PART 7 - Justin's Past

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"Becca can I talk to you?" I asked when they got back from the waterfall. Becca: "Sure Mels. What's up?" She says while drying her hair with a towel. I hold up the locket. Me: "Does this look familiar?" She turns around and gasps. Becca: "Where'd you find that?" She says with wide eyes, like it was some sort of rare jewel. Me: "On the floor outside. Why?" Becca: "N-n-nothing. It's just so... Pretty! Why?" She was lying. But I let it slide this time. Me: "Just wondering. 'Cause it looks so familiar." Becca: "Oh okay.." I decided to just forget about the locket. I mean, it's not mine so why should I? Justin: "Hey Lani, have you seen a locket somewhere around here?" I look at him. Me: "Yeah. It's right here. Why?" He grabs it out of my hands. Justin: "It's from a personal memory.." I nod. Me: "Oh okay." He fiddles around with it. *JUSTIN'S POV* Oh thank god. Melani has it. I thought I'd lost it. This locket was my fourth grade best friend's. Her name was Melani. It was kinda weird that THIS Melani and my best friend had the same name. And last name. AND spelled the same. Crreeeeppy. My best friend, Melani, was the best thing that ever happened to me. She helped me through the hard times of my parents' divorce, breakups, and even the death of my goldfish. She's been there through everything and I really regret leaving her. Why am I thinking of her after 7 years? Why now? *FLASHBACK* I was nine years old. Mom just told me that we're moving.. How could I tell Melly this? She would be heartbroken. Me: "Mom, why are we moving? You know that me and Melly have a special friendship.." She sighs. Mom: "I know, hunny. But, my job isn't here anymore.. We have to move to Canada with your grandparents. Why don't you take Melani out today? You know, to tell her the news.." I nod and call Melani. ~Phone convo~ Melani: "JustyBear!" She giggled. JustyBear. Her nickname for me ever since we were babies. I was gonna miss that... Me: "Hey Melly.." Melani: "What's wrong?" I sigh. Me: "Nothing. Can we, um, go to the park?" Melani: "Sure. But what for?" Me: "Just to hang. You know, like we always do." Melani: "Kay. Meet you there in 20. Love you!" [As in, like best friend love xD] She giggled. Me: "Bye Melly. Love you too..." I can't tell her. It'd be too heartbreaking to see her sad. I have to leave my best friend... Whom I've known since I was born. I sigh and start heading off towards the park down the street. I have a seat on the swings; where me and Melly had tons of fun times. A small tear made its way down my cheek. Me: "I can't leave you, Melly.." I whispered to myself. "JUSTYBEAR!" I heard from a distance. I quickly wipe the tear and stand up. Me: "Hey Melly." I try to smile, and thankfully she bought it. She ran up to me and gave me a big bear hug. Melani: "I missed you SOOO much!" I forced a laugh. Me: "But I only saw you yesterday.." She smiled. Melani: "I know. But that's a LONG time away from my bestest friend in the whole wide world!" She grinned. No... She thought a day was a long time.. What about forever? I wouldn't be able to see her after next week.. Melani: "So what do you wanna do?" Me: "Just talk.. Come on. Sit down." She followed me back to the swings and sat down. I pushed her back and forth, something we always did. Melani: "Okay, so what's up?" Justin: "The sky. Melly, we've been over this before." She laughed. Melani: "Oh shut up.. You know what I meant." I laughed. It was quiet for a long time after that. Me: "Hey Melly?" She was kicking my feet down in the dirt. Melani: "Hm?" Me: "I wanna give you something." She laughed. Melani: "You give me something everyday. It's called a Wet Willy." She laughed again but my face stayed serious. Me: "No I wanna give you a present.." Melani: "Why? Is there something special?" Me: "Nothing special about leaving you.." I whispered, thank god she didn't hear me. Melani: "What?" Me: "Nothing. But.. Here." I pulled out the small box from my pocket. Me: "Open it." She did as told and the gold heart-shaped locket glistened in the sun. Melani: "Oh JustyBear..." Me: "You don't like it?" My face dropped. Melani: "No, no I LOVE it.. But why?" Me: "Does there have to be a reason to give my best friend