PART 20 - Fourth of July! :D

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Sooo... I'm skipping to Fourth of July :D which is two days before Melani's birthday. Some ppl don't celebrate so... Idk what to do xD



Today is Fourth of July and we're having a BBQ on the beach. I'm actually really excited. I heard that it's gonna be even better than last year. Sara: "So, you guys ready for today?" She asked at breakfast. Me: "Yes! I can't wait for the fireworks!" Becca: "Me neither!" We laughed. Becca: "Hey, who's coming to the barbeque?" Jack: "Well, I know that Jeremy is coming.. And your Aunt Karen is coming.."

[a/n: lmfao I just like making up names :P]

Becca: "Yay! We get to see Jazzy and Jaxo! Mels, you are gonna LOVE them." I laughed. Me: "Okay, if you say so..." Justin: "Is mom coming?" Sara: "We don't know. But you can call her to invite if you want." He nods and stuffs a piece of pancakes into his mouth.


I stuffed the cooler into the trunk and shut it. Fireworks on the beach... That's romantic, right? My mind went to thinking about all three moments where Justin and I almost kissed. I hope he'll finally make the move tonight, with no interruptions. I sighed happily and leaned on the van, waiting for the rest of the Biebers to come out. "You ready for tonight?" A manly, raspy voice said from beside me. Justin. Me: "Yep. What about you?" Justin: "Cheah. It's gonna be awesome. 'Cause I'll be spending it with you." He smiled and grabbed my hand. Oh god... Did he just say what I think he said? I swallowed hard and peered up into his eyes.


Yes! The charm is working... She's already lost in my eyes. I tucked a loose piece of hair behind her ear and held my hand to her cheek. Me: "You have beautiful eyes.." I whispered.

[A/N: Bahaha... I'm laughing cuz like he's doing this by a car... and yeah. :P]

She bit her lip. Melani: "Thanks. So do you." She giggled. It sounded even sweeter up close. Sara: "Okay let's go kids!" She quickly breaks the gaze and gets off the van. Ugh. I hate when people interrupt our moments! I sighed and hopped into the backseat with Melani. I'm gonna spend as much time as I can with her today. I saw a distant smirk planted across Becca's face. We talked about me kissing Melani earlier. Becca said I just HAVE to do it.


Justin awkwardly scooted closer to me, and I tried to hold in my laughter. He was so close that he was practically sitting on me. Justin: "What's so funny?" Me: "Nothing." I turned to the window to hide my smile. My phone buzzed twice which meant I got a text. It was from Becca, who was sitting right in front of me. "Did u bring some lipgloss? ;)" "Aha, no why?" "Dudddee! U need some! I'll let u use mine." Lipgloss? For what? 'Cause I know Justin's not gonna kiss me tonight... His dad's coming and I'm sure he'll want to spend time with them instead of me. We drove through town, more people than usual walking the streets. We got to the beach five minutes later, and it was pretty crowded... Becca: "Hurry mom! Before all the spots are taken!" Jack: "Calm down, Becca.. We reserved the same spot as always." Becca: "Well, still! Let's gooo..." Everyone piled out of the van, leaving me and Justin in the far back. He slipped out of the seat and held his hand out for me. Me: "Thanks." I smiled and hopped out of the vehicle. Justin: "Mhm." But he didn't let go of my hand. Justin: "C'mon. I wanna show you something.." He guided me towards the cliffs. I looked around. From the six summers that I've been here, I've never been in this part of the beach. Justin: "Over here." He whispered, pulling me towards a cave. Me: "Um... I don't think I wanna go in there." He chuckled. Justin: "Just trust me, you'll like it." He smiled and that's all he had to do to get me to go. It was very dim for a while until we got further. Justin: "Alright, close your eyes.." I did as told and he guided me over some rocks. I heard water dripping from the ceiling. He stopped and held both of my hands. Justin: "Open." He whispered. I peeked out slowly, expecting a dark, empty cave. But boy, was I wrong. This was far from dark. It was glowing. This wasn't any normal cave I've been in, it was a crystal cave. Splashes of colors were everywhere. It was just... Amazing. Me: "How'd you find this?" Justin: "Um, well I kinda got lost once when I was little... And I came upon this place. Beautiful, ain't it?" I nodded. Me: "It's like nothing I've ever seen before.. I've never seen something so beautiful." Justin: "I have... And she's right in front of me." He's being really sweet today, and I'm really liking it. Me: "I'm not that beautiful..." I looked down and he lifted my head back up with his fingers. Justin: "Don't say that 'cause you are." He held my cheeks. Justin: "You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He leaned closer. Justin: "And don't say you aren't because I know beautiful when I see it." Me: "But-" He interrupted me with his... Finger. Justin: "No but's. You are beautiful and that's the truth..." He leaned in closer and I closed my eyes. Could this be the moment? My first real kiss? I mean, it's the PERFECT setting with the perfect guy... His hot breath on my lips was getting closer and closer... "Baby, baby, baby, ohh!" We both pulled an annoyed face. Damn my phone. Damn it to hell! I angrily answered it. Me: "WHAT?!" Person: "Jeez, that's a nice way to talk to your mom, Mel." Me: "Oh. Sorry mom... I was, uh... Doing something important.." Mom: "I can tell... Well, I just called to say Happy Fourth.. I guess I'll call you tonight." Me: "Alright, mom. Love you. Bye." I was clutching my phone so hard that I thought it would break any moment now. I turned to Justin. Me: "Something always has to interrupt us, huh?" I laughed quietly. Justin: "Yeah. Um, well... We better get back. Don't want Becca to call the police." He smiles and takes my hand, guiding me out of the cave. We looked around for the Biebers and found them by the cliff by some rocks. Becca: "Oh my gosh where were you two?!" Me: "Um... Somewhere." A smile grew onto her face. Becca: "Did you-" We shook our heads. I pulled an annoyed face. Me: "Mom freaking interrupted with a call." Becca: "Ugh! You needa turn that phone off when you guys are alone!" I laughed. Me: "I'll try to remember next time." She crossed her arms. Becca: "You better. Anyway, wanna go to the water? Alex and the boys are already over there." Me: "Sure. Let's go. Justin you coming?" Justin: "Are you gonna wear your bikini?" I laughed. Me: "Yeah." Justin: "Okay let's go." Me and Becca laughed but Justin hurried us towards the water. Becca: "Damn Justin slow down! You'll get to see her in a bikini sooner or later anyway!" She laughed again. By the time we got to shore, we were out of breath. Justin bit his lip and stared at me, waiting. I laughed. Me: "You're so weird..." I slipped my tank top off.

