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A/N: Sorry, i've got an accident so it's been hard to recover over it. I got hurt badly so yeah.


When I regained conciousness, I was in a dark room on the floor by a door; alone. I had no idea where I was, or how I got there. I tried to stand up but there was a sharp pain my ankle. Oh shit. I look down and see blood on it. What the fuck did those guys do?! I tried yelling for Justin but my mouth was covered. I heard a banging on the wall. "Melani? Melani! Are you awake?!" Justin. I banged my head on the door so he knew I was. Justin: "Oh my god, Melani. What's happening?" I said: "I don't know." But it came out as a muffled sound. Justin: "Oh shit! Is your mouth taped? Bang twice for yes." I hit the door twice. Justin: "Oh god... We gotta get outta here." Then another door from the other side of the room burst open. There stood... My ex-step brother. Ex meaning, my mom divorced with this guy's dad. His name is Jake. Damn I hate this kid. He's like a freaking 18-year old video game addict. Jake: "Well hello again Shmelani." He sucks at that. I tried talking, but again, the tape muffled my voice. Justin: "Melani, who's that?" Jake came over and pounded on the door. Jake: "Shut the fuck up Beaver!" I kicked him. Jake: "Bitch you fucking kicked me!" Justin: "Don't fucking touch her!" Jake: "I can do whatever the hell I want with her!" He pulled his arm back and forcefully slapped my cheek. I screamed into the tape in pain. Justin: "MELANI!" He screamed. He banged on the door but it wouldn't open. Jake pulled the tape off my mouth in one quick moment. I screamed but it cracked because of the lost of my voice. Jake: "Shut up bitch. Now be a good little girl and stay here." He patted my head then kicked my stomach. Ahh fuck that hurt. He slammed the door shut. Justin: "Oh my god Mels are you okay?" Me: "What do you think dumbass?" Justin: "Sorry." He mumbled. He sighs. Me: "What are we gonna do?" I croaked out. Justin: "I don't know... Just don't let him do anything to you, okay?" Me: "Justin. He's freaking 18. I'm only a little 16-year old." Justin: "Then kick his balls or some shit like that. Like you did to me. Come on. Just don't let him hurt you.." Me: "That's gonna be hard, Justin." Justin: "Just try. I'd never forgive myself if I let him do that." That sent an aww... into my mind. Me: "Justin, that's so sweet.." He chuckles a little bit. Justin: "Thanks... But now's not the time for a romantic moment." I sigh. Me: "I know. How are we gonna get out?" Justin: "I don't know yet.. But I'll figure it out since the two dudes were stupid enough to let me be free." Me: "You're so fucking lucky! The ropes on my wrists are cutting me!" Justin: "Just calm down... Don't move around so much. I'll try to get you out as soon as I can. Is there an exit in that room?" My eyes glanced over to where Jake entered. There was a light under the crack of the door. Me: "Yeah." Justin: "Okay, I'll try to break down this door then we'll go.. Or at least try to. Okay?" Me: "Alri-" The door burst open again. There stood... Derek. My fucking abusive exboyfriend. Justin: "Who's that?" He whispered. Me: "My ex. Derek." I could feel him getting mad. I could just tell. Justin: "Your ex, as in, the one who hurt you?!" He whispered loudly. Me: "Yeah." Justin: "He better not fucki-" Derek: "Well hello baby girl." Me: "Don't call me that." My jaw clenched. Derek: "I'll call you whatever the fuck I want, bitch." He came closer. I was scared, when we dated, I had bruises for WEEKS. Derek: "How are you doing, baby?" He stroked my cheek, which caused me to slap it away. Derek: "Bitch don't you ever do that again!" He slapped me in the same spot that Jake did. Derek: "You'd think that you'd learned by now. Don't fucking slap me!" Justin: "Melani. MELANI!" Derek: "Shut up Beaver." Derek: "Get on the bed, bitch." He demanded, grabbing my wrist and pulling me up. [lmfao did I mention that the ropes were untied? :P] I limped over to the bed; I