PART 26 - Melani's Birthday, Part 2

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A/N: Sorry if i just update this now. I've been confined to the hospital for like a week because something happened. Thanks to those who still reading this. Hope you'll keep on supporting the story. I know many don't like JUSTIN BIEBER but well i just get his attitude and something like that. Whatever. So yeah. Here's my Update today.



He guided me up the stairs and stopped in front of our room. Justin: "Okay, wait here." He held up one finger and unlocked the door. Justin: "Be right back." I nod and stand there wondering what he has in there. I was tempted to peek, but I didn't wanna ruin the surprise. He came back 3 minutes later. Justin: "Kay. It's ready..." He came up behind me and covered my eyes. Justin: "Walk forward.." He instructed. Me: "Okay, but if I bump into something, I swear Imma chase you down, even if I am wearing heels." He chuckles and his breath runs down my neck. I stiffen my back up and walk forward slowly. He briefly lets go of my waist and I hear the door close. Justin: "Are you ready to see my REAL birthday gift?" He whispers, followed by a nibble to my ear. Me: "Well, I wanna see it but all I see is blackness." He chuckles. Justin: "Well, then... Voila!" He uncovered my eyes and I gasped in amazement. What I saw wasn't my regular room. It had a little dinner table in between the beds, rose petals and glow-in-the-dark hearts on the floor, candles everywhere, even some SPK, which I loved the most. Me: "Justin..." He sighs. Justin: "You don't like it." Me: "No, no I LOVE it. But... How'd you get all this ready?" Justin: "Well, when that girl who's name starts with a B," Me: "Brittany." Justin: "Whatever, I don't care. Anyway, when she left, I started getting it ready. I wanted to make up for the crappy night I gave you." He smiles, and in the dim light of the candles, it was like those sparkly teeth commercials. Justin: "So, um, wanna eat?" Me: "Oh yes! I'm starving!" I quickly realize what I just did. Me: "Sorry, I sounded like such a pig.." He laughs. Justin: "Nah, it's okay. I like piggies." He pulls the chair out for me and I sit down. He sits in his seat and looks around. Justin: "Pretty romantic, right? I mean, yeah sure, it's a bedroom but still..." Me: "Yeah..." Justin: "So, what do you wanna eat? I'll have the waiter bring it up.. I suggest you choose from downstairs. Sorry. Didn't get to order food." Me: "Um... Wow, you got a waiter?" Justin: "Uh, well sorta. So what do you want?" Me: "Um, well I'll just take the spaghetti." He nods and takes out his phone. He texts someone then slips it back in his pocket. Justin: "So... He said that food will be up here soon. Wanna look at the stars?" Me: "Um, okay." Justin: "Alright, you go outside and I'll get a blanket." I nod and shuffle my feet out to the balcony. It was a little cold out here but I didn't mind. The breeze felt good on my skin. I leaned on the railing and watched the teenage couples warming up by the campfire below me. They were snuggling and laughing. This got me thinking. What would it be like after summer ends? School starts and Justin's staying for at least three months of school. That means the blonde bimbos, brunettes, and red heads will be throwing theirselves at him. He'd be surrounded by girls and probably won't even look at me. I jumped when I felt a pair of hands on my waist. Justin: "Sorry." He whispered. He leaned his head on my left shoulder. Justin: "Whatcha thinking about?" I looked at him from the corner of my eye, he was staring at me. Me: "How did you know I was?" Justin: "I see you do this every night. I don't hear what you say, but I know you're thinking about something." I nod slowly. Me: "Just thinking about school. 'Cause you know, almost everyone is here." Justin: "Oh, well wanna look at the stars now?" I nod and he lets go of me. The blanket on the ground before me was my blanket.. From daddy. I haven't took that old thing out since he.. left. I turn away. Me: "Actually, I think I'm just gonna look at them from right here. Justin: "What's wrong?" Worry swam in his eyes. Me: "Nothing.. Nothing. I'm fine." I lied. He gave me a weird look. Justin: "Wanna talk about it?" I sigh and nod while he sits on one of the chairs. He pats the chair next to him but I sit on his lap. He seemed surprised but he liked it. I know he did. He slithers his arms around my waist and sets his head on my shoulder once again. Justin: "So, what's