PART 9 - Pranks galore!

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Alex: "Hey, why don't we go hiking today?" He asks when I come downstairs. Becca: "Yeah! That'll be fun.. Right?" I roll my eyes. Hiking was not something fun for me. Becca: "Oh c'mon Mels. Please?" Me: "What about the kiddos?" I said, looking over at the Bieber kids playing Wii. Becca: "Boys. Get up and get ready. We're going hiking!" They all groan but listen to their older sister. Me: "Ugh. Fineee." I slump my back and trudge upstairs. I slipped on my running shoes when I got back downstairs. Me: "Do I really have to come?" I whined. Becca placed her hands on her hips. Becca: "Yes, Mels. Unless you wanna stay here. Alone. With no one around.. In the big, empty hou-" Me: "OKAY!" She smirked. She knew I hated being home alone. Especially when it wasn't my home. She opened the door and escorted everyone out.


I climbed up the steep mountail hill, Becca and Alex were trailing behind while the little Bieber boys were ahead. And hell, Melani was at the bottom, pretty much. I watched as she took her time hiking up, with her arms folded. Me: "Be right back, guys, I'm gonna go help Melani.." A grin pulled along their sweaty faces. I rolled my eyes and made my way down the hill. Melani: "Oh yaaaay, look who it is, The Douche himself.." I smirked and stuck out my hand. Me: "Need help?" She huffed, eyeing my hand with her blue eyes. Melani: "Not in a million, trillion, billion, babillion years." I looked down, shaking my head when something moving caught my eye near Melani's shoes. A snake. I smirked. Me: "Nice pet snake." Melani: "What?" She raised her eyebrow, clearly not understanding what I meant. Me: "Snake." I grinned, pointing down near her shoes. I never heard a girl scream so loud. She jumped into my arms and swung her legs around my waist, clinging onto me. Melani: "Why are you just standing here!? Get me away from that goddamn snake!" She said, her grip tightening. I smirked. Me: "Nah... It's friendly, see?" I took a step closer to the snake and she screamed in my ear. Me: "Damn Lani! You trying to make me deaf?!" Melani: "Get. Me. Away. From that snake. NOW." She demanded. I grinned. Me: "Kay." I swung her around so she was on my back, held onto her legs and took off running. She was screaming her face off; not helping with the hearing thing. Melani: "JUSTIN PUT ME DOWN!" I laughed. Me: "Fine. You want me to drop you while I'm running? Kay." I pretended to let go of her legs and she screamed even louder, her grip on me was almost choking me. Me: "I'm. Not. Gonna. Let. Go." I coughed. She loosened her grip and we caught up to the others. Alex: "Whoa. When did this happen?" He gestured towards the girl on my back. Me: "Nothing happened." I dropped Melani down and she glared up at me. Becca helped her up. Becca: "You're such a jackass, Justin." I shrug. Me: "And?" She rolled her eyes.


I gotta admit, that was pretty fun. Until he dropped me on my butt. Becca: "You okay Mels?" I nod, dusting myself off. Me: "I was perfectly fine until the princess here decided he would "help me" but ended up scaring me half to death." Justin smirked. Justin: "Hey, admit it. You had fun on my back." He winked. Me: "Eww." I stood up and started making my way back to the cabin.


A tear fell from my blue eyes onto the picture frame that held my Father. The sun was blinding me as it shown through the glass of the window, I gently rubbed my slender finger around the wooden frame. Justin: "Melani?" I quickly shoved the picture frame under my pillow and I visiously wiped away my tears. Me: "What?" I said grogily. Justin: "Are you crying?" Me: "Why do you.." I got up, hiding my face. "Care." I left the room, heading downstairs for a snack.

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