PART 14 - The Party ;D

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---Skipping to Thursday.. Aka THE PARTY! :D---


So, me and Justin have been back and forth pranking nonstop. Some were funny, and some made me wanna kill him. Oh, but that doesn't matter today. Why? 'Cause we're going to Chase's party! Chase has been my crush since, like, forever! I got ready; I wore a pair of denim shorts, a purple tank top, and my purple and black bikini under it. Becca: "Ready to go?" I nod. Becca: "Well then let's go get us some Chase." We laughed and went downstairs. Justin was waiting for us. He was wearing a blue t-shirt with his swim trunks. Justin: "Ready?" We nod. Becca: "Bye mom! Bye dad!" She yelled upstairs. Sara: "Bye sweetie! Don't be home too late!" Becca: "Kay!" We squealed and followed Justin out to the van. It was so gay, but if it would take us there, we're using it. Justin: "So, where we headin' off to?" Becca: "4321 Oak St." [a/n lawl, random address :D] He nodded. We drove and drove. So boring... I turned on the radio and Baby was playing. I turned to Becca and we started singing. "BABY, BABY, BABY OOHH! BABY, BABY, BABY-" Justin: "Nooo..." Me: "Right!" We laughed. After 45 minutes of meaningless singing, we got to Chase's house. It was HEE-UGGE! I mean, like whoa. There were a whole bunch of cars parked out in front and the music blasted from the inside. Becca: "Well c'mon! What're you waiting for, Christmas?!" She pulled me along and soon enough, we were at the front door. Becca doorbelled. Me: "Who could hear that over all the noise?" Becca: "Oh, right." I roll my eyes and twist the doorknob, pushing the door open. Me: "Oh..." Becca: "My..." Justin: "Gosh." The inside of the house looked even better than the outside. There were streamers hung, balloons on the walls, lights flashing. Everything. Not to mention the place was packed with people from our school. Chase: "Hey ladies! Glad you could make it!" He winked and went over to greet his other guests. Me: "Oh god.." We squealed. Justin: "You are such girls." He rolls his eyes. Me: "Yeah, we were born that way." Becca: "Well c'mon! Let's go look around!" I nod. Me: "You coming Justin?" He bites his lip and stares at a brunette sitting on the couch. Justin: "Nah... I'm good." He starts making his way towards the girl. Becca goes to get him, but I stop her. Me: "Let the kid have fun. Who knows? This girl could be the one." I laughed. Becca: "Okay, wanna go swimming now?" I nod. We go outside and, to my surprise, there are a whole lot of people. Like, it looked like there were more people out here than there were inside. Becca: "Oh my god! Look there's Marrisse!" Marrisse is one of our best friends. Me: "Where?!" I look around and see her hanging by the pool. Me: "Oh my god! Marrisse!" She stops talking to a girl next to her and turns toward us. She gets wide eyes and runs over to us. Marrisse: "Mels! Becca!" She said while giving us big bear hugs. Marrisse: "You came!" We nod. Me: "Of course! It's CHASE!" We laughed. Marrisse: "Of course YOU would come here, Mels." She nudges me." Me: "Oh whatever.." Marrisee: "Hey! How's Justin? Is he here?" She looked around excitedly. Yeah, she knew that Justin was staying with Becca. Me: "Yeah, he's here, he's good, and he's flirting over there." I pointed towards Justin, who was laughing with that brunette. Marrisse: "Aww damn. He's already getting him some girls." Becca scoffed. Becca: "Well duh! He's Justin freaking Bieber. Just because he's a jackass now doesn't mean girls don't like him anymore." Marrisse: "True, true.. Well anyway, wanna go in?" She nodded her head towards the pool. Me: "Yeah! Let's goooo.." I slipped my tank top and shorts off. Becca and MariCris [Marrisse's nickname] were already in the pool, along with a couple of other people. Becca: "Jump in Mels! Do your cartwheel!" Me and MariCris laugh. Me: "Alright then.." I took a deep breath. I haven't did the cartwheel trick in a long time. But I did it anyway. I raised my arms and did a cartwheel, landing in the pool. Becca: "Oh god! That never gets old!" We laugh. Marrisse: "You still haven't taught us how to do that!" Me: "Well, what's so hard about doing a cartwheel?" Becca: "Uh, you left out the part where you cartwheel INTO the pool. That is scary shit! You could hit your head or something!" I roll my eyes. Me: "Yeah, that COULD happen but you just have to measure the distance." She frowned. Becca: "I hate math." She announced. Me: "Yeah, we all know that." Me and MariCris laugh. "CANNONBALL!" Someone yelled right before jumping in right by us. The person caused a huge wave and we went under. Dayumm.. Our heads rose to the surface and we saw Justin laughing. Me: "Justin! God you made a big splash!" He swam over to us. Justin: "I know. That's why I did it." We rolls our eyes. Justin: "Wow. Triplets. Cooooool." A football player, Logan, who was floating in the corner yelled: "CHICKEN FIGHT!" Everyone yelled and whooped. Logan: "Who's up?!" A basketball player named Jacob went to the middle of the pool, along with Brittany, the school slut. Yiippee. Logan: "Alright! Who's gonna challenge them?!" Everyone screamed like retarded monkeys. Justin: "I'll do it." Justin swam forward. Girls were going: "Woo! Go Justy!" With their high-pitched voices. Logan: "Alright, who's gonna be the lucky lady to sit on Justin's shoulders?!" All the girls who weren't in the pool ran over to the edge. "Oh Justy pick me! I'll do it!" Logan: "Justin, who you gonna pick, man?" His eyes trailed around until they fell on me. He smiled. I finally understood what he was thinking. I shook my head fiercely. Justin: "I pick... Melani." He smirked. Justin: "Melani Summers." I smack my hand to my forehead. Girls everywhere gave me glares; I wasn't what you called "popular" at my school. Justin: "C'mon Lani." He grinned. I roll my eyes, staying where I was in the pool. Becca: "Go Mels!" MariCris and Becca shoved me forward. Oh no. I have to chicken fight Brittany. She hated my guts, as do I. Me: "No, please, Justin don't make me do this.." I begged. Justin: "Oh c'mon. It'll be fun!" I sigh. Guess there's no backing out. Justin went under and I sat on his shoulders, feeling quite uncomfortable since I was wearing a bikini. Logan: "Ready... Set... GO!" Me: "Justin, I don't wanna do this." I whispered loudly. Justin: "Just do it, Lani! You can fight. Hell, I experienced that myself." I roll my eyes. Brittany: "Well? Make your move." Her squeaky voice rang out. Brittany: "Aww. Is the wittle baby scared?" She pouted her lip and snickers escaped from people's mouths. Brittany: "C'mon, Jakey. Let's go. This SKANK is too afraid to do anything." Oh that did it. When Jacob turned around, holding Brittany I pulled her dyed hair. She yelped in pain. "Ooooh's" were let out. Jacob turned around and Brittany's mouth was hanging open. Brittany: "You did NOT just do that." I smirked. Me: "Actually, I DID just do that." I said, imitating her weird voice. Justin chuckled, sending vibrations on my thighs. Brittany: "Oh, you asked for it!" She screamed. She started grabbing at me but failed miserably. Me: "Wow, Britt. Is that really how you fight? Aww... How sad." I pouted my lip. Becca and MariCris giggled. She got even more pissed and grabbed onto my arms. We fought and fought, people yelling my name at times, and her name at others.

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