15. Little white lie

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   After taking Valkyrie's ship for herself and betraying her, Angela reaches the realm Heven. While on her ship, about to land, she sees her old companions attack a man. A wingless man. She is curious as to what is going on. They are casually thrown and defeated by Thor's axe in his hand. None of them are able to compete with the god of thunder. Is this why I was called? Where is Cersei? 

   She lands the ship and rushes to join the battle and help defeat the intruder. 

   Thor sees an angry red headed Angel charging straight at him and raises his arm to quickly retrieve Stormbreaker.  With his other hand he grabs her by the neck and awaits his axe. Angela applies the shocking device to his neck that they supply on Sakaar and presses the button in her other hand to send a nerve wrecking shock throughout his body. He drops the girl while collapsing to the ground. 

   The Angels circle the god who shakes uncontrollably before them. 

   "Angela?" one of them finally speaks up. "I haven't seen you in ages. What happened?"

   Her first thought is why Cersei didn't inform any of them of where she was truly born. "I lost my mom and Cersei allowed me to go look for her," she brings her lips in and nods her head hoping that they'll believe her little white lie. 

   "Well... what happened?"

   "I couldn't find her."

   "I'm sorry to hear that."

   "It's alright. It was a long time ago," she sighs and looks at Thor again. "Who is he anyway?"

   "He claims himself to be the son of Odin and King of Asgard. We found it upon ourselves to reciprocate our gratification to Odin's line for still being alive," she smiles sarcastically. "Although, him being King means Odin is gone so that is something to look forward to. We should celebrate."

   "Well then should we kill him and get it over with?" Angela tilts her head and smirks down at him. He is passed out. 

   "Let's wait for Queen Cersei's word. Come on, grab one of his arms," she gestures to a fellow Angel. 

   Angela steps back because she is not able to fly up to the castle with him. She also doesn't know if she's ready to face her Queen just yet. Maybe if I present Thor to her, it will make her trust me more. "Please," she stops them. "I'll take him in my ship. I must announce my return to her anyway."

   "Alright," she drops his arm. 

   Angela smiles awkwardly at them before she picks up Thor. She also looks at the interesting axe and decides to pick it up as well. 

   She throws Thor along with Stormbreaker in her ship and sits down in the captains chair. She places her hand on the lever and sees the ring that Valkyrie had gifted her on her finger. Her eyes widen until she blinks and swallows away the regret. 

   A moment goes by, and she's in the sky approaching the castle. She lands her ship at the entry and drags Thor along the floor all the way to Cercei's feet. 

   Loki turns around to see Thor unconscious. Oh dear. Is he dead?  Loki is shocked then looks up at the woman who has her head held high before she drops to a knee. She has no wings. An assumption crosses his mind. 

   "Well, well. You got my message," the Queen smirks. 

   She stands back up. "Yes I did. And I am extremely grateful that you have accepted me back-"

   "Silence," she causes Angela to lower head. "All is not forgiven." Cercei realizes her harsh words. "Please excuse my outburst dear. Oh how I've missed you," she gets sentimental. 

   It's an act. Loki rolls his eyes. 

   Angela looks back up at her Queen with doe eyes. "I've brought you the son of Odin," she states the obvious. 

   "I can see that," she smirks. "Loki, I assume you know who this is."

   He clears his throat. "If I am correct. That is Angela."

   "You are a clever one, aren't you?"

   Angela is confused at this other man who also has no wings. "If I may ask, who are you?"

   After seeing what she did with Thor, he'd rather not claim his Asgardian side at the moment. "I am Loki Laufeyson," he says proudly. 

   "Laufeyson!?" The Queen is shocked. "Why wasn't this brought up sooner? Loki, you must catch me up with current events if you don't mind. Odin has clung us only to this realm so we do not know much on the outside world anymore."

   "I'll make sure to include that on my list of things to do," he plasters a smile. 

   "Oh," she's cheerful. "Come my children," she places her cup to the side and gestures for them to come over. They give each other side eyes before slowly walking up to the unpredictable lady. Once close enough, she embraces the two rather roughly. "Great things are to come. You are the heir to the throne on Asgard," she looks at Angela and her eyes are wide. "Shh he already knows," she speaks of Loki. "And you also have a right to the Jotunheim throne. Odin is dead which means we are not stuck here anymore, and I need to sober up," she looks off somewhere. 

   Loki is still processing everything that she is saying. Ruler of Jotunheim? I've never thought of that as an option since I almost destroyed the realms. And Angela on the throne just like Thor wanted. Except she'd be ruling for Heven and not Asgard. This is not good. 

   Angela is just now finding out that she is the heir to Asgard's throne. She knew she was Asgardian but never did she think that she was Odin's daughter. This makes a lump form in her throat. Her whole life she was grown to hate him, only to find out that he is her father. "What do we do with him?" Angela asks about the man on the ground, who she has come to realize is her brother.

   "Lock him up with the others," she orders. She presses her calling button, and two Angels come bursting in to grab Thor and bring him in to the dungeon.

   Loki's eyes widen as he watches them take his brother. What in the nine, I mean ten, realms has happened?    

A/N: If it wasn't clear, Angela doesn't know that Loki is Thor's brother as well. 

A lot of things are happening so far, and so I hope I'm juggling all of them well. You guys let me know how I'm doing ;)

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