PART 13- Prank wars 2

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The sun glistened through the curtains and my eyes slowly opened. I sat up and stretched my arms out. I felt a wet, sticky substance on my arms. SYRUP?! I tugged at my hair. But instead of feeling my soft, blonde hair I felt something creamy. I shot up and ran to my mirror. There stood a maple-syrup covered, whipped cream squirted, sharpie-written Melani Summers. Me: "JUSTIN DREW FUCKING BEAVER!" I screeched. Birds flew away, fish swam away, and any animal in the forest that was even close to our cabin, ran away as fast as possible. He appeared at the door with a smirk plastered on his face. Justin: "You bellowed?" I shot my deadliest glare at him, and he actually looked scared. Me: "You.. Are. Dead." He got wide eyes and took off running out the door. I raced after him, not slowing down one bit. He raced down but I didn't loose a step. I finally got close enough and I tackled him down. Me: "Why the hell did you do this?!" I sat on his stomach. Justin: "I'M SORRY! I WAS JUST GETTING REVENGE! PLEASE DON'T PUNCH ME AGAIN!" He freaked. Me: "I don't give a fuck! It's gonna take WEEKS to get this shit out of my hair!" I pulled my arms back and just as I was about to punch him again, someone pulled my arm. I looked back and saw Becca standing there, trying to hold her laughter in. Becca: "Don't do it Mels." I sighed and got off of Justin. Me: "You better HOPE and PRAY that this doesn't happen again 'cause next time, I'm not holding back. At all." I shot him my deadly glare again and stormed off towards the cabin.


I was totally FREAKED OUT. She looked like she was about ready to kill me. I clutched my chest, my heart was beating miles per minute. Becca: "Dude! What the fuck did you do to her?!" I looked around nervously. Me: "Uhm... I put maple syrup on her arms, whipped cream in her hair, and wrote on her face... She's a heavy sleeper, I could've done more." She stared at me with wide eyes. Becca: "DUDE! YOU'RE GONNA GET KILLED! She's mad allergic to maple!" Oh god... I'm thinking that this was too far? Way. Becca: "You better sleep with TWO eyes open tonight, Bieber. She's gonna give you it." and she walked back to the cabin. I'm not ready to face Melani. Yet. I don't wanna die. I slowly made my way towards the stables, in case Melani was creeping around here. When I was positive that she wasn't there, I relaxed a little bit. But no way in hell was I gonna let my guard down. I sat down by Buttercup's stall. Me: "Hey girl. It's Justin..." She neighed and nuzzled my hand.


