11. Deja vu

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"So what you mean to tell me is we had a sister... and she's still alive?" Lokis raises a brow.

"Yes and don't forget the 10th realm part," Thor reminds him.

"I see. And you found this out by performing a cleansing ritual?"

Thor nods his head.

"I don't know what to say," he sits back. "Why are you telling me all of this?"

"Because, don't you see? I don't have to be King. It was never to be my burden."

"You suggest putting a stranger on the throne of Asgard?" he spits out. He is offended that Thor has never asked if he wanted it. If Thor doesn't want the responsibly as badly as he says, then why not pass it along to the next son of Odin.

"She is no stranger. She is the heir."

"And how do you plan to find her? We don't know where this 10th realm is."

"Heimdall can help us with that."

"Us?" he laughs. "You have this all planned out, don't you? You've been King for what... 10 seconds, and you're running away. Mother must be shaking her head from Valhalla."

"I'm not running away!" he says more loudly then he should. A couple of people look in their direction making Thor lower his voice. He lets out a sigh. "I had this vision," he starts. Loki is curious and waits for him to go on. "Heimdall. He confronted me and told me how I will lead our people to hell."

Loki can't help but break out a smile at this dream.

"He said that our people are dead... and that I am a destroyer."

Loki just shakes his head amused.

"You don't believe me?"

"Oh I do. I believe you had a harsh night and woke up with sweat all over you," he continues his laughter.

"It was not a dream. Wanda made me see them, and she posses the mind stone. I believe her powers."

"Yes well she also made Ryanne see the phoenix... Are you going to tell me that that thing is real, and it is inside my..." Thor raises a brow. "Inside her," Loki swallows hard.

"I wouldn't be shocked."

"What do you mean," Loki furrows his brows.

"I saw her lab reports, and they exceeded mine and yours by a ton." Loki stays silent. "I also saw all the infinity stones lined up from my 'dream,'" he mocks. "And that vision came true, did it not?"

"Alright... What are you asking of me brother? To rule this realm while you're gone?"

"No, of course not." Loki rolls his eyes already seeing that one coming. "I'm going to need you by my side when I confront their Queen."

Loki shocked looks back and meets his eyes. "War will break loose. Are you really sure about this?"

"I've never been more sure. Will you join me?"

Loki tries to think of something cheeky to say "Is this the King talking?"

"No... your brother."

Loki tries to fight the soft smile creeping on his face. "Well since you've already thought of everything, please tell me. Who will rule Asgard while we're away."

"You just leave that to me," he smiles.


Light begins to peak through the window and shines on Ryanne, blinding her to wake up. She looks around, confused, and finds herself on Loki's bed. She searches the room more to find Loki sleeping on the couch. What happened? And then she remembers. He drugged me!

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