something?" Melani: "Well... No. But-" Me: "Okay then." I fake smiled and took it out of the box. Me: "May I?" She lifted her hair up and I put it around her neck. Melani: "Thank you JustyBear.." She gave me a big hug. I hated hiding this from her, but it was for her good. I never wanted to leave from this moment, but we had to. When we pulled back, I had teary eyes. Melani: "JustyBear, why are you crying?" Me: "Nothing.. Just watery eyes.. That's all." She nods. *FLASHBACK OVER* Melani: "Justin? Are you crying?" I snap back to reality and wipe my cheeks, which were wet. Me: "Um.. I don't know. Am I?" I looked at her and she nodded. Me: "Oh.. Well, um, I was just, uh, thinking about a sad movie I saw..." She knew I was lying. I could tell. But she didn't say anything. Me: "Well, um, I'll be in the shower if you need me." She nodded and I went into the bathroom. I looked horrible. My eyes were red, wet, and puffy. I wipe away the tears and start undressing for my shower. *MELANI'S POV* What was up with him? Oh well. I don't even care. Becca came into my room. Me: "Hey Becca, have you ever seen Justin cry?" Becca: "Once..." Her voice trailed off but she quickly snapped back to reality. Becca: "Yeah. But that's not important." I nod. Why doesn't she ever answer my questions? She may think that they're not important, but I do. I remember that she said I was in some sort of accident and I got amnesia? I don't remember being in an accident, but if that's what she says then I guess I was. Sara: "Kids! Come on! Go get ready, we're heading out into town." She yelled from downstairs. Me and Becca rushed to get ready, hey, it was shopping; and I needed some things. Justin came out of the shower with just a towel wrapped on his waist. Oh god... Don't stare, Melani, don't stare. My eyes didn't listen, they were staring straight at his abs. Me: "Uh... Sara says we're going out to town.. Get ready." I said with my eyes still glued to his body. Justin: "Alright." and he went back into the bathroom. I sighed when he closed the door. Why does he have to be so hot? I slump my body and go downstairs. Sara: "You guys ready?" Everyone responded with "Yeah." Me: "Wait. Justin's still getting ready." Wait, why do I care?! We could just leave him here.. Ugh. Damn my niceness. Becca: "Oooohh... Mels cares about Justin." I roll my eyes. Me: "Oh shut up." She laughs. Becca: "It's true! You're starting to like him! Isn't she, Alex?" Alex: "Yeah. I can see it." Me: "I DO NOT like Justin!" And that was the truth. I, DO NOT like Justin freaking Bieber. The player, the jerk, the divo. "Why not?" a voice asked behind me. I know that voice. Me: "Because. He's a jackass." I say, turning to Justin. Justin: "Well, he thinks you're a bitch." Sara: "Kids! Language." Me: "Sorry Sara." She sighs. Sara: "It's alright. Let's just go." We all pile into the van. Unlucky little 'ol me has to sit next to Justin. He's been poking me, playing with my hair, and tapping his foot for the whole ride. I am about ready to punch him again. Me: "Would you stop!?" He smirks. Justin: "Why? Am I bothering you?" He smiles innocently. Me: "Yes." I say through gritted teeth. Justin: "Good." I groan. Me: "I hate you." Justin: "I hate you more." Oh. My. God. I wanna kill this kid. The car pulled to a stop and we all got out. I'd do anything to get away from the diva. Sara: "Alright. Becca and Melani, take the kiddos out for ice cream. We'll take Hana. Keep an eye on them. Especially Justin." The Bieber kids snickered. Ugh. Will I ever get to be away from Justin?! Becca: "Kay mom. We'll meet you here in two hours." Sara nods and goes off with Jack. Becca: "Well... C'mon guys. Let's go get ice cream!" The Bieber kids took off running. Alex: "Ah... I remember when I was 12." I laughed. Me: "That was two years ago. Of course you do." He rolls his eyes. -------- I licked at my ice cream, looking at all the runned down stores that all lined up across the street. Elderly couples roamed around, not a teen in sight.Justin: "What kind of icecream is THAT." Justin pointed at the ice cream cone in my hand. Me: "Chocolate Peanut Butter." I grinned. Justin: "Looks like someone puked up peanut butter chunks into chocolate icecream." I glared at him. Me: "You're the one to talk, what