knew if I didn't, he'd hurt me. Badly. Derek: "Lay down." Justin: "MELANI DON'T!" He screamed from the other room. He was banging hard on the door. Derek: "Do it bitch!" I jumped and layed down. Derek: "Now you better not say anything. You hear me?" I nod, shaking. He slips off his shirt. Oh my god... Me: "No, Derek. DON'T!" Justin: "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HER!" He banged harder on the door. Derek: "Shut up." He slapped me again. He inched his hands towards my shorts and started pulling them down.. Me: "JUSTIN!" There was a loud yell then the door bust open. Justin: "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" He tackled Derek to the ground and sat on his stomach, punching his face off. Justin: "Come on!" He pulled me off the bed. I limped my fastest but it hurt too much. Her ran out the door. Justin: "COME ON MELANI!" I tried to but the pain was unbearable. I tripped on the doorstep. Me: "Justin!" He turned around and got wide eyes. Justin: "What are you doing?! Get up!" Me: "I can't fucking get up, dumbass!" He rolls his eyes and runs back to me. Justin: "Uh, uh..." He scoops me up bridal style then takes off running. It hurt like hell because he was moving so much but I didn't care. I wanted to get away from those physcos. We had no idea where we were, Justin just kept running and running until we got far enough. He sets me down on a rock and puts his hands on his knees breathing heavily. Justin: "Damn... You're .. Heavy." I slapped him. Me: "Shut up! Now's not the time to joke." He smiles. Justin: "I know. But you look so cute when you're pissed." He winks. Me: "Oh whatever.." Justin: "Hey you got your voice back." Me: "Duhhh." Justin: "Well, let's take a look at your ankle." He knelt down in front of me and set my foot on his lap. Justin: "Hm. It's bleeding." I roll my eyes. Me: "No duh Sherlock. You should become a doctor!" He beamed. Justin: "Yeah, well I'm studying to be one." Me: "Well then fix me." Justin: "I can't. I'm not a doctor yet." He sticks his head out at me. Justin: "Well come on. Let's go find the cabin.." He scoops me up and starts looking around. Justin: "Wait, wait shhh... You hear that?" We got quiet. There was a faint roaring. The waterfall! Justin: "Come on!" He starts running towards the sound. We got there five minutes later. Justin: "Okay, now we go... That way." He pointed forward and we were soon in front of the cabin. Justin: "Yes! They're home!" He banged on the door and Becca answered. Becca: "Oh my god! Mom! Dad! They're here!" She let us in and Justin set me on the couch. Sara: "My god! What happened?!" Justin takes a seat next to me. Justin: "Well, me and Melani were gonna go take a dip in the lake when these two physcos kidnapped us." They're eyes got big. Becca: "Derek and Jake." She grumbled. Me: "Yeah." Justin: "Well I know who Derek is.. But who's Jake?" I sigh. Me: "Well... He's my old step brother." Justin: "WHAT?!" Me and Becca nod. Justin: "But... Why would he want to kidnap you?" Me: "He's evil." Jack came into the room. Jack: "Oh my gosh! Look at your ankle!" All our eyes shot to my ankle. It was swollen, red, and bleeding. Justin: "We gotta get you to the hospital." He scoops me up again and we all pile into the van. I don't understand why EVERYONE had to come. It seemed like forever until we got to the hospital. Justin helped me into the building while Sara got a nurse. Becca: "I can't believe they would do that to you!" I sigh. Me: "I know right." Nurse: "Come with me." Justin helps me up and let's me lean on him while we walk to wherever she wanted us. Nurse: "Okay Mr. Bieber. I got it from here. Thank you." She smiles then he leaves. Nurse: "Alright, do you think you can come a little bit further to the room?" I nod and take a deep breath before slowly limping to the room in front of me. Nurse: "Okay, settle yourself and I'll be right back." I nod and lay onto the white hospital bed that I dreaded so much. Being here brought back horrible memories of that day...


