PART 22 - Fourth of July, Part 3

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I'm so damn tired so this is not edited yet but i'm gonna post it cause i feel bad for not updating last week. I'm so busy at my study. I hope you understand.



"Oh my gosh, what happened?!" Sara asked while checking my legs and everything.
"Nothing happened to my legs, Sara. Justin just wanted to carry me.. But I got slapped." She looked at my cheek that was now throbbing and probably looked really gross.
"Who did this?!"
"Some guy named Chase.." She nodded.
"But it's okay now. Beach security took him away." Jack said then She put her hand on her heart.
"Thank god.. He won't hurt Melani anymore." She smiled and Justin set me down.
"Sit down. Imma go get some ice." Justin said. I nod and he goes off.

Becca and Ryan sit on both sides of me.
"Oh my god! Chase did it again?!" - Becca asked. I nodded.
"Who's Chase?" - Ryan and Chaz ask at the same time
"Some wacko who keeps slapping her." They got pissed but didn't do anything.
"Are you alright though?" asked by Chaz as He stared at my cheek.
"Yeah. Well besides the pain and throbbing, I'm good." We laughed.
"That guy is a douche for slapping a girl. Especially a pretty one." - Chaz He smiled.
"Here ya go!" Justin came baack and looked at Chaz with a weird expression.

He carefully pressed the ice bag to my cheek.
It stinged a bit but I managed to stay still.

"So, you got a boyfriend?" Chaz asked me."Nope." I answered. He smiled."Oh. Okay. I don't get how a pretty girl like you doesn't have one though." Justin glared at him. Ha. Jealous much? "Relationships don't really work out for me."

 It was true. My first boyfriend cheated on me, my second one used me to get someone jealous, and my last one abused me. I swore that I'd never date someone until I could fully trust him with all my heart.

"Aww I'm sorry to hear that."- Chaz was really different from what Justin told me. He said that Chaz was pervy. I haven't heard him make a pervy remark the whole time he was here.

"I swear, if I ever see that douche again, imma kill him." I laughed of what Becca said.

Then we saw Caitlin walking this way and my smile faded.

"Speaking of the she-devil." She mumbled. I giggled.

"Hey guys!"- Caitlin She smiled.

The guys mumbled hi's and looked around like they weren't interested.

"What're you doing here?" She sat by Chaz.

"Jeremy brought us along."  Ryan replied and she nodded while staring at Chaz. God she's weird.

"Yeah, uh, so we're just gonna go play some football. Bye." Chaz stood up in a hurry and pulled Ryan and Justin away.

"Oh great. Leave us with the she-devil." Becca mumbles. Caitlin glares at her.

"Anyway, I just wanna say. Melani, I know you like Justin but he doesn't like you. I'll have you know that Justin still likes me. He told me so at the ice cream parlour. So just back off and everything will be fine." Caitlin said then faked a smile.

"Whatever. I don't like Justin." I Lie.

"Oh don't go there. We all know that you like Justin." I rolled my eyes.

"I don't like Justin okay?!" I replied then stood up and so did she.

"Stop fucking lying! Stay away from my man!" She pulled her hand back and slapped me.

Oh great. Another slap. On the SAME fucking cheek. I grabbed her hair and clutched it.

"You better not fucking touch me again. Now go if you want to live." I growled. She rolls her eyes and goes off, clutching her head.

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