PART 4 - First Day

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Another hour went by and we finally arrive at Becca's summer cabin. You see, they're practically rich. They live in their normal house in Cali in the winter, and in the summer they come here. The house was huge, might I add. It was two-story. It actually didn't even look like a cabin. It had a huge balcony that winded around the whole thing, a basketball court on the right side of the house, and even a little garden out front. I pull my suitcase out of the trunk and look up, staring at the huge building that stood in front of me. Justin: "Wow." He exclaimed as he rolls his suitcase, straight over my foot. I screech, hopping around, Justin was smiling as I did so. Me: "Ow! That really hurt. What do you have in that thing?" I pout. Justin: "Oops." He smirks, rolling his suitcase to the big wooden doors. There was a separate building, a stable which a house keeper helped clean up while they lived in their normal house. I follow Becca into the cabin and set my suitcase by the door. I inhale deeply. Me: "Wow. It's only been a year since I came here? Feels like 10." Sara[Becca'sMom]: "I know, hun." We go upstairs. Becca turns to me. Becca: "Um... Mel, you're not gonna like this but.. You have to share a room with him." She gesture towards Justin, who was jumping up and down on the bed. Me: "WHAT?! No way!" Becca: "C'mon Mel. You have to." Me: "Why can't he use the guest room?! Alex is in there!" Becca: "My brothers are sleeping in there so Alex is sleeping downstairs.. And your room is the only other one." I had my own room since I was with them a lot. But I am NOT sharing it with Beaver. Becca had 4 brothers. And crazy ones at that. They were all around the age of 12; making them the youngest kids in the house, besides Becca's little sister, Hana. But Hana was 2 so she doesn't really count in the "kids" Me: "Why can't he sleep downstairs with Alex?!" Becca: "There's only one pullout bed." Me: "He can sleep on the couch." She shakes her head. Becca: "Mom wouldn't allow it. C'mon. Please?" I grumble. Me: "Fine." She smiles and goes to her room to unpack. I go to mine and push Justin over as I go to my bed. [There were two beds in the room] Justin: "Hey!" Me: "Don't jump on my bed." Justin: "I thought that one was yours." He says, pointing to the one nearest to the window. Me: "They're both mine." Justin: "Oh okay. So where am I sleeping?" I squeeze my eyes shut. Me: "Here." I growl. Justin: "Awesome! I get to prank you when you sleep." I shoot a glare at him. Me: "You better not." Justin: "I will." He smiles a cheeky smile and starts unpacking. He throws his clothes out of his suitcase, flinging shirts, jeans, socks, BOXERS all over the room. A pair of boxers lands on my head and I scream. Me: "EWWW! GET IT OFF NOW BEAVER!" He smirks. Justin: "Nah. I think that's an improvement." He says while crossing his arms. Me: "I am not touching THIS! GET IT OFF!" He sighs and pulls it from my head. Justin: "Jeez. You act like it's a bomb or something." Me: "Hey, I don't know where that's been. Well, I do, but still. EWW!" He chuckles. Justin: "At least it wasn't these." He lifts up his shirt, revealing the boxers he's wearing right now. He sags. Gross. Me: "Errghh. Just hurry up and unpack. I'll be in Becca's room." I hurry to her room before he throws another thing at me. Me: "Your cousin is the most gross person on EARTH!" She laughs. Becca: "Really? How so?" Me: "He flung his boxers at me. HIS BOXERS!" She laughs harder. Becca: "Oh my god. His boxers?!" I nod. Becca: "Aww man. I shoulda got that on tape." I throw a pillow at her. Becca: "Hey, it would've been funny shit." I roll my eyes and flop face down on her bed. Me: "It's gonna be the worst summer ever." She sighs and slaps my thigh, causing me to jump up. Me: "Gosh. I was relaxing. Why'd you have to slap me?" Becca: "You were laying on my clothes." I roll my eyes and sit criss cross applesauce on the floor. Me: "So what're we gonna do today? Watch movies, eat, swim, what?" She taps her chin. Becca: "I was thinking we do some horseback riding." Me: "Okay. Sounds great. Haven't rode Buttercup in a long time." Buttercup was their horse. When I was younger, I used to help out with the horses a lot and got attached to her. I've been riding her since I was 10. Becca: "Kay so it's settled. We'll go out at 6." I nod and go back to my room. Before I enter, I stop myself. Me: "Is it safe to come in?" I yell through the door. Justin: "Yes, Lani." I growl and open the door. Justin was sitting on the bed. In his boxers. ONLY his boxers. I pull a disgusted face before turning away. Me: "You said it was safe!" He chuckles. Justin: "It is. At least I'm not naked." True... But still EWW. Me: "Well put some damn clothes on! I gotta get ready." Justin: "For what?" He asks while slipping a shirt on. Me: "Me and Becca are gonna go ride horses." Justin: "Oh cool. Can I come?" Me: "Why? So you can make fun of me some more?" He rolls his eyes. Justin: "Yes, but I also wanna look around here." I sigh. Me: "Fine." He smiles and slips on his jeans. When we're all ready and it's 6, we go out to the barn. Becca: "Hey boy! How are you doing? I missed you soooo much!" She says to her horse, Gir. Don't ask me why she calls him Gir. She never tells. I go over to Buttercup. Me: "Hey girl. Haven't seen you in over a year. How you doing?" She gives a soft whinney and nuzzles my nose. Me: "There's a new boy in town. His name is Justin. He's not very bright or nice, but I still think he's got at least some goodness deep down. We just gotta dig it up.. We've got a lot of work to do. He called me something in the van. Melly. Does that sound familiar? It's on the tip of my brain but I just can't seem to remember why it sounds so familiar." I say, saddling her up. I was talking to my horse about Justin. Wow... She neighs and waits patiently. I strap her up and climb up. Me: "Well let's go find Becca."

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