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I placed my hands on her warm cheeks, almost touching her lips with mine... I was already an inch away. I closed my eyes and moved closer. "JUSTY!?" A voice screeched. Ugh! Fother muckin' bitch! Me: "WHAT?!" I yelled. I looked up and saw Caitlin. Caitlin: "What the hell are you doing?" Me: "What does it look like?" I growled, helping Melani up. Caitlin: "Like you were about to have sex with her!" Me: "I wasn't gonna do that! I was about to kiss her!" I stormed off, pulling Melani with me. Why the hell does someone always have to ruin the moment? We walked back to the van and I opened the door for her. Melani: "Thanks." I nodded and closed the door after her and going to the driver's side. I sat down but didn't start the engine. I turned to her. Me: "You know, I hate that I haven't kissed you yet." She tried to hide a smile but she failed. Melani: "Really? Why?" Me: "Because. I wanna be your first kiss, remember?" Melani: "Oh yeah... I forgot." Me: "So, wanna go somewhere?" She shook her head. Melani: "Let's just go home.." I nod and start up the engine. The radio turned on and U Smile was playing. Melani: "I love this song!" I laughed and listened as she sang. Her voice was really beautiful.. Maybe I could get Scooter to set up some things. I smiled and sang along with her. "Your lips my biggest weakness. Shouldn't have let you know..." Yeah, my thoughts consisted of one thing: kissing Melani. I wondered when we'd kiss. Or if we'd be able to kiss at all. Then I remembered something Becca told me earlier. Melani's birthday was coming. Perfect. But I need a present... Eh, I still have a week to think of one.


