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A/N: Okay, so I'm skipping to ten days later cuz I can't think of any ideas.. xD Well, you'll find out why July 17th is so important to Mels. STORY! ---->


In the past 10 days, me and Justin have gotten WAY closer and maybe even kissed a couple more times.. ;) The others still don't know about us kissing. But Jazzy's a smart little girl. She knows things. But today's not about Justin, or me, or anyone else in this house. Why? Because today's the day.. That my daddy died. July 17, 2004. An unforgettable day. The morning of the accident replayed multiple times throughout the night. I woke up early so I could get out of the house. Justin: "Where are you going?" I hid my face from him so he wouldn't see my tears. Me: "Out. Bye." Justin: "Wait, shawty!" But I was already making my way downstairs, viciously wiping the tears from my cheeks. Justin's voice trailed behind me but I didn't care. I'm going to the waterfall even if it DOES look like it's about to rain. I'm staying outside all day, all night, until tomorrow. I ran up the rocks and plopped down on the edge of the waterfall. My hair was mess; I'd just woken up. I probably looked like an animal to the OTHER animals. But nothing mattered to me except daddy. The only reason that I'm staying outside all day is because daddy loved the outdoors. I'm not gonna just sit in my room all day and cry. I'm gonna sit outside and cry. Justin quickly appeared. In his boxers. Me: "Dude, what are you doing? You're only wearing your boxers! It's like fucking freezing outside!" Justin: "I don't care. You should be inside as well." Me: "No. I should be outside. In fact, me and Alex are staying out here all day." He stared at me. I tried my hardest not to stare at his well-toned abs down there but damn that was hard to do. Justin: "Come on, Mels. It's cold out here." He was right, and I have no idea how it's cold in the summer time. But I'm not going in there even if I wanted to. Me: "No." I crossed my arms. He came up behind me and rubbed my arms. Justin: "You're already cold.. Come on." He whispered in my ear. He knew that could make me do anything.. I fought my body. Me: "No." I repeated. He sighs. Justin: "Fine. I'll be right back." I wave him away and he jogs back to the cabin. Five minutes later he came back with blankets, pillows, and even some snacks. Justin: "Kay." Me: "Justin, please don't... Today's a personal day for me and Alex. Please don't. We need to be alone." He sighs and plops down next to me with all the blankets, pillows, etc. Justin: "Alright, I won't stay... I respect your privacy. But can I at least know why you guys are gonna be out in the freezing cold?" Me: "Today's the day that daddy died." I said in barely a whisper. Justin: "Oh my gosh... I'm so sorry, Melani." He pulls me in for a hug and I can't help but spill more tears. He pulls back and places his warm hands on my frozen cheeks. Justin: "Listen to me.. Your dad will always be here no matter what. And you have many other wonderful people surrounding you." I nod while he wipes the tears away with his thumbs. Justin: "Just remember, don't let anything stop you..." He whispered before softly placing his lips on mine. I still got that tingly feeling even after those couple times that we kissed. Justin: "I'll bring anything if you need, kay? Just text me." I nod and he slowly walks off back to the cabin, taking a few glances back at me. I sigh and lay back on the blankets he brought. Me: "I miss you daddy." I whispered to the sky. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I had tons and tons of flashbacks. "Hey Mels." Alex whispered from above me. Me: "Hi." I choked out. He sighs and sits next to me. Alex: "It's gonna be okay..." Of course it wouldn't. Daddy's not coming back. And to make it worst, mom just HAD to marry Dan. I mean, Dan's nice and all, but he'll never amount to daddy. Alex was only 8 when this happened. So young... He looked up at the sky. Alex: "Looks like it's gonna rain.." I nod. Me: "You don't have to stay if you don't want to..." Alex: "I'll stay until it rains.." It was quiet for a long while. He knew I didn't wanna talk. I was talking to daddy in my mind and tried to imagine him talking back. It never happened. A small teardrop landed on my arm, more and more following after. Alex: "I'm gonna go inside... You coming?" I shake my head. Me: "I'm fine." I croaked out. Me: "But can you tell Justin to bring me JustyBear?" [lmfao, the bear. xD] He nods and goes inside. Alone. Outside. In the rain. This is gonna be fun... Five minutes later, Justin comes out with JustyBear and an umbrella. Justin: "Here he is." He whispered. Me: "Thanks." I cuddled JustyBear, even though I was wet. Justin: "It's raining, you sure you don't wanna come inside?" I nod solemly. He sighs. Justin: "Okay." He whispers before setting up the umbrella so it stood up behind me. Justin: "Be careful up here." He kisses my forehead then goes back to the cabin. I wanted him to stay, but I also wanted to be alone. I sat there for hours; talking, remembering, crying. Everything was wet and gray. I was soaked and freezing. But I didn't care. Justin came by multiple times, checking to see if I was okay. By the time it was 9, I was curled up in a ball and shaking. Justin: "Melani!" He ran up the rocks and over to me. Justin: "Are you okay? Can you hear me?" I tried nodding my head but it probably looked like I was just shaking. Justin: "Come on. You can't stay out here." I wanted to protest but I was too weak. I let him scoop me up bridal style and bring me to the cabin. He occassionally pecked my lips just 'cause he wanted to. Sara: "My god! What happened?" Justin: "I'll tell you later. Just make her some soup." She nods and Justin brings me upstairs and sets me onto the bed. Justin: "Wait here." He holds up one finger. Me: "Not like I have a choice." I croaked out. I'd lost my voice. Oh great. He went over to my dresser and picked out my Hello Kitty PJ shirt and his snowman PJ bottoms. Justin: "Can you go get changed?" I shrugged. Me: "I can't feel my legs." He frowned. Justin: "Okay.. Just sit still while I do this." I looked at him with a confused expression then I realized what he meant. Me: "Can't Becca just do it?" I whined. Justin: "She's asleep." I sigh. Me: "Fine. Just make it quick." He nods and closes his eyes while lifting my wet t-shirt over my head and replacing it with my HK top and my over-sized sweatshirt. He quickly slipped my jeans off and put on his snowman PJ's. I managed a laugh but it sounded more like someone trying to start a car. Me: "Snowmen? Cute." I stuck my tongue out. Justin: "Yeah I know. Just perfect for you." He smiles. Justin: "Kay, imma go put these in the laundry. Be right back." I nod. Me: "Sorry daddy." I whispered. My eyelids felt heavy and I found myself nodding into dreamland.

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