor. "Asgard took everything from us."

"Peace... Peace is on the table if you'll let it be."

"You are foolish to show your face," she shakes her head. "You look just like him."

Every woman gets into position to attack.

"We'll leave," Loki says cautiously. "This doesn't have to end in a bloodbath. Heimdall!" He yells for him to bring them back, and nothing.

The Queen eyes Loki and squints them. "You," she flies closer to him making Loki unsettled. She is... intimidating. "You're not of Asgard are you?" She strokes his cheek. Loki grows sick by her touch.

"No, I'm not."

"Where are you from?"

Loki takes a moment to himself before he answers her. "Jotunheim."

She is taken back. "That is very interesting. But you are Odinson?" she furrows her brows. Loki just stands still which only answers her question. "I see," she looks at Thor and then back at Loki. "Does he answer for you?"

"Thor?" he raises his brows amused. "Definitely not, I speak for myself," he smiles.

"I would like to know more about you. Would you allow me to take you up?"

"I beg your pardon?" Loki is confused by her sudden change. She was cold, but now she's kind and offering towards him.

She grabs his hand and spreads her wings. Loki's eyes widen once his feet are off the ground. He can't fight her. She's the Queen, and he'll be killed. With the wave of her free hand, all the Angels begin to attack Thor.

Loki watches until his brother becomes a dot from his growing altitude in the sky. The Queen's castle is far above the ground, mainly in the fuller clouds.

Once she reaches her terrace, she drops Loki. He rolls on the ground then flips his hair to get it out of his face. "Call off the attack on Thor," he says out of breath from the exhilarating ride to the castle.

"You care about him?" Loki doesn't want to show her his weaknesses so he doesn't answer. "Don't worry, they won't kill him. We're not animals." Loki rolls his eyes, as he can beg to differ. She begins to pour a liquid into one of her cups and offers it to Loki.

"No thank you," he says sarcastically. She shrugs her shoulders and drinks it herself while making her way to her throne. "Why do you choose to speak with me. Thor is the King."

"Because I think you can help me."

"Why do you think that?"

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Loki is stunned. She raises her hand to gesture for him to sit down. He does as he's told.

"You said our sister is dead. Do you usually lie to your people?"

Her jaw drops not believing that he is accusing a Queen of deception. "I have no idea what you're talking about," she avoids his eyes.

"Thor saw it. He saw how the baby survived." He stops when he realizes. "You didn't know?" She finally meets his eyes. "You didn't know that an Asgardian lived among you all this time?" He likes how his words are clearly having an affect on her.

She swallows hard before she speaks. "Nothing can stay in the dark forever." Loki furrows his brows in confusion. "I did know. I found out, and when I did I cast her out for it."

"You didn't kill her in a fit of rage?"

"Believe it or not, but we grew quite close."

"How ironic," he jokes and she cheers to him on that.

"I felt bad for her, a wingless angel," she laughs and shakes her head. "How could I have not known what was in front of me the whole time?"

"Maybe you had a feeling... and you didn't want to believe it at first so you ignored it." He says to her understandingly.

She looks at Loki with her slightly teary eyes and then the ground.

"Look, it's not too late. You can bring her back from wherever you've sent her off to. Thor will forget all of this if you are to just give him a chance. Bring the girl back."

Silence fills the room. "She's not who you think she is. She is an Angel at heart. It's even in her name... Angela," she lets out like a breathy whisper.

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