We were dancing and singing like idiots and not caring who saw us. It was the most fun I've had in a car since... Never. I was laughing so much that my stomach hurt. I found out that this was the real Justin Bieber. The down-to-earth, weird Justin. Me: "Oh my gosh, I HAVE to meet Christian! He's so funny!" Justin: "Really? You wanna meet him?" I nodded my head fiercely. Me: "Oh YES! That would be so awesome!" He smiled. Justin: "Okay." Me: "Okay what?" Justin: "Just okay.." I stared at him. Me: "That's it? OKAY?! I wanna meet him! PLEEEAASE!" He chuckled. Justin: "We'll see..." I grunted. Me: "You're so mean." I pouted, crossing my arms. Justin: "Aww... Is wittle Lani sad?" He mocked my face. I slapped his arm. Justin: "Okay okay.. Jeez." Me: "For five billionth time, my name is Melani." He smirks. Justin: "Actually, I think it's five billion and one times." I roll my eyes. Me: "Whatever! That's not the point." Justin: "Okay, Lani." I growl and start hitting him with a pillow that was in the backseat. Justin: "Hey hey hey! Watch the hair!" Me: "God, you're so full of yourself!" Justin: "Nah... I'm just confident." Me: "Whatever." I threw the pillow at him. Justin: "You need a chiiiill pill." Me: "Nah, I head those can make you high..." He laughed. Then we pulled into the front of the cabin. I was about get out. Justin: "Wait. Don't move." He opens his door and runs to my side, opening the door for me. Finally, a gentleman. Unlike freaking Chase. Me: "Thank you, sir." He bowed and gestured me out. I laughed. Justin: "No problem, ma' lady.." He locked the doors and we went inside. As soon as I stepped in, Becca attacked me. Becca: "HOW WAS THE DATE?!" She jumped up and down. Hm. She reminded me of a hamster. Me: "Horrible." I said, touching my cheek. Her jaw dropped. Becca: "WHAT?! WHY?!" Me: "Well, where do I start?" I plopped down on the couch. Me: "He was a pig, he yelled at me, and he fucking slapped me." Her jaw dropped even lower and her eyes bugged out. To be honest, she looked crazy as hell. Becca: "What?! He slapped you?!" Justin: "Yep. I was there.." Becca: "And you didn't do anything?" Me: "He did do something.. Actually, he choked him against the wall." She smirked. Becca: "Damn Justin. Fight for your lady!" She laughed. Justin: "Hey, I would've done it for any girl..." Becca: "Yeah, but you wouldn't have choked the guy if it was a regular girl. You would've stood up for the girl and that's it." Justin rolled his eyes. Justin: "Whatever.." Becca: "So... Did you guys kiss?!" Her smile grew wider. Justin: "Yep." He started laughing as Becca jumped up and started dancing. Justin: "Just kidding. We almost did but freaking Caitlin ruined it." Becca's smile turned to a straight line. Becca: "I hate you," She glared at Justin. Becca: "And imma kill Caitlin for ruining the moment." I laughed. Me: "There's no need for killing, Bec." Becca: "Fineee. I'll leave her alone. For now. Annnyyywhooo... Somebody's birthday is coming up. You excited?" I shrugged. Me: "Maybe a little..." She stared at me. Me: "Okay, a lot.." She smiled. Becca: "So, I got you a dress to wear for half of your present.. Wanna go see?" I nod and follow her upstairs. Becca: "Kay, so close your eyes. No peeking." Me: "Alright." I shut my eyes tight. Becca: "Okay, okay... Open." I peeked open one eye and gasped. Me: "Damn Becca! How'd you get this?" She smiled. Becca: "I've been saving up for your sweet sixteen." She beamed. Me: "But it looks so expensive!" Becca: "Oh it was... But it's your birthday so it's no big deal." Wow... She actually spent lots of money just for me? Me: "Thank you Becca! You're the bestest friend ever!" I gave her a big bear hug. Becca: "I know." We laugh. Me: "But wait, it's only gonna be me, you, Marrisse, and the rest of the Biebers. Why do I need a dress?" Becca: "Because. You needa look amazing whether we're at a party or not." Me: "Alright then... So, are you gonna do my hair again?" I laughed. Becca: "Hell yes!" Me: "Kay cool.. So, I was thinking... We go to the beach and have our own little party." She smiled. Becca: "Sure! That'd be awesome.. Hey, do you know if Justin is gonna invite Ryan?!" Yeah... She had a huge crush on Ryan. She's known him as long as Justin has. I've only met him once before and he's pretty cool. Me: "Uh, I don't know. You want me to ask him?" Becca: "Pleeaasse." She begged. Me: "Kay. Be right back." I went downstairs just as Justin was getting off the phone. Me: "Who was that?" I was always a nosy person. Justin: "Uh... No one." He was a bad liar. Me: "Okay, then. Becca wants to know if you're inviting Ryan." I heard Becca scream at me from upstairs. I laughed. Me: "Yeah, she's like, IN LOVE WITH HIM!" I yelled back. Justin: "Oh, well, then yeah I'll invite him. He's liked her since like forever." Me: "Awesome. They'd make a cute couple." I imagined Becca and Ryan holding hands. Me: "Kay, so I'm meeting Ryan again?" Justin: "I don't know... I haven't called him yet." Me: "Oh yeah. Well, let me know." He nodded and I went back upstairs. Becca: "You didn't have to tell him that I was in love with Ryan." She glared. Me: "Oops. It slipped out of my mouth." I laughed. Becca: "Whatever... So is he coming?" Me: "Justin said he'll call." She nods excitedly. Becca: "Right, so we've got a big week coming up.. Let's get to sleep." Me: "Kay. Have sweet dreams of Ryan." I mocked and she pushed me out the door. Me: "Night Justin!" Justin: "Night, Lani." I roll my eyes and go into my room. This should be an interesting birthday... Even if I wasn't having a birthday party, it'd be awesome with just my closest friends. If I was back at my house, I would've had a party. I picked up JustyBear and started tossing him around. Something fell out. A paper. I stared at it before picking it up. What's this? It was written on a purple paper; the outside read: "To: Melly. From: JustyBear :)" I smiled a little bit and unfolded it. It was written in messy, little kid hand-writing. It was kinda hard to read but I managed. "Happy birthday Melly! I can't believe you're already 7 :) I remember when we were 5 and you were littler. Anyway, I drew you a picture... I hope you like it. -JustyBear" I laughed. Pattie must've helped with spelling and stuff. I searched for the picture and found it sticking out of the bear's shirt. I pulled it out and unfolded it. Aww... It was a picture of stick figures. A boy and a girl. It said "Together forever." on the top of the paper. My mind lingered on the word "forever." What happened to forever? It ended 7 years ago. I sighed and decided to tape it on my wall. I set JustyBear on my bedside table and turned out the lights, crawling into bed. Me: "Good night daddy." I smiled up at the brightest star and closed my eyes, thinking of daddy.


I know this one sucked but yeah. Well i'm editing chapter 20 now so. Wait a few minutes. I'll post it withing 30 minutes i think.


xxx Lyn

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