wrong?" Me: "That.. That blanket." He pulled a confused look. Me: "Daddy gave it to me." I whispered. Justin: "Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't know... Sorry." I wipe a small tear from my cheek. Me: "No, it's okay.. It wasn't your fault. You didn't know." He sighs. Justin: "Well, we don't have to watch the stars now.. If you don't want to." Me: "No I want to.. Let's.. Just forget that that happened." He nods and I stand up then sit on the blanket. He lays next to me. Justin: "Beautiful, ain't it?" I nod, laying back onto his chest. He smelled good. D&G cologne. And I noticed that he was still wearing a tux. But without the blazer. It was quiet and we were stuck in the moment. He kisses the top of my head. Justin: "Your hair still smells good." I laugh quietly. Me: "I know. And you still smell like guys." I could tell that he was smiling even though I wasn't looking at him. There was a knock at the door. Justin: "That's the waiter. Come in!" A short, long-haired waiter came in. He was way too young to be a real waiter. Waiter: "Good evening sir and madame. I am Pierre, your server tonight." Fake bad accent, fake mustache. I knew who this was. Christian. I laugh. Me: "You're so weird, Justin." He smiles. Justin: "I know, but you like him.. And I needed a waiter. It was perfect." Christian smiled cheekily. Christian: "Well here's your dinner. Have a good night." He winks at Justin. Christian: "Bye." He sets the spaghetti on the table and leaves. Me: "He's so cute!" Justin frowns. Justin: "But I'm hot right?" I laugh. Me: "I don't know. Why don't you ask yourself?" He pulls an annoyed face then checks himself in the mirror and fixes his collar. Justin: "Yeaaaaahhhh. I'm sexy. Taylor Lautner's got NOTHING on me. Who's the hottest guy on Earth?" He changes his voice to sound like a girl. Justin: "Justin Bieber." [lmfaooo I was laughing a lot when I wrotee this part. xD] He winked at himself in the mirror. I was laughing so hard. Me: "You're still so full of yourself." Justin: "Nah, I'm just confident." He smirks then sits down on my right. Justin: "Well, let's eat!" He uncovers the platter and there sat a heaping plate of spaghetti. One plate. Just one. Me: "Um. There's only one plate." He shrugs. Justin: "Oops. Forgot to tell him to get two plates. My bad." He smiled innocently and I rolled my eyes. Justin: "Well just eat. It's really good. Mom made it." I nod and pick up the fork. I twist it around on the plate and stuff it into my mouth. Me: "Damn this is good!" He laughs. Justin: "Told ya." He smiles then eats some. We ended up finishing the whole plate and now we were laying on the bed, cuddling and watching Spongebob reruns. He laughs, it vibrates on my head. Justin: "Ah... Spongebob. Never gets old." I nod, almost falling asleep. But I didn't wanna fall asleep yet. I wanna finish my birthday. He switches off the tv, making the room dim again. Justin: "So..." I look up at him, the glow of the candles caught in his eyes. They were so pretty. I hadn't even noticed that his face was inching towards mine but I went with it. I closed my eyes and stretched up so he could get closer. Our faces were right in front of each other. Was this really the moment we've been trying to have?! I guess it was because no one interrupt. Yet. The moment was going so slow and I was getting frustrated. It was like time was slowing down and he was going slow motion. I let my frustration get to me and I leaned up more, making our lips touch. It felt like everything disappeared and we were alone in the world. Just the two of us. No interruptions. His lips slightly parted and molded into mine. Oh god it felt good. It felt as if the floor beneath us was gonna fall apart any second now. Our lips moved in sync as it got more passionate. His hands crept to my waist and pulled me closer than I already was. We must've been laying here for a long time without breaking the kiss. It felt... Actually, it was unexplainable. I finally got to taste the lips of Justin Bieber. Justin Drew freaking Bieber. I pulled back, heaving in short breaths. I stared at him. We were shocked. Justin: "Did you.." I cut him off. Me: "Yeah." He was talking about the spark, the fireworks, the feeling we had while we shared this special moment. We were utterly breathless. He sat up, not blinking, not saying anything. We were too speechless. Justin: "Uh... That was.. Um, uh..." Me: "Amazing? Magical? Unexplainable?" I finished his sentence. He nods, touching his lips