Tons of voices were talking all at the same time. My mom's voice stood out the most. Mom: "Help my baby!" I was being rolled away towards the room. Next thing I knew, I was in the hospital bed. Me: "WHERE'S DADDY?!" I looked around and saw mom sitting in the corner with her hands in her face. Me: "Mommy, where's daddy?" She looked up at me with red, puffy eyes and shook her head. My heart dropped. Me: "No! NO! He's still alive! He's still alive mommy!" She started sobbing. *FLASHBACK OVER* I shook myself out of the flashback. It was just too horrible. Doctor: "Hello Miss Summers." Me: "Hi doctor." I set my legs up on the bed and layed back. Doctor: "So, let's have a look at that ankle." He touches it, causing me to jump. Doctor: "Sorry. Looks like you're gonna need surgery on that. You've got a deep cut." I nod. Surgery. I've always been scared. I've never done surgery before. Doctor: "Okay, so the surgery will be tomorrow morning and then you'll be able to leave on Thursday." I nod again. Doctor: "I'll go get your friends." He leaves with his clip board and stuff. 30 seconds later, everyone came piling in. Becca: "So what'd he say?" Me: "I gotta get surgery." She frowned. She knows how much I hated surgery, even though I've never been through it. Becca: "Ooooh. Well that's tough." Me: "Ya think?" I sigh. Justin: "Well when's the surgery?" Me: "Tomorrow." Agh. I was scared. Terrified. I looked out the window and saw blackness. Wow. It's already nighttime? Me: "You guys should get going.." Justin: "Can I stay?" He asks Sara and Jack. Sara: "Sure." She smiles. The adults and kids go. Becca: "Use protection." She laughs. Justin: "Out!" She holds her hands up in surrender. Becca: "Okay, okay. I'm out." She sticks her tongue out at Justin. Justin: "Gosh she's so annoying." I laugh. Me: "I know. I've known her all my life, remember?" Justin: "Oh yeah. So, your foot.." Me: "What about it?" I look at him. Justin: "I just feel like it's all my fault." He sighs. Me: "How is it your fault?" Justin: "Well, it wouldn't have happened if I hadn't insisted on going outside." Me: "Well, don't blame yourself." I set my hand on his. It was surpringly awkward in the room. Justin: "So..." Me: "So." Justin: "Have you gotten an answer?" He was asking about the girlfriend thing... Me: "Um, well... I don't know." He sighs. Justin: "You know, I'm not that cool with you not knowing. You either like me or don't." Me: "Well you don't know my reasons." Justin: "And what would those be?" Me: "You wouldn't understand!" I tried to keep my anger down but seriously, I think being in pain just made it worst. Justin: "What's not to understand?! I really like you! Why won't you just answer?!" I didn't answer. I DO NOT want to talk to this asshole. I was mad at him for a stupid fight. What the hell? Justin: "You know what? I'm out." He seriously was acting like the first time I met him. A douche, a jerk, stuck up pretty boy singer. I was left alone in the hospital room, wishing that I'd never yelled at him. It was a stupid fight and we were mad. Stupid fight. I mean, come on. Seriously? Who fights about a decision? I sigh and rest my eyes for a bit. Before I knew it, I was asleep. *JUSTIN'S POV* I don't know why I got so mad. I guess I just wanted her to date me. I couldn't stand seeing her love another guy. I sit down on the floor by her room. Nurse: "Sir, you need to leave unless you're visiting." I sigh and stand up. Me: "Okay. I'm visiting Melani Summers." She nods then walks off. I look through the little window and see that she's asleep. I quietly enter the room and sit back down by her side. Watching her breath in and out slowly made me feel sorry that I even thought about yelling at her. That was a stupid little fight. I lace my fingers into hers and rub my thumb across it. Me: "I love you Melly. I always have, always will." I whisper. She parted her lips a little bit like she always does; that only made me more attracted to them. I got to the point where I couldn't stand it anymore. I placed my lips on hers and her eyes fluttered open. Melani: "Justin?" I sit back down. Me: "Yeah. Um, sorry." She stares at me. Melani: "What are you doing here?" Me: "Nurse wouldn't let me stay out in the hallway." Melani: "Well, are you gonna go or are you gonna yell at me some more?" She crossed her arms. Me: "I'm sorry about earlier. I was stupid for getting mad over a little decision. I just want you to like me as much as I like you.." I look down. Melani: "Well I do like you... But sometimes you really are a douche." Me: "Eh. Well I kinda have a short temper." She laughs. Melani: "I know. And a height to match it." I frown. Me: "I'm not that short!" Melani: "Sure you are, shrimpy." She sticks her tongue out. Me: "Fine. You're gonna be mean like that, I'm gonna leave for real." Melani: "Okay." Me: "Kay." Melani: "Fine.." Me: "Fine." I walk slowly to the door, expecting her to ask me to stay. But nothing. I turn around and see her eyes closed and her stomach's heaving in and out slowly. Asleep. Damn that girl can fall asleep fast. I chuckle and lay down on the couch, slowly falling asleep.

---> AGH. This was supposed to be more intense then how it was written. :P But anywaay, I think you guys are losing interest. :o i don't really care cuz I can stop when you stop asking. xD

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