12. King

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Loki caresses Ryanne's bare thigh as she's in his arm. Leaving Asgard still clouds his mind. How am I supposed to tell her?

"What was that thing that you wanted to tell me before?" she looks up at him.

He opens his mouth about to say something but just closes it and smiles before kissing her full lips. "You promise not to get mad," he locks eyes with her.

"Loki, what is it?" She grows worried.

He swallows hard and decides to create distance between them. As he gets off of the bed, she pulls the sheets closer to her body. She looks down and then back up at him. He licks his lips and smiles before dressing himself with the help of his magic.

"For the next couple of days, I'm going to be... gone." He looks at her to see her reaction.

"What do you mean?"

"Thor and I are going to go on a little brotherly adventure," he teases.

"Are you going hunting?" she raises a brow.

Loki's eyes widen in amusement. "Yes," he nods his head. "That's exactly what we're doing."

"Okay," she laughs nervously still confused. "I feel like you're not telling me something still."

He gets nervous. "Fine," he lets out. "Yes, we're going hunting, but it's not what you think." He sighs. "We're going to find the Queen of Angels and potentially encounter our long lost sister."

"The Queen of what and your what?" She is completely taken back and drops the sheets that were once covering her breasts. Loki can't help but look down and raises his brows.

"Apparently there's a tenth realm from before our time. Long story short, Thor wants to go find her."

Ryanne is stunned then finally looks at Loki again and tilts her head. "I'm coming with you," she nods and retreats from his bed. "My things are all in my room. Give me 10 minutes."

"Ryanne you're not coming with us."

"Why not?"

"We have absolutely no idea of what to expect? It could be dangerous."

"Yes, well so am I," she grows angry. Loki doesn't want to start another argument with her.

"Alright... You can come with us."

"Thank you," she says with a cold tone.

Loki has one last look at her before conjuring up clothes for her body. She looks down at herself confused at the quick change. "You weren't going to go out there naked?" He raises a brow, and she rolls her eyes.

"I'll need my sword."

"Yes, your vibranium toy. How could you not forget?" he smirks.


"So what did Heimdall say of this ridiculous place? Is it even real?" Loki asks Thor.

"He tried so hard to keep it from me, I had to remind him that I was his King."

"Ooo, brother. I like this from you," he grins. "Is there anything else I need to know?"

"Heimdall described these Angels as greedy and vicious."

"So are you sure you want to go?" Loki raises his brow.

"We have to." Thor looks at Ryanne who is by Loki's side. "Ryanne," he greets her.

"Your majesty," she bows playfully.

"I hope you don't think that you're coming with us," he squints his eyes.

"Excuse me," she's offended. "I can handle myself out there quite good actually, thank you very much."

"Oh I know you can," he looks at Loki then clears his throat. "I'll need someone I trust to rule while we're gone."

Both their eyes widen. "You can't be serious," she lets out. "I'm nobody. They'll never fall in line."

"I'll order them." Loki and Ryanne are both stunned. "It won't be long," he assures her.

"Why me?"

"I've seen that you'll do anything for the people you care about, such as your mother. Now let me ask you this. Do you care about Asgard and it's people?"

"Yes, but you could choose anyone-"

"You think I trust the council and their selfish ambition? Ryanne, I know you, and I choose you." Loki is starting to feel unsettled by his brother's energy toward her. "Ryanne... do you know what your name means?"

She furrows her brows and awaits his answer.

"It means King."

She swallows hard and looks away from his gaze.

"Will you do right by Asgard?" he asks one last time.

She lets out a sigh and looks at Loki. "Sure. Why not?," she shrugs her shoulders.

"That's good to here," he says with no emotion. "We shouldn't waste any more time. Loki," he starts walking away and gestures for him to come.

He hesitates and doesn't know if he should stay. He looks at Ryanne and grabs her face to pull her in for a lingering kiss. Thor looks at the ground and waits for him to finish. "I'll be back before you know it," he says more to himself than her.

She nods her head, and he finally lets go of her face to follow Thor. She watches as they make their way down the hall. Please look back. At the end of the hall, Loki looks back at her before they turn a corner and after Thor talks to the guard. She lets out a smile and the breath she was holding in. I'm the King of Asgard. She laughs in disbelief. Who would have known? I definitely didn't see this one coming.

The guard Thor talked to makes his way to the stunned girl in the middle of the hall. "Lady Ryanne, the King has claimed you to be regent until he returns."

"So, I've been made aware," her eyes grow with sarcasm.


"What were you thinking?" Loki bursts out on Thor. "Making Ryanne regent? Have you gone mad?"

"Well if you were so against it, why didn't you speak up?"

"I-... I didn't want her to get the wrong idea."

"You don't think she can do it?" he raises a brow.

"Of course not," Loki lets out the cruel truth. "I love her, but she is not a ruler."

"And you are?" Thor laughs. "You and your crave for power."

Loki bites his lip and shakes his head wanting to forget he ever said anything. "This will all be over soon, so we're not leaving her with too much trouble."

They reach the Bifrost to meet up with Heimdall. "Heimdall, it is time. Take us to Heven."

"Heven has been cut off from all the realms. If I send you, Asgard will become available for them to visit."

"Heimdall..." he grows impatient.

"I still think that you're making a grave mistake."

"I am King, and I want to restore the peace with them. It will be good for us."

Loki looks at Thor knowing that there's more. He just wants an escape from his duties. And I'm the one with selfish ambitions. Please.

"Very well." Heimdall walks onto the steps and places his sword in to activate the colorful bridge. "I hope you're right about this." He turns his sword, and the bridge takes the two to a whole new world.

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