with his index and middle fingers. Just then, someone burst through the door. Person: "JUSTY!" She squealed. It was little Jazzy Bieber. Justin: "Jazzy! You're back!" She jumped onto the bed and into his arms. He smiled and held her. Jazmyn: "Oh yeah.. I forgot. Happy birffday Mewani!" She giggled. Me: "Aww thank you Jaz." She smiles and jumps into my arms. Jazmyn: "You look pweety today. You and Justy should get mawwied." She beams, making me laugh. Me: "We're too young, sweetie." She shrugs. Jazmyn: "So? I still think you should get mawwied." She giggled before running back downstairs. Justin: "Hm. Marriage, huh?" He laughs. Me: "Oh whatever.. Let's just go downstairs." He smiles and nods before getting up. Justin: "Let's go my beautiful lady." He smiles and grabs my hand. Did he just call me his lady? I shrug it off and follow him downstairs with a smile on my face. Becca immediately ran up to us and screamed. Justin: "DAMN Becca! Shut up!" She squealed. Becca: "I can't! Did you?! Did you?! Huh, huh, HUH?!" She jumped up and down. Still hyper. Justin: "Sorry, Bec... I don't kiss and tell." He smirks. She got angry. Becca: "TELL MEEEEE!" She begged, gripping on his button up shirt. Justin: "Calm the fuck down! You'll just have to see what happens!" She let go of his shirt and glared at us. Becca: "I hate both of you. Until I see you guys make out." She laughs, jumping away. Justin: "God, my cousin's crazy." Me: "Yeah but I still love her." Justin: "Well, then if you like her then I like her too." He grins. Justin: "Wanna go dance now?" Me: "Yeah sure." He takes me outside where people were dancing in the garden. Justin: "Wait here." He holds up one finger then goes to the DJ. I stand there awkwardly, waiting for him. He said something to the DJ then came walking back to me. Justin: "May I have this dance?" He grins, holding out his hand. Me: "You may." I smile, grabbing his hand. He takes me out to the garden while the song starts to play. First Dance. His song. He places his hands on my waist and I rest my arms around his neck. We rock back and forth to the music, not looking at anything else but the other's eyes. "Only if you give, give the first dance to me. Girl I promise I'll be gentle. But we gotta do it slowly. If you give, give the first dance to me, I'm gonna cherish every moment. 'Cause it only happens once, once in a lifetime." He sang along and I was just lost in Bieberworld. I never thought that it actually existed. But now that I'm in it, I regret ever saying I hated him. Bieberworld is a dream. A fantasy. A magical world. It's unexplainably beautiful. Justin: "You're beautiful, Melani..." He said that out of nowhere but okay... Me: "Thanks. You're very handsome." He smiled. I continued swaying back and forth with him. Him being my first kiss. I actually had my first kiss. On my birthday. With Justin. What could go wrong now? He leaned down and gently placed a kiss on my lips when the song sang "Now's the perfect time for me to taste your lipgloss." Good thing Becca wasn't here 'cause then she would've ruined the moment by screaming in our faces. The song ended and I felt like jelly in his arms. Me: "I'm tired... Carry me inside?" I pulled a puppy dog face. He smiles. Justin: "Anything for you." He scoops me up bridal style and starts heading towards the back door, not taking his eyes off me but watching where he goes. Right when we stepped through the door, Becca attacked us. Becca: "OH MY GOD! HE'S CARRYING YOU!" I covered my ears. Me: "Yeah. Calm down... Jeez, Becca." She was shaking, like really shaking. Becca: "I'm hyped....!" Then she ran off. We have got to get this girl away from sugar. Sara and Jack came through the door. Jack: "Wow! The party's still going on?!" He yelled over the noise. Me: "Yeah! Sorry." Jack: "Alright! EVERYBODY! PARTY'S OVER!" Justin set me down by the front door. Jack: "EVERYONE OUT!" They aww'd but listened 'cause it was like almost midnight. I said bye to everyone that left. Good thing these kids were good people; they helped clean up. Marrisse, Ryan, Chaz, and Christian were the only ones that remained. Sara: "Alright, we're heading to bed. Good night everyone. Be good." We nod. Everyone: "Goodnight Sara, goodnight Jack." They trudged upstairs. Chaz: "OMG sleepover!" He said like a girl. We laughed. Christian: "And sleepover means MOVIE NIGHT!" We agreed and jumped onto the couches; me and Justin laid down on one and the others on the other couch. Ryan: "Whoa! Are you two