9. Everything has changed

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   While everyone in the throne room make their way to the banquet hall for the feast, Thor is privately dragged away to a separate room that he's never been in before. 

   "What is this?" he asks confused. 

   "Every new King must preform a ritual," one of his advisors replies. 

   "A ritual? My father told me of no such thing."

   "There's no need to worry your majesty. It's very simple and painless."

   "Alright," he raises a brow. "Take me through it."

   The advisor gestures for a servant to come closer to him. The servant holds an interesting looking orb. He takes it into his own hands then hands it to Thor. "Over here," he walks to a table for Thor to lay down on. 

   Thor has his brow up, not very sure of this whole ritual. He does as the man says and clears his throat once he is lied down on his back. Servants approach him with restraints and a needle. He stops her before she could eject him. "Wait!" he sits back up. "I'm sorry. What is that, and what is the point of all of this again? I feel left out of the loop a bit."

   "That is my apologies your majesty." The title is still very new to Thor so he squints his eyes every time he hears it being said to him. "The needle is to ease your body and your mind. The orb you're holding is very powerful, and without the sedation, I'm not sure how you'll react. Once the orb has had time to connect with you, you will receive a vision. With that, you will experience the greatest sin the past King had, so in this case, your father. It's a way to start fresh with no secrets."

   "I see."

   "If you're not comfortable, we can completely skip this-"

   "No I want to." I want to know what my father did that was so bad he couldn't tell me. 

   The advisor swallows hard and nods his head for the servants to continue. 

   Thor lays down once again after the serum was placed in him. His head starts to feel lighter, and he begins to slip away until the orb lights up in its purple auras. It sends a shock through his veins, traveling all the way to his head. 

   Thor is brought to a place he is unfamiliar of. Every building around him is white, and the transparent clouds are at the height of whoever is on the ground. Is this Valhalla. Did they kill me? He turns to get a better look and then sees a brutal battle in the distance. Once he's close enough he sees his father and a woman with wings above him holding a baby. 

   "Surrender Odin, Allfather, for I have your firstborn," the Angel Queen orders. 

   "And what are you going to do exactly if I don't?"

   She scoffs. "I'll slit your daughters throat before you."

   Odin gets taken back. She wouldn't. "You're bluffing."

   "Don't test me."

   "You are cruel, Cersei. You've brought this upon yourself. You are greedy, and you've brought shame to all the Angels in this realm."

   "I'm going to kill your baby!" she points out. "Order your men to leave at once."

   "So you can plot your next attack? This ends now. Once we are done, no one will remember this realm. Everything you've done will be for nothing. You are nothing, you hear me?"

   "What a shame," she lets out with a small smirk. A dagger appears in her hand, and she stabs the baby before she drops her to the ground. Odin runs to his child only for Cersei to make her vanish. He looks up in anger and prepares to strike a huge force on her, but she vanishes as well. 

   Thor is in awe at what he sees before him. I have a sister? Why didn't he tell me any of this? There's a 10th realm? So many questions ponder his mind. He snaps out of his thoughts when he hears a baby cry. He turns around and sees the baby that was once in the Queen's arms laying on the ground. The baby is alive. He raises his brows as he walks closer. 

   Just then, an angel approaches the baby and picks her up. She tries to quite the crying by swinging and humming out a lovely tune. While doing so, she places her hand on the wound, and Thor watches as she heals the baby. She doesn't seem to see Thor who stands inches away from her.

   "Shhh." She puts her thumb in the baby's mouth, and the baby grows quite while sucking on her thumb. "Everything is going to be okay, I promise," she smiles. 

   Thor looks at the lady and then the baby and then the lady again. He watches as she flies away with the baby in her arms.

   I don't understand. Is this real? Did this actually happen? I must speak with Heimdall. If anyone is to know what happened, it's him. 

   A sharp pain takes over in Thor's head and he groans from the pain. 

   Before he knew it, he was out of that twisted scene. All the servants gather around him to make sure he is okay. 

   "Your majesty, are you alright?"

   Thor's eyes are wide not believing everything that he just saw. He tries to calm himself and breathe in and out slowly. "I saw my father..."

   "That is good news. That means it worked. What did you see exactly?"

   "I must join the feast. They all must be expecting me."

   "Yes of course," he bows before Thor excuses himself. 

   I must find Heimdall and tell Loki of the news that we have a sister. This... this changes everything. 


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