I slammed the front door shut and found everyone sitting at the kitchen table with their mouths dropped open. Me: "Take a picture! It'll last longer!" I growled. Sara: "S-sweetie, what happened?" Me: "What happened? WHAT HAPPENED?! Your stupid NEPHEW did this to me!" Jack stood up. Jack: "What?" Me: "That's right. Justin fu-dgin' Bieber did this to me." He got angry and stormed out of the house. Five minutes later, he came back, pulling Justin by the ear. Justin: "No. No please! She's gonna hurt me!" He begged. Jack: "Is it true that you did this to Melani?" Justin nodded his head fiercely. Justin: "Yes, yes it was me! But please don't make me go near her! She's gonna kill me!" I shot him another deadly glare. Jack: "Too bad. You're gonna clean her up. NO excuses. NOW." He groaned and inched towards me. Jack: "Go outside you two." Justin nervously walked towards the door and I followed. He stood there awkwardly. Justin: "Please don't kill me." Me: "I won't. If you clean me up." He nodded and turned on the hose. He sprayed the water on me. Oh damn. I forgot I was wearing a white t-shirt. His eyes trailed down to my midsection. I stood there awkwardly while the water went down and he eventually dropped the hose. He was staring at me. Just staring. Even his mouth was hanging down. Me: "Justin... Um, I'm kinda getting uncomfortable here..." He didn't move. I waved my hand in front of his face. Me: "Justin...? Hellooooo?" Still nothing. I grabbed the hose and squirted his face. He finally snapped out of his daze. He shook his head and his wet hair sprayed me. Justin: "Sorry... I've got a staring problem.." He grinned shyly. Me: "It's okay I guess. Just finish cleaning me up." He nodded. Justin: "Arms up." He washed my arms and everything. Justin: "Kay. You're all washed up. You're not gonna kill me, are you?" I shook my head. Me: "Yet." I glared. We walked into the house together. Jack: "Alright. Now, no more fighting between you two. Okay?" "Whatever." We mumbled. I went upstairs and took a shower. When I got out, Becca was waiting for me on my bed. Me: "Oh my god Becca! You scared the crap outta me!" She stared excitedly at her phone. Becca: "Chase is throwing a pool party!" I screamed and ran over to her. Everyone appeared at my door. Everyone: "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Me&Becca;: "CHASE IS HAVING A PARTY! AHHHH!" The Bieber kids rolled their eyes. Sara: "Who's Chase?" Becca: "Only the hottest, most awesome guy in school!" Sara and Jack roll their eyes. Becca: "Mom can we go?! Please please PLEASE?!" She sighs. Sara: "Alright fine.. But take Justin with you." We groan. Jack: "Either take him or no party at all." Becca: "Finee." Justin: "Alright! When's the party?" Becca: "Thursday." [It's Tuesdayyy ;D] He nods and everyone leaves from the doorway. Me: "Wait. We don't have anything to wear!" Becca: "Oh don't sweat it. It's a pool party. Just wear a bikini under shorts and a tanktop. It's cool." I nod. Me: "Alright, I'm go to sleep now." Becca: "Kay. Night Mels." Me: "Night Bec." She leaves and I'm alone in the room. It was only 5:30 but I've had a tiring day. After chasing after Justin and working on the coop, I was tired out. I slowly nodded off into dreamland. When I woke up, it was still Tuesday. It was 8 o'clock though. I sat up and looked around. Justin wasn't here yet. I got up and walked out to the hallway. Me: "Hello? Becca? Justin? Anyone?" Silence. Me: "Guys?" I walked downstairs and looked for a note or something. Nothing. Me: "Hello? Is anyone home?" Still nothing. I go back upstairs, and look in all the rooms and look under and in all the beds and in the wardrobes. Me: " Where else would they be? Ugh." I check the showers and the bathrooms but I still can't find them. I check the living room and behind the couch. I check the hallway, the kitchen and even the closet! Me: "Where are they!?" Before I know it, I've checked every room in the house, in all the cupboards and even in the basement. Me: "Ugh. They must be outside. But what would they be doing out at eight?!" I groan and look out the window. It's pitch black! I use the light from my phone to look around. Me: "Guys?" No reply. Me: "Guys!? Where are you?" Still no reply. I stand there for a minute in the dark and then my phone rings.

*UNKNOWN NUMBER* Me: "Hello?" Person: *HEAVY BREATHING* Me: "Hello?" *CALL ENDS*

Me: "What the fuck?" The phone rings again. Me: "Hello?" Person: "I knooow...*breathes* Where you are.. *breathes*" The person had a creepy deep voice. Me: "What the hell!?" I look around the stables. Me: "Guys? Is that you?" My phone rings AGAIN. Me: "STOP CALLING YOU FREAK!" Mom: "Excuse me young lady?" Me: " Oh, mom! Sorry! I didn't mean you, I keep getting rung up by an unknown number!" Mom: " Ok... Anyway are you and Alex okay?" *Incoming call* Me: " Hang on, I've got another call." Mom: "Ok, it seems I've called you at a bad time.. I'll talk to you tomorrow instead then, bye!" Me: "Bye." Person: "I have *breathes* your friends!" I look around the stables again, I can't see much with the dim light from your phone. *Buzz* I get a text message saying: "YOUR NEXT!" Okay, I'm SERIOUSLY freaked out! I panic and sprint to the door, but I trip over something. Something grabs my arm! I scream. Me: "GET AWAY FROM ME!" I try to get away from their grasp but they're too strong. Me: "HELP! HELP!" I'm rolling around in the dirt, practically wrestling this unknown person in the dark. I hear giggling. I'd know those laugh anywhere. Biebers. I growl. Me: "GUYS THAT WAS SO NOT FUNNY!" I storm into the house with their giggles still lingering behind me. Everyone comes in laughing. Alex: "Aww c'mon Mels. You have to admit that was pretty funny!" Sam:"HAHA! You got a little something on your... Everywhere." I ran to the mirror in the hallway and saw that my hair was covered in dirt. Justin comes in holding a camera. Me "What!? You filmed it!? You guys are soo mean!" Justin: " It's soo going on youtube!" I cross my arms. Me: "That was so mean." They laughed and sat around the computer. Justin clicked a few things. Justin: "There. It's up." I stood behind them, watching the video. Okay, I gotta admit, it was pretty funny. But still, that scared the shit outta me. Me: "Whatever. I'm gonna go wash off."


We sat around laughing for about 20 minutes. Ah... I got teary eyes from laughing. This was fun, and I'm just getting started on the pranks..


This one sucked... :D





xxx Lyn

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