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A/N: i don't know if i will continue this story or not. Hahaha i don't feel like writing it anymore. I mean, all my drafts. I don't want to publish it. Ugh i dunno. If ever i changed my mind. I'm going to edit all of the published chapters and change my writing style hahaha. This is the way i wrote Attitude Adjustment drafts so yeah.


The beams of sunlight crept through the curtains, causing me to wake up from my wonderful slumber. I fully opened my eyes and stretched up. Justin was sprawled all over the couch with a foot hanging down and his head thrown back with his mouth open. I laughed. There's a knock on the door and Justin snores then jumps up. Justin: "I'M UP!" I laugh. Me: "Come in!" The door squeaks open and the doctor comes in. Doctor: "Good morning Miss Summers." Me: "Morning Doctor." He smiles and flips through the clipboard that Justin signed. Doctor: "Well you're free to go anytime.. And for the next few days you're gonna have to use crutches. Unfortunately, we are out of stock and won't be getting some until next week." Me: "Oh. Well, what do I do?" Doctor: "Is there anyone or anything that can help you?" Justin: "I can." He said automatically. Doctor: "Okay. Well as I said before, you're free to go when you're ready." I nod and he leaves. Me: "You don't really have to help me. I'm fine." Justin: "I want to help you." Me: "Is this because you want me to be your girlfriend?" Justin: "Well, yes.. But I'd do it even if I DIDN'T like you like that." That sent an aww... to my brain. Me: "That's so sweet." He shrugs. Justin: "Any nice guy would do this for you." Me: "Well there aren't many nice guys in the world.." He sighs. Justin: "So, do you have an answer now?" I think for a bit.. I really like Justin. Like, more than friends. But am I ready for a popstar boyfriend? Me: "Well, um... Look, Justin I really like you. As in, more than friends. But I'm just not ready for a celebrity boyfriend." He looks down. Justin: "Okay. I understand. But promise you'll still like me like that?" He smiles. Me: "I will always like you... Sometimes as a friend, sometimes more than that." His smile grows bigger. Justin: "Well in that case... You like me!" He taunts. Me: "Oh shut up. You already knew that." Justin: "I know. But I just wanted to hear it. It sounds so sexy when you say it." He laughs. I roll my eyes. Me: "You're so weird.." Justin: "I know. But you still like me even when I act weird.." Well he's not gonna let THIS one go. Me: "Okay then. Can you get my clothes over there?" I pointed to the corner of the room. Me: "Becca brought me fresh clothes." He walks to the corner of the room and laughs. Justin: "Cute." Me: "What are you talking about?" He holds up a pair of my underwear. Damn Becca. Me: "Oh whatever. Just give me my clothes!" He laughs then scoops up my clothes. Justin: "Here ya go, carebear underwear." Me: "Shut up!" I sit up and try to stand, but damn my right foot was hurting like hell. I stood up on one leg and hopped to the bathroom. I thought Justin was supposed to help me. I groaned in pain as I sat on the toilet and began changing. The door bursts open. Justin: "Are you ok- Oh... Sorry." I was once again caught without a top on. Why the hell do I always forget to lock the damn door? He just stands there like all the other times it's happened. Same look, same position, same awkward moment. Me: "Justin. I'm changing... You know, like, I need my privacy." He doesn't move. Me: "Justin get out." What the fuck is wrong with him? I limped over to the door and pushed him out. There is seriously something wrong with that boy... I get changed and all and limp outside. Me: "Thanks for helping." I glare. Justin: "Oh right!" He jumps up and scoops me up bridal style. I laugh. Me: "Justin, the doctor said to HELP me. I can walk, goshhhh." Justin: "You can never be too careful." He carried me out the door and we got a few weird looks from the nurses which made me laugh. Justin: "Okay, imma check you out," He winks. Oh... Brother. Justin: "And then we'll go get some Mickey D's." I nod and limp over to a waiting room chair. Three girls rush over to me. Girl#1: "Hi!" She squeals. Me: "Um. Hi?" Girl#2: "Are you Justin Bieber's girlfriend!?" Oh, here we go with the rumors. Me: "No, listen, we're just friends.." I glance over behind them where Justin smiled at me. Me: "And it's going to stay like that. He doesn't like me like that, so no worries." Girl#2: "Aww! Well I think you two would make a cute couple." She giggles. Me: "Aww thanks." They have a seat by me. Girl#3: "What happened to your foot?" Me: "Well, me and Justin sorta got into some trouble and I tripped and... Yeah." Girl#1: "Oh wow! So, have you and Justin been on any adventures?" Me: "Yeah. Lots." I laugh and tell them about all the pranks we did and stuff. Girl#3: "Sounds like you two had so much fun!" I laugh. Me: "Yeah... If you don't mind me asking, what are your names?" Girl#2: "Oh I'm sorry! How rude of us! I'm Maddy." Me: "Ooh. Pretty name." Maddy: "Thanks." Girl#1: "I'm Beckii." Me: "Nice to meet you." Girl#3: "And I'm Roxxy." Me: "Okay. It was nice meeting you guys!" Maddy: "You too. So, what's your name?" Me: "Oh right. Sorry. It's Melani." I smile. Roxxy: "That's a pretty name!" I laugh. Me: "Aww thanks. So, you guys live in Cali?" Beckii: "Yep. We live in San Fran, actually." Me: "Oh my gosh! Me too!" Roxxy: "Really?!" I nod. Maddy: "Cool! Give us your address and we'll come visit you some time." Me: "Okay."  Justin: "Alright. Come on, Mels." I stand up. Me: "It was nice meeting you girls." Girls: "You too! But, Justin, can we PLEASE have an autograph?" Justin: "Sure." He signs their things. Maddy: "Thank you! Bye Melani! It was a real pleasure to meet you." Me: "Thanks. You too. Bye!" [lmao it's not the last time that these girls are in the story :P] I give them all hugs then Justin helps me out of the hospital. Justin: "They were nice." Me: "I know." Justin: "So, McDonald's!" Lucky for us, it was just across the street. Justin: "Okay. Wait here and I'll go get us food." I nod and sit down in the corner by the window. It was certainly a beautiful day. Not much, sun.. But still beautiful. Someone is walking towards me. A really cute guy... Oh gosh. I must look like a mess to him. Why is he coming to me? Guy: "Hey." Me: "Um. Hi.." I smile. Guy: "Sorry to just come up out of nowhere. I just wanted to know why a gorgeous lady like you was sitting here alone." I laugh. Me: "Well, actually I'm not alone... I'm with a.. A friend." I point towards Justin who was standing impatiently in line. Guy: "Oh. Well mind if I stay here to keep company?" Me: "No, no you can stay. I don't mind." He sits down next to me. Guy: "Well I'm Jordan." Me: "Nice to meet you, Jordan. I'm Melani." Jordan: "Pretty name for a pretty lady." He smiles. Me: "Aww thanks." We start talking up a storm and I was amazed at how cool he is. I mean, he's more of the outdoors type but that's still pretty cool. He works in the aquarium downtown in Cali, he helps out at the zoo, and pretty much does lots of things involving animals. Me: "Wow... You must really like animals." He nods. Jordan: "I've loved them ever since I witnessed animal abuse." I gasped. Me: "Aww... What happened?" He sighs. Jordan: "Well, I was walking home from school one day, and I passed by this old yard and a guy was beating down his dog, yelling at her, telling her that she was a no good, worthless piece of shit. I stood up for the dog and took her home. I helped her heal a little bit but she didn't make it." I put my hand on my heart. Me: "Aww... That's so sweet of you. But it's too bad." Jordan: "Yeah, well at least she's not in pain anymore." I nod. Then I wondered what was taking Justin so long. I glanced over at him and saw that he was still in the same spot. Damn, what's wrong with the McDonald's? Jordan: "Yeah, so, um... What happened to your foot?" I sigh. Me: "Well, me and Justin," I point to him. Me: "We went out one day and, uh, well we got in some trouble, I tripped and fell, and this happened." Jordan: "Oh that's too bad. Six weeks with a cast." Me: "Yep." It was quiet for a little bit. Jordan: "So you got a boyfriend?" Oh god. Can't I just have ONE normal conversation with a cute boy without them asking if I was single? Me: "Nah. Boys aren't really going great for me." He nods slowly. Jordan: "Oh. Okay then." He smiles. I haven't really noticed it, but he had a great smile. Straight, white, and shiny. No braces, though I think braces are pretty awesome. Jordan: "You have really pretty eyes, Melani." I smile, and probably was blushing. Me: "Thanks. You have a nice smile." Jordan: "Why, thank you." He stares intentionally into my eyes, and I melted into a puddle.