dating?" I looked at Justin. Me: "Um, no." Ryan: "Well, it seems like it." I shrug. Justin: "Hey, I have another present for you.." He whispered. Me: "Another one? But you already got me a dinner, Christian, and my first kiss.. It's okay. Really." Justin: "I still wanna give it to you." He insisted. I sigh. Me: "Fine..." He smiles. Justin: "Cover your eyes. No peeking." Me: "Okay." I shut my eyes tightly. I felt him take something out of his pocket and unclipped something. I soon felt something small and cold on my neck. Justin: "Open." He whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and looked down. It was that locket I found outside... The one Justin said was from a personal memory. Me: "Oh... Wow. Justin, it's- it's beautiful..." He chuckles. Justin: "Just like you, shawty. May I?" I nod and lift my hair up so he can clip it up. Ryan: "Alright! It's starting! Shut up you two love birds." I stick my tongue out at him. He just chuckles. Justin hid his face in my neck, smiling. It tickled. We were watching Nightmare on Elm Street. Even though I've seen it a bunch of times, it could still scare the shit out of me. I grabbed Justin's hands from behind me and held them close. His smile grew and he nuzzled my neck. Me: "Stop Justin! It tickles." I whispered. Justin: "I'm bored..." He whispered back. Me: "Well don't do that to my neck! It tickles." Justin: "Okay." He did it again. I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from giggling. Me: "Stop. Please..." I begged, pretending to be like a four year old. Justin: "Oh, I know that trick. I'm the master at that. That's not gonna fool me." I huffed, pouting my lip and ripping his arms off of me. I crossed my arms so he wouldn't grab them. Justin: "Oh, don't be like that.." He whispered sexily in my ear. Me: "Oh no no no. You are NOT playing that game with me." I slither down to the floor and hug my knees, afraid that something's gonna pop out and grab me. Justin: "What game?" He asked innocently. Me: "Oh stop it! You know exactly what I'm talking about." He chuckles. Justin: "I actually have no idea..." He pulled me back onto the couch. I kicked and squiggled but he was too strong. Everyone: "Shut up!" Justin: "Yeah, shut up.. We're trying to watch the movie." I roll my eyes. Me: "You're lucky that you're strong." Justin: "Yeah. I'm lucky. 'Cause I get to hold you." He nuzzles me again and I felt a different feeling. A tingly feeling in my neck. Justin: "You know you like that." He laughs. Gosh, he changed from really sweet to seductive. He's a moody person. We were now halfway into the movie and I wasn't scared anymore. I was more bored than scared. I wasn't even paying attention anymore. Justin kept nuzzling me and I was trying hard not to giggle. Me: "Stop Justin!" Justin: "You don't really want me to stop." I didn't respond because he was right. Justin: "Told you." I swear, he probably looked like a bobble head but I couldn't see because he was behind me. Justin: "I'm so bored.. Wanna go upstairs?" Me: "Nah you can go." Justin: "Kay. Bye." He got up from that awkward position and went upstairs. That was the first time tonight that he listened to me. Ryan: "Hey, is there any more popcorn?" Becca: "Naw. Chaz ate it all." We laugh. Me: "Eh, well I'm gonna go to sleep now. I'm tired." Becca: "Kay Mels. Happy birthday!" Boys: "Happy birthday!" Chaz: "Use protection!" I stared at him weirdly. Me: "Shut up. Night peoples." I trudged upstairs and into my room. Justin: "So you decided to come join me?" I roll my eyes. Me: "No. I'm tired." I grab my PJ's and go into the bathroom to change.


I don't know why I was being all pervy with her. It just felt right. Plus, both of us liked it. I watched as she slowly made her way to the bathroom to change. Perfect night. Perfect lady. Perfect kiss. Everything perfect. I sigh happily and glance back at the picture frame. I wonder why she still doesn't know that I'm her JustyBear. Yes, HER JustyBear. She owned me, I owned her. Ever since we were five. She sleepily walked out of the bathroom with her hair in a messy bun and hello kitty pajamas. Cute. Melani: "Night." She yawned. Me: "Night shawty." She crawled into bed and turned to the wall. The same bed where we kissed. That magical moment. It replayed in my head like a movie. Me: "Sweet dreams, Melly." I whispered before turning off the bedside lamp and nodding off into dreamland.


A/N: I know that's so lame bohoooo lol






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