the fuck are YOU eating?" I questioned. His icecream was a million different colors, from pink too orange. Becca: "Language, Mels. My brothers are here, you know.." I roll my eyes. Justin: "Sorry, only cool people eat this ice cream." He smiled proudly. Me: "Haha." I said angrily. More like, only douches eat that icecream. Becca: "I'm thinking we play Wii tonight." Justin: "With.. it?" He looked at me. Me: "It?" Justin: "I don't know what species you are." Me: "Human." Justin: "Nah." I turned to Becca. Me: "Becca, I'm sorry, but I hate your cousin." She laughed. Becca: "Yeah I know. So do I." Justin glared over at us. Alex: "Mels can we go to the beach?" Me: "Sure. That'll be fun. C'mon guys." We all head to the beach in our little group. Sam, Cody, Zac, and Logan [Becca's brothers] all run to the water as soon as we hit sand. Becca: "Be careful guys!" She yelled after them. Justin: "Oooh yes, beach babes." He started walking off towards a blonde that was laying on a beach chair but I pulled his collar back. Me: "No girls. Scooter's orders." He grumbles and sits on the sand. Me: "Hey Becca, why don't you ever answer my questions?" I say while walking along shore. Becca: "What do you mean? I always answer your questions." I sigh. Me: "No you don't. You never answer my question about that boy in the picture frame in my room. Who is he?" She looks around nervously. Becca: "I told you. His name was Justin and he was your best friend." Me: "Well what happened to him? Why don't I remember him?" She sighs. Becca: "He left you. I guess he just moved somewhere and never came back.. I mean, I'm not mad at him for breaking your heart but there has to be reason why.. You don't remember him because of the accident.." I nod. I don't like thinking about the day of the accident. *FLASHBACK* I was 10 years old and daddy was driving me and Alex to school. Alex and I were playing some sort of mercy game. Dad: "You two stop playing." He turned around.. I looked behind him and got wide eyes. Me: "Daddy watch out!" But it was too late. The driver crashed right into us. The last thing I saw was daddy laying on the steering wheel. Motionless. And that's all I remember. *FLASHBACK OVER* A tear was making its way down my cheek. Me: "What happened to me?" Becca: "Mels, we've been over this before... You lost your memory in the accident." I sigh. I hated not remembering anything about my old best friend Justin. --LATER AT HOME- *JUSTIN'S POV* It was late. The moonlight was shining through the window and it hit Melani's face perfectly, making her glow. I awkwardly stared at Melani sleep, her head sunk into the pillow while her hair was everything. Her mouth was slightly open which made her drool only a little onto her pillow. I was tempted to pull a prank on her, but something stopped me.. I turned over onto my back, trying too erase the fact that I was staring at Melani. My eyes trailed over to the picture frame on the bedside table. I still had no idea why she had that picture. I remember the day my mom took it. *FLASHBACK* We were nine years old. Me and Melly were on the swings again. It was our special place. Melani: "AHH!! JustyBear it's too high!" We both laugh but I stop when I see her swinging backwards. Toward me. She crashed into me and I fell. Melani: "Oh my god! Are you okay?!" She stared down from over me, her beautiful blue eyes filled with concern. Me: "Yeah I'm alright.." She helped me up. Mom[Pattie]: "Aww! You two are so cute! That deserves a picture!" Melani giggles. Melani: "Okay Pattie." I take a seat on the swing. She takes a seat on my lap and I hold her waist. Mom: "Say cheese!" I lay my head on her shoulder and smile. Her hair smelt of strawberries. I like strawberries. Mom: "You guys are so cute!" Melly giggles. Melani: "Thanks." *FLASHBACK OVER* I sigh. Why am I thinking of Melly all of a sudden? She's been out of my life for seven years now. Why start thinking of her now? I sigh and rest my eyes, dreaming of Melly. ---> So... Does anyone know why Melani has that picture? :D Any guesses? You'll probably figure it out in the next part. :D Yeah... it's gonna get kinda confusing so just bear with it and i'll post more so it'll be a little less confusing..

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