This line is taking forever! In the past 20 minutes, the line has moved about 5 feet. I was near the front now but the nerdy cashier was taking forever on orders. I turn to the girls behind me, they were blonde, and wearing Justin Bieber t-shirts. Me: "Hey, can you save my spot in line?" They gets wide eyes and her jaw drops. Girl#1: "Oh yes! Anything for you!" She smiles. Me: "Okay, thanks." I step out of line and go over to the toy display. Haven't got one of these in a long time.. They had these cute little Build-A-Bears, and some super hero action figure stuff. I chose Build-A-Bear for Melani. I remember how she always wanted to make one with me.. But we never had a chance to. I take my place in line again. Me: "Thank you. Do you girls want anything in return?" Girl#2: "Um, can you just sign our stuff?" Me: "Sure." She takes off her purple NYC hat and hands it to me. Me: "What's your name, shawty?" She looked like she was about to faint. Girl#2: "M- M- Molly." I sign it and hand it back. Me: "There you go. Thanks again." I sign the other girl's shirt. Me: "What's your name?" Girl#1: "Tori." She smiles. Me: "Okay. There you go." Molly nods and stares down at the hat. Cashier: "Next." Finally! I walk up to him. His name tag read Spencer. Spencer: "Hello sir. How may I help you?" Me: "Yeah, um... I'll take two big macs, large fries, coke, and sprite." He presses the buttons on the cashier thingy. Spencer: "Okay. Will that be all?" Me: "Um. Can I get one of those build-a-bear toys?" He looks at me weirdly. Spencer: "Sorry sir. But that's only for children 9 and under." I sigh. I don't normally play this card but, Me: "Don't you know who I am?" He looks at me for a while. Spencer: "No. Why would I?" Molly and Tori gasp. Molly: "You don't know him?!" Spencer shakes his head. Tori: "He's Justin freaking Bieber! The world famous superstar! I'm gonna have to tell your boss about this." Spencer: "Wait! No. I'll get you that toy, Mr. Bieber." He goes back into the cooking area. Me: "Thanks Tor. Is it okay if I call you that?"  She nods her head. Tori: "Oh you can call me anything you want." She smiles. Molly: "Can you please follow us?" She cups her hands together and jumps up and down. Me: "Sure thing, shawties. What's your username?" She squeals then tells me it, I pull my phone out and go onto twitter. Me: "I'm sorry, what was it?" Molly: "@BelieberMolly" Tori: "@ToriBieber21" I search for them then follow. Me: "Okay. You're followed." They sqeal. Molly: "Thank you so much! Don't ignore our tweets, okay?" She laughs. Me: "Yeah. I'll always remember you guys as the girls who saved my spot in line." We all laugh. Spencer: "Here you go, Mr. Bieber. I didn't know which one you wanted, so I'll just give you all we had." Me: "Okay, that's fine. Thanks, Spencer." He nods and hands me my food. Me: "Thanks again, Molly and Tori." They smile widely and nod. I went to look for Melani... I saw her. But I saw her in a position that I didn't wanna see. It made me almost wanna drop the tray. Melani was about to kiss some dude.

Note: It's all some random twitter accounts

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