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I gave some hay to the horses and sat in front of Buttercup's stall. I inhale deeply. Me: "I don't know what to think, Buttercup. Justin called me ugly. I watched his videos on YouTube, and never in my three years of knowing him, have I heard him call a girl ugly. He says that all girls are beautiful.. Is he a fake? Or is he really that sweet Justin I see on tv? Remember when I said that he called me Melly earlier? I got a feeling in my stomach when he did. I'm not sure if it was a good or bad feeling, but it was strong. He's so familiar but I have no idea why.." I sigh. Talking to Buttercup always makes me feel better. Even if she can't talk back. I lay back on my hand and listen to my iPod playing "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain. I can't remember why, but this song is special to me. I rest my eyes, not falling asleep yet. I stood up when I got tired. Me: "Bye Buttercup. See ya tomorrow." She softly whinny's and I go back to the cabin. Everyone was in the same spot. Me: "I'm tired. G'night guys." Everyone but Justin responds: "Night Mel." I trudge upstairs and slam the door behind me. I grab my PJ's and turn on my iPod. It was a usual thing. I listen to music while I change. Somebody To Love came on. Yes, I had his songs in my iPod. His songs were the only thing that I liked about him. I start dancing like he did in the music video.

[Might I add, she's an awesome dancer. xD]- author

Then the door bursts open and there stands Justin. Once again. He stares, frozen. Just like last time. I cover myself up. Me: "Haven't you head of knocking?!" He snaps back to our world again. Justin: "Ever heard of locking the door?!" He shot back. He had a point. I always forget to lock the door. Stupid me. There were no sounds except for Somebody To Love playing. He smirks. Justin: "Hm. So you're a fan, I see." I roll my eyes. Me: "Try WAS. Now get out." I see him frown before I shut the door in his face. I've GOT to remember to lock the door when I change. I finish getting dressed and crawl into bed, but not falling asleep yet. I stare at the ceiling. Tomorrow. June 7th. The first day of my summer vacation. Wait, no. It's not gonna be a vacation. More like hell. I sigh and turn to the window, staring at one special star that always shined the brightest. I knew it was daddy. Sometimes I talk to it, but not very often. Me: "Goodnight daddy." I whisper before closing my eyes and entering my dream world.


At around midnight I went upstairs to sleep. I slowly open the door incase Melani was doing something I wasn't supposed to see. She was laying on her bed, so she was asleep. I walk over to the side where she was facing. She looked so peaceful. She shivered a bit and I noticed that the blanket wasn't on her. So I pull the covers up and kiss her forehead. Me: "Goodnight Melly." I whisper and go to the bathroom. Melly. Why do I keep calling her that? It's not her nickname, it's my old best friend's. Why do I keep thinking about her? Why now? I had many questions that I didn't know the answer to; and I hated not knowing the answers. I brush my teeth, wash my face,

[lmfao. Proactive! xD] - author

and slip my shirt and basketball shorts off. I usually sleep like this so Melani couldn't really get mad at me for being half naked. I crawl into my bed and slowly drift off into a deep sleep.


I woke up early, like usual. It was hot in my room and I notice the blanket pulled up. Huh? I didn't fall asleep with this.. Hm. Must've been Sara. I get up and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and stuff. When I enter, the shower is running. Me: "Morning Justin." I shout over the loud noise of the shower. Justin: "Morning, Lani." I roll my eyes. He still calls me that. Justin: "Hey, how'd you get in here?" Me: "Door was unlocked. You should listen to your own advice, ya know." He laughs sarcastically. The shower shuts off. Me: "Okay before you step out, imma go.." I wipe my face and go to the door. It's not opening. Oh god. Me: "Justin the door's stuck." Justin: "Don't play with me, Lani." I groan. Me: "Stop calling me that! It's really stuck!" He sighs and grabs a towel. 15 seconds later, he opens the shower curtain with the towel wrapped around his waist.. I get wide eyes and try to look at other things besides his body. I hate the kid, but I gotta admit, he was really hot. My eyes darted around the small bathroom but they always went back to Justin's abs. He came over and grabbed the handle, twisting it and shaking it, trying to open it. Justin: "Ugh, it won't budge." Me: "Oh my god. Why?! I'm hungry..." I clutch my stomach and he laughs. Justin: "Too bad." I roll my eyes and slide down the floor. I would've called Becca but my phone was still on the bedside table where I left it. Justin: "I feel sorry for you." I look up. Me: "Really?" He smirks. Justin: "Yeah. 'Cause I have to change." I give him a confused look then realize what he just said. Changing meant taking the towel off and being completely naked until he put his boxers on. Oh god.. Me: "Do you really have to do it?" I whine. Justin: "Yeah. I don't want to stay in a towel for who knows how long." Me: "Errgh. Fine. But do it quick." I turn to the door and wait 'till he gets dressed. Five minutes pass and he still hasn't said that he's done. Me: "Ugh hurry up!" Justin: "Hey! Sexyness doesn't just come to me. I have to make myself sexy. GOSH." I roll my eyes. Me: "Who gives a fuck if you're sexy or not?! There's no girls here anyway." Justin: "And? I still have to make myself look good." Me: "Ugh. You are so full of yourself." Justin: "And you're so... Not full of yourself. Hm. Figures. Maybe if you'd actually fix yourself up you'd actually be pretty for once." I yell in frustration. I. Hate. Justin. Freaking. Beaver. Me: "You're a jackass!" Justin: "And you're a bitch." I groan and stop talking. We were stuck there for maybe 45 more minutes until I heard someone come into the room. Becca: "Mel? Justin? Where are you? It's almost 10." I banged on the door. Becca: "Oh my gosh. What are you doing in there?" Me: "The door's stuck." I groaned. She tried opening it from that side but it still didn't open. Becca: "Ugh. I'll go get dad." Me: "Kay. Hurry! I can't stand another minute with this thing in here!" Becca: "Justin's in there?!" Justin: "Yeah." He finally spoke up. Becca: "OMG did you guys-" I cut her off quickly. Me: "EWW! Hell no! Becca how could you think that?! Oh whatever just go!" I heard her giggle and then leave. Justin: "What was she talking about?" I look at him. Boys. Always clueless. Me: "She thought we were doing IT." I roll my eyes but he doesn't do or say anything. He looks at me then notices that he didn't say anything. Justin: "Oh! Right. EWW." His eyes look around the room. It was quiet for a long time until Becca came barging in with Jack[HerDad xD] Becca: "Alright.. We've got that over with now. C'mon. Breakfast is ready." I nod and follow her downstairs.

----> GAH this one had no point.. I think imma post part 6 to make up for my suckyness :D





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