PART 21 - July 4th, Part 2

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A/n: So i think i'm gonna change my style on the next chapter again. I guess. This is already in my draft and too tired to edit it. It's already 12 midnight so y'know i'm so damn tired. Anyway, keep reading.



It's now 4:30 and almost everyone's here. Justin says he wants me to meet his parents and step siblings. I was excited to meet Jazmyn and Jaxon; Becca said that they were the cutest things alive. Ryan brought along their other friend, Chaz. I was kinda disappointed that they didn't bring Christian. I was looking forward to meeting him soon. Chaz is a pretty cool guy, a bit weird, but still cool. Justin: "Mom's almost here and dad is on their way." I nod, watching him pace back and forth in front of me. Me: "Chill, dude. Why can't you just sit still?" Justin: "I want my parents to like you..." Me: "Why? Is there something about me that they won't like about me?" Justin: "No, you're perfect." Me: "Then why are you so nervous?" He shrugs. Justin: "They might think you're too good for me." He smiles. I pushed him over playfully. Me: "Whatever." He laughs. "Bubby!" A high-pitched voice squealed from behind us. I turned around and saw a little girl dressed a purple dress. Aww! Justin: "Jazzy!" She jumped into his arms and he spun her around. Jazmyn: "I missed woo!" Justin: "I missed you too." He turned to me. Jazmyn: "Whos' that?" She smiles. Justin: "Jazzy, that's Melani. Mels, this is little Jazmyn." Jazmyn: "Nice to meet woo." She sticks out her small hand. Me: "Aww... You're so cute! And good manners too." I smiled and shook her hand. Jazmyn: "You're pweety. Justy is she your girlfriend?" He laughs. Justin: "Nah... Not yet anyway." I roll my eyes and punch him playfully. Jazmyn: "You just got hit by a girl!" I laugh. Justin: "Eh, I let her do it. Only her though." Jazmyn crinkles her nose. Jazmyn: "You're weird..." Me: "I know!" We both laugh at him. Jazmyn: "Anyway... Imma go find Uncle Jack.. Byee!" She smiles then runs off. Justin: "Alright, Jazzy's checked off the list.. C'mon. I want you to meet mom and dad now!" He takes my hand and pulls me towards the food table. He stops in front of a pretty woman. Justin: "Hey mom." Pattie: "Justin! Hi!" She stands up and hugs him. Pattie: "How's your summer been so far?" He smiles and looks at me. Justin: "Pretty good, actually." Pattie: "See? I told you it wouldn't be that bad!" Justin: "Uh, yeah... So, I want you to meet someone. Melani, this is my mom Pattie, mom this is Melani..." She turns to me and smiles. Pattie: "Hello dear." Me: "Hi." I smile shyly. Justin: "Yeah, so she's Becca's best friend." Pattie: "Really?" I nod. Pattie: "Well, any friend of Becca's friend is cool with me." Justin: "Okay so we're gonna go see dad. Bye mom." Pattie: "Bye sweetie. It was nice meeting you Melani." I smile. Me: "You too." She gives me a hug. It was kinda awkward but I hugged back anyway. He pulls me towards the grill, where Jack and, I guess Jeremy were talking. Justin: "Hey dad." Jeremy turns towards Justin. Jeremy: "Hey Justin. Haven't seen you in so long!" They do a father/son hug. Justin: "I know.." Jeremy: "Who's this?" He points to me and smiles. Justin: "This is Melani, Becca's best friend." He shakes my hand. Jeremy: "Nice to meet you." Me: "Thanks, you too.." I smile. Justin: "Hey where's Jaxo?" He pointed towards a pretty lady playing with a baby on a blanket on the sand. Justin: "Alright, see you around." Jeremy nodded and continued talking to Jack. Justin pulls me towards the pretty lady. Justin: "Hey Erin." She looks up and smiles at him. Erin: "Oh hi Justin!" She smiles. Justin sits down on the blanket and looks up at me. Justin: "C'mon, sit down." He pulls me down, making me land on his lap. He smiles. Erin: "So, how are you sweetie?" Justin: "I'm fine, actually. How are you?" Erin: "I'm good.." Justin: "Awesome. How about you little buddy?" He looks at Jaxon, who was laying on his stomach playing with toy keys. He makes a baby noise. Me: "Aww..." Justin: "Oh right. Erin, this is Melani." She smiles and sticks out her hand. Erin: "Nice to meet you, sweetie. I'm Erin, Justin's step mom." I shake her hand. Me: "Nice to meet you too." I smile. Erin: "She's pretty, Justin. How could someone like you get her?" We laugh. She was joking of course.. Justin: "Hey! I'm The Biebs. Of course I could get her." I roll my eyes. Me: "Yeah... Look! I'm Justin Bieber," I change my voice to sound like him. Me: "Hey! Don't mess with the hair. It's like, THE thing." Me and Erin laugh and flip our hair like him. Justin: "Psh, you guys do it wrong. It goes like this." He does the hairflip, making his hair whip my cheek. Me: "Ow, god your hair hurts." Justin: "Sorry." He kisses my cheek and it immediately burns red. Justin: "Blush." He mumbles, smirking. I roll my eyes and slap his arm. Me: "Shut up." Jazmyn comes bouncing overs. Jazmyn: "Mommy, mommy, mommy! Wanna play wiff me?" Erin: "I'm sorry sweetie, mommy can't right now. Melani, would you mind playing with Jaz?" Me: "Sure. Why not." I smile and get up. Jazmyn: "C'mon!" She pulls me towards the water. Jazmyn: "I wanna make a sandcastle!" She announced, plopping down