5. Manifest

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A/N: I'm sorry about the image bwhahaa   

   Thor has left his brother to rule Asgard while he's away for the day. 

   I must have redeemed myself in some way for Thor to finally trust me. Loki thinks to himself after he sees the Bifrost transport Thor to Midgard. What is there to do really? 

   He walks into the throne room and eyes the throne made of gold. Loki looks around to see if anyone's near. No one... 

   He slowly makes his way up the steps approaching the chair. The tension in the room grows as Loki gazes at what could be his future. He hesitates to sit on it but goes ahead with it and lays back. This is weird. He pauses. Why do I feel like nothing? The throne was all Loki wanted one point in his life. He would give anything to have that much power and authority. Oh, to make Odin proud. The first time he sat on it, he felt glorious. But right now, it's not fulfilling what he had expected. Right now, he feels nothing. 

   It's probably because it's not real. He's not really King. Thor is. It will always be Thor. Loki swallows hard and washes away the dream from his thoughts.

   Suddenly a child runs into the throne room and a maid chases after him. 

    "You get back here," the maid lets out with frustration. Loki clears his throat to make it known that they're not alone. "Your highness," she's startled. "My apologies. The orphans have been brought to the palace for a place to stay, and this one isn't too happy," she gestures towards the child trying to escape. 

   Loki's eyes widen at the address she chose. 

   "So it's true?" she asks. "Is the Allfather really gone?"

   Loki stays silent. 

   "I'm so sorry for your loss. He was a father to us all," she continues.  

   "May I be of service to you?" Loki speaks with a cold tone. 

   "No, not at all," she grabs the child's hand. "We'll be on our way now." As she walks, the child pulls in the opposite direction not budging. She grows more frustrated by the second. 

   "He can stay here," Loki grows annoyed by the maid. "Leave us."

   Without a second thought, the maid scurries out of the throne room leaving the child in the middle of the room. Loki stands up slowly and starts making his way to the silent child. Once Loki towers over the little one, he asks him for his name. 

   "What's your name boy?" he furrows his brows.

   The child keeps his mouth shut not saying a word to the prince. Loki chuckles then gets down to his height. "Well I'm Loki. So... you don't like to be with the other children?" Loki's amused. He was just like him. The kid stays still, just keeping strong eye contact, which only makes Loki lick his lips and smile. "I bet you're into reading." Loki assumes because that is his favorite pastime. The child nods his head. "Alright then follow me. I promise you won't regret it."

   The child hesitates but decides to go along with Loki 


   The whole way the child still does not say a word. Loki is sure the kid will break as soon as he steps foot into the palace library. 

   They arrive and Loki turns to see the child's reaction. The look on his face says it all. It makes Loki smile. 

   Ryanne sees Loki by the entrance and begins to approach him. "Hello... how can I assist you," she playfully bows. 

   "Ryanne," his eyes widen. "Do you work here?"

   "Yup. Freya just hired me."

   Loki's confused as to why she would get a job. She has him to provide anything she could ever want. But he understands that she was and will always be independent. "Alright then. Take us to the fantasy section." He takes pleasure watching her try and come up with a way to say she has no idea where anything is located. "A better option... Why don't I just show you?" he smirks. 

   "No I got this," she stares intently at the map Freya had given her. "Yes follow me," she begins to walk down the stairs with the two boys behind her. 

   "Is she your girlfriend?" the child finally says something to Loki. 

   "What? No she's-"

   "She's really pretty."

   Loki gets taken back at his boldness. He looks at Ryanne who's made it down to the bottom and faces them, waiting for them to reach the bottom of the stairs as well. "Indeed she is."

   "What?" Ryanne asks. 

   "Nothing," he teases. "Which way is it now?"

   "Oh yes," she looks at the map again. She starts heading right but Loki only stays put and doesn't say a word. She realizes he's not following her and looks at her map again embarrassed. She chuckles in disbelief and passes Loki heading towards the left side of the library. He nods his head and starts following her.

   She turns left again, and they've arrived. "This should be the fantasy section. If you need anything, you can of course come to me for help, and I will be of great service."

   "Thank you Ryanne," he smiles as she begins to walk away. "I think I'll help myself out, thank you very much," he says to himself and the kid laughs. "Hey, don't laugh at her."

   "I'm sorry."

   Loki shakes his head and sighs. "So what's your name?"

   The kid bites his lip. "Sirlink"

   "Can I call you Link," he raises his brow. Link nods his head. "Link, why'd you run away from that maid?"

   "Guards just came into my house and took me. I was scared," he swallows hard. "I asked the maid where my mother was, and she said that she was gone. I didn't believe her and so I ran," he pauses. "Can you tell me what happened to my parents?"

   Loki's eyes widen, and he doesn't realize the breath he was holding in. "The world is  cruel. Your mother is in a better place, trust me."

   Link squints his eyes. "What do you mean she's in a better place?" he raises his voice. 

   "Hey there. I know it's hard to hear, but I'm telling you because I know you're strong."

   "Are you saying I'll never see her again?"

   Loki takes a moment to answer that question. "I'm sorry."

   "You're lying," he says before he runs away again. This time, with no one after him. 

   He's just a kid. He needs time to grieve. Loki knows this. He sees himself a little in the boy, so he knows that he shouldn't go after him. Not yet at least. 

Original Sin | A Loki Fanfic pt.2Where stories live. Discover now