PART 3 - School

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We were getting glares by every girl in school. Justin: "Hey babes." He winks at them. Ugh. We hurry him to the principal's office. We leave him in the waiting room and go get changed in the bathroom. When we come back, he was already in the office getting his stuff. We walk in right when Mr. Maynard [random] is telling him about the uniforms. Mr. Maynard: "And here is your uniform." Justin's jaw drops down and stares at the ugly uniform of Canarelli High. [random again] Justin: "WHAT?! UNIFORM?" Mr. Maynard nods. Me: "Yeah Justin. Didn't we tell you about it?" I smirk. Justin: "No.. Actually, you didn't mention it. At all." Me: "Oh well. My bad." He glares at me. Mr. Maynard: "Alright Miss Summers, Miss Bieber, please escort Mr. Bieber to the bathroom." We groan and pull Justin along to the bathroom. Mr. Maynard says we have to stay with him ALL day. And at least one of us has to be in his class. We wait outside the bathroom, waiting for the diva to come out. We hear him struggling and start laughing. Me: "You need help my princess?" I say through the door. Justin: "Shut up!" I laugh again. Me: "We don't have all day, ya know." He doesn't answer. Instead, he comes to the door with his arms all twisted up and the shirt half on. I burst out laughing. Justin: "Fine. Can you help me?" I cross my arms. Me: "What's the magic word?" Justin: "Please help me." He mumbles. Me: "What? I can't hear you." He grumbles. Justin: "Please help me!" I smile. Me: "Okay then." I go into the bathroom [it was a room for one person :P] Me: "You'd think that someone who wears all kinds of different shit can do this." I say while untangling his arms. He's now shirtless and I can't help but stare. I've always had a staring problem. Justin: "Well?" I snap back to reality. Me: "Hold on! Gosh." I slip the shirt over his head and fix the buttons up. My eyes trail up to his big brown orbs. Here goes the staring again.. I finally break the gaze after maybe five minutes. Justin: "I look gay!" He says after the awkward moment we just had. Me: "Oh we all know that you are. Don't worry 'bout it." He glares at my reflection in the mirror. Me: "Oh whatever. Come on Justina." I pull him out and Becca stands up. Becca: "Finally!" Me: "I know right?" I say while pulling Justin along. Me and Becca have first period together, thank god. I won't have to spend a whole hour alone with this kid. Ms. Mello[random]: "Summers. Bieber. You're late." Me: "Sorry Ms. Mello. We were helping Justin around the school." She nods. Ms. Mello: "Very well then. Go take your seats. And Mr. Bieber, stay away from our other students. I've gotten special orders." He nods and we hurry to our seats. Justin: "She's got a problem." He whispers. Me: "Tell me about it." Justin: "You think she's on crack?" I laugh quietly. Me: "Some people say she is." He cracks up. Ms. Mello: "Summers! Mr. Bieber!" She snaps and we jump. Me: "Yes Ms. Mello?" She glares. Ms. Mello: "No talking. I don't care if you like each other, be quiet." Justin scoffs. Justin: "Me. Like THAT? You've got to be kidding me." I glare at him and switch seats with Becca. Well, the fun was good while it lasted. Which was like 5 seconds. I sigh and continue on my work. A small paper lands on my desk. I look up and see Justin staring at me. "What?" I mouth. He points to the paper. I growl and unfold it. "I'm bored." It says. I stare at him. "What the fuck is this?" I mouth. He shrugs and does a writing motion with his hands. I roll my eyes and write: "What the hell do you want?" I throw it onto his desk. 30 seconds later, the paper appears on my desk. "I'm bored! Talk to me!" "Why the hell would I want to talk to YOU?" "Because I'm cool." I grumble and rip up the paper. Another one appears. It says: "I'll stop making fun of you. For today. If you talk to me." I roll my eyes. One day wasn't enough. Try forever. "Well what do you wanna talk about?" "Girls." "Ugh. You pig. Why don't you go talk to a guy or something?" "The principal said I can't. Says I have to stay with you guys. Err. Girls." Wow. He finally calls me a girl for once. "I thought I was a thing. Not a girl." "Well you have boobs don't you?" I laugh a little bit. "Duh. What kind of question is that? You witnessed it yourself. Mr. "ICan'tFindTheBathroom" You seriously ruined my dance." He reads it and laughs. "Well it's not my fault that you don't know what a lock is." I roll my eyes. "Douche." "Bitch. ;)" I grumble and throw the paper at his face. There were no more note-writing for the rest of the class time.

[Nothing happens so imma skip to Wednesday, the last day of school. After school]

This whole week has been nothing but fighting and arguing between me and Justin. I don't understand why he HAS to stay with Becca. Why not one of his other cousins? Becca: "You ready to go?" I nod and lugg my suitcase down the stairs. Me: "Bye mom. See you in August." Mom: "Bye sweetie, have fun." "Yeah! Great fun." I mumble. We leave out the door and pack up into the van. Mom: "Be careful!" She yells from the doorway. I give her a thumbs up and jump into the van. Hours went by as I look down at my watch that's strapped around my wrist. Justin: "If you look at that thing one more time, I'll go crazy." I glare over at his big brown eyes and slowly look down at the watch, testing him. Justin: "I can't hit a girl, oh wait, you aren't a girl." I backhand him in the chest. Justin: "Oww!" Me: "I'm as much of a girl than any of your girlfriends are." Justin: "Sure, Melly." I stare at him. Melly. No one's ever called me that. Ever. But why does it sound so familiar? It's like I've heard him call me that before. But that's not possible. I've never ever in my life met this jerk.


Me: "Sure, Melly." That name just slipped through my mouth. Why did I just call her that? The only person that I've called Melly was my fourth grade best friend. My thoughts trailed to that picture I saw in her room. I still don't know why she has that photo. It was a personal memory.


Me: "It's MELANI!" I growl, stamping my foot; forgetting about what he just called me. He smirks. Justin: "More like bitch." I look over and see Becca's pleading face. Becca: "Guys, please get along." Me: "With him? No way." Justin: "With.. with.. whatever that is? No way." I cross my arms and furrow my eyebrows, debating on whether this summer was going to be completely horrible or not. At this rate, it was turning out horrible.

-----> Melly. Why is that name familiar to Melani? :D Sorry this one was boring and short.. It's not one of my best.. But you guys seem to like it so... D: Wrote Part 4 already  :D

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