PART 18 - 21 Questions

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A/n: It's first week of school so that i didn't update few chapters this past few day. I need to focus on my study 'cause i'll be a college next year so yeah. Hope you'll like my 3 updates today. I already typed them while am at school in my vacant time so yeah. Don't forget to VOTE COMMENT and FAN



My heart sank when I saw Justin and Caitlin kissing in the booth. Of course this would happen. I mean, she's his ex. And I know she still had feelings for him. I left the parlour before they could notice me. Even when the bell on the door rang, they didn't pull away. I had no ride home so I decided to go to the beach. With each step I took, my heart became heavier and heavier. What was I thinking? Justin doesn't like me like that. He just felt sorry for me. That's why he was being so nice. I'm just someone he felt sorry for, nothing else. I sigh and sit down on the soft sand. The sunset was beautiful. I scanned the beach and only a few people were blessed too see the sight I was seeing. The waves crashed against the rocks, making it the only sounds on the beach. I played with the sand and let it fall through my fingers. I wrote "Melly + JustyBear" In a heart in front of me. Maybe I had no idea how close me and "JustyBear" were, but from the flashbacks and things Becca told me, we were closer than anything I've ever seen. I missed Justin even though I forgot all about him. He seemed so... Different from anyone I've ever met. He was my best friend, more like my brother. But in the flashbacks, he seemed more like a crush to me. The only thing I don't understand is why he didn't call me back... Was it because I said I hated him? Yeah, probably. I hate myself for saying that. I had no idea what he was going through and I said I hated him for leaving me.


I tried to push Caitlin away but, damn, this girl was stronger than I remember. I finally pried her off of me. Me: "What the hell is wrong with you?" She smirked. Caitlin: "Oh don't act like you didn't feel anything." Me: "I felt NOTHING." And that was the truth. I never felt something in her kisses. I looked around for Melani and she hasn't came out yet... I texted her from Becca's phone. "Hey r u ok? :)" 10 minutes passed and no reply. I finally got up and went to find her. I'm not gonna check the bathroom... So I'll go walk around and see if I find her. I left Caitlin alone at the booth. Hm. Both of our dates turned out pretty bad. I walked around and looked in every little shop in town but still no Melani. There was only one place left. The beach. I scanned the area, only a few people were here. But then I saw her shiny blonde hair blowing in the summer wind. Melani. She was sitting in the sand, watching the sunset just like I was. I decided it was pranking time. I mean, I was so caught up in making her jealous that I forgot about the pranking. I grabbed some sand in my hand and poured it on her head. She didn't look up, didn't move at all. Me: "Everything alright?" I sat down next to her and saw that tears were strolling down her face. Melani: "Yeah... I'm fine." She laughed, sobbing a little. Me: "Is it because of what Chase did?"


More like what YOU did. Me: "Yeah, kinda." I lied. I wiped at my eyes and wiggled, letting sand run off my head. Me: "Thanks." I said grimly. He laughed and swiped away the sand that remained on my head. Justin: "21 Questions." He announced, getting on his knees and moving in front of me. Me: "What?" I laughed. Justin: "I ask you a question, then you ask me one." I nodded. Me: "Um, okay then." Justin: "Why do you call your bear JustyBear?" His head tilted sideways like a dog; it was adorable. I thought for a bit. I remembered why. Me: "Because my old best friend gave it to me and I called him JustyBear." I stared at his brown eyes. Justin: "That's cute..." He grinned. Justin: "Kay, you ask me a question." I thought for a bit. Then I asked a question that I've been dying to know. Me: "Why did you turn into a jerk?" I questioned, not blinking. He tilted a corner of his mouth up and thought for a moment. He sighed. Justin: "I guess I got too overworked. I was in so much shit and I guess I couldn't take the pressure anymore.." Me: "Hm. Shit like what?" Justin: "One question per person's turn." I roll my eyes. Me: "Fine. Hi, my name's Henry. What kinds of problems did you have in your life?" He laughed. Justin: "Hey Henry... Sorry but I don't talk to strangers about my private life." Me: "Oh whatever! Just go already so I can ask!" I pushed him over playfully. Justin: "Okay okay. Fine. Um... What's your favorite color?" Me: "Purple." He nods. Me: "Finally! So, what happened in your life that made you like this?" He turned towards the ocean. Justin: "Well, to start things off, my dad got a new wife... And then my manager keeps pushing me to do things. It's like more and more crap is happening everyday. I mean, I love my fans but I need a break once in a while, ya know?" I nodded. Me: "So, that's it? That's all that's happened? And don't say," I change my voice to sound like him. Me: "One question per person's turn 'cause I'm not answering until you do." He laughed. Justin: "Okay okay. I'll answer..." He sighed heavily. Justin: "Actually, the shit started when I was nine... I left my best friend and she was heartbroken.. I felt guilty and it changed my life." That was kinda creepy... He left his best friend when he was nine. I was nine when Justin.. Justin? Oh my god... Is this my JustyBear?!

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