on the sand. Me: "Alright." I sat on my feet across from her. Jazmyn: "Kay, I go get water and you start building." I nod and she runs off towards the ocean. Me: "Be careful!" I yell after her. She nods and continues running. Hm. So how do I start this thing? I haven't made a sand castle since I was nine. Me: "Uh..." I mushed some sand together. God I sucked at this. A loud whistle was made and I turned around. Justin was leaning back on the picnic table, biting his lip and staring at me. I roll my eyes. Me: "What are you staring at, Bieber?" I yelled. He smiled. Justin: "You!" He yelled back and laughed. I roll my eyes and turn back to the crap I called a sand castle. Jazmyn: "I got the water!" She squealed and sat down again. Jazmyn: "Okie. How do we do this?" She looked up at me. Me: "Uh... To be honest, I don't really know." We both laughed. Jazmyn: "Okay then. I'll go get Justy to help us. Be right back." She smiled. I watched as she jumped up and ran over to Justin. She told him something and he looked at me and winked. He said something back to her and she nodded. She came running back to me. Jazmyn: "Justy's asking if you're gonna stay and help." I roll my eyes. Me: "Yes, I'm staying." She giggled and ran back to Justin. She told him and he stood up and followed her back to me. Justin: "Hm, so that's your sand castle?" He laughed. Me: "Oh whatever. I'll have you know, I haven't made a sand castle since I was nine." Justin: "Alright then." He kneeled down next to me. Justin: "Kay, let's get started!" Jazmyn squealed and sat across from us. Jazmyn: "Kay Justy. You start it and me and Mewani will watch." She giggles. He starts building the sand up. Me and Jaz sit around waiting for about 20 minutes. Jazmyn: "Are you done yet?" She asks for like the 40th time. Justin: "Almost." He molds one of the towers then claps his hands. Justin: "There. Now I'm done." Jazmyn: "Finally!" I laugh. Me: "Are you gonna get a flag for your castle?" She nods excitedly then runs off looking for leaves and sticks or something. Justin: "She's gone..." He looks at me. Me: "Yeah, so?" Justin: "We're alone." Me: "And...?" Justin: "Oh never mind." I nod and look around for Jazmyn. She looking around the rocks. Then someone walks over to her. I know that hair... Chase. Me: "Come on Justin." I stand up, not taking my eyes off of Jazmyn. Justin: "Where are we going?" I pointed towards Jazmyn and his eyes narrowed. I ran over to her. Me: "Jaz, sweetie. Don't talk to strangers..." She nods and gets behind me. Me: "What are you doing here, Chase?" I glared at him. Chase: "I could ask the same thing, babe." I clench my jaw. Me: "Don't call me that." He smirks. Chase: "And what if I do? Babe." Justin: "She said don't call her that!" Chase flinched. Justin: "I thought I told you to leave her alone." Chase regained himself. Chase: "Ha. I'm not scared of you anymore, Beaver." He crosses his arms. Justin's jaw clenches and he balls his fists up. Justin: "I told you to leave her alone. And you didn't. You better back off." Chase smirks. Chase: "And what if I don't?" He came closer to me and stroked my cheek. I slapped his hand away and he got pissed. I covered Jazmyn's ear. Chase: "Bitch you don't slap me!" He pulled his arm back and slapped me. Again. On the same cheek. I fell backwards, holding my cheek. Jazmyn came running over to me. Jazmyn: "Mewani are you okay?" I nod, cringing at the pain. I hold her close as Justin tackles Chase to the ground, punching him. Me: "Jaz, do me a favor sweetie and go get your daddy and uncle Jack." She nods and runs to the picnic area. I was getting scared 'cause Justin had a scary look on his face as he sat on Chase, punching him. Justin stopped punching and took a breath. He got up and started walking towards me, but I saw Chase stand up. He grabbed Justin's sleeveless shirt, choking him. Chase: "You better learn to not mess with me." He pulled his arm back, with his fist balled up. I squeezed my eyes shut, I want to help him but I knew I wasn't strong enough. Instead of hearing Justin scream in pain, I heard Jack and Jeremy's voice. I opened my eyes and saw that they were holding Chase back. Jeremy had his arm twisted in a weird way. Jack: "I think you're done here." The beach security came and took Chase away. Justin: "Are you okay?" He gently touched my cheek. I winced. Me: "I'm fine.. It wasn't as bad as last time." I tried smiling but it hurt too much. Justin: "I'm so sorry you had to see that..." He smiled weakly. Me: "Yeah, it was kinda entertaining though. You sure can punch." I laughed. Justin: "Yeah well he hurt you. I wasn't just gonna let him do that and do nothing." He smiled then gently placed his lips on my cheek. It was already burning 'cause of the slap but he just made it burn more. In a good way. Justin: "Well come on. Let's go put some ice on that." He scooped me up bridal style. I laughed. Me: "Justin, my cheek is hurting, not my legs. I can walk." Justin: "I know. But just in case." He smiled and carried me up the rocks...


A/n: yeah i know this is crap but well i'm so busy at my study cause i'm almost graduating. So yeah ii hope you understand.




xoxo Lyn

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