[A/N: lmfaooo the bikini was under the clothes..]

Becca: "Oh my gosh. Dude, there's Chase.. And Caitlin. Together. What the fuck?" She pointed behind me. I turned around and saw his arm around her shoulder. Wow... Me: "I could care less." She shrugged. Becca: "Just wanted you two know. " Me: "Kay. I'm ready.. Last one in has to wash uncle Joe!" We scurried towards the water; Uncle Joe was big. Not to be mean, but it's the truth. And not to mention, he was hairy and tends to sweat. A lot. Justin was the last one in. Justin: "Aww... No fair. Melani did this on purpose. She got me distracted." He pouted his lip. Becca: "Aww. Too bad." She laughed and gave me a high five. Me: "Hey Bec. Don't look now but Ryan's coming this way." I nudged her. Becca: "WHAT?! Mom and dad didn't say anything about this! Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." She started breathing heavily. Me: "Calm down Becca... Just be yourself. I'm sure he'll like you for that." She nodded but her breathing didn't slow down. Ryan: "Wassup man." He and Justin did their handshake and he turned to us. Ryan: "Hey Becca." He grinned. Ryan: "Who's this?" He pointed to me. I realized that I hadn't seen him since I was 12 so I've changed a lot. Justin: "That's Melani." He got wide eyes. Ryan: "Mels?!" I nodded. Ryan: "Damn you've grown a lot!" I laughed. Me: "Yep. So have you!" Ryan: "Uh-huh. So, you're the Melani that Justin's been talking about?" Justin smacked his arm playfully. Justin: "Dude!" Ryan smirked. Ryan: "Oops. It slipped out of my mouth." We laughed. Me: "Yeah I guess that's me." Ryan: "Alright, imma go catch up with Becca. You two have fun," He winks. Ryan: "I'll see you later." I nod and he and Becca walk on the shore talking. Me: "Aww! They're so cute!" Justin: "Yeah... Come on. Let's get back to the BBQ. I'm starving." I nod. Me: "Carry me?" He grins. Justin: "Sure. I don't see a problem with that. No problem at all." He bites his lip and I laugh. I jump onto his back. Me: "You're not gonna ru-" He starts running towards Sara. Me: "AHH!" I was screaming and laughing at the same time. Sara: "Whoa. Calm down you two." We laughed and Justin set me down. Me: "Anything cooked yet?" Jack: "Burgers!" He announced, placing the tray of meat on the picnic table. Me: "Yum." I made my way towards the food table, grabbing a plate and napkin on the way. Me: "Thanks Jack! It looks so good." He smiled, flipping more burgers. I sat on a rock by the shore and watched the waves crash on the sand then slither back into the ocean. The beach wasn't as crowded as before but there were still a lot of people. "BOO!" A familiar voice rang in my ear. I screamed and almost fell off the rock but he caught me. Me: "If I fell, I would've blamed you." He laughed and sat next to me. Justin: "But you didn't fall. I would never allow that." He smiled, taking a big bite out of his burger. Me: "Well still. You scared the crap outta me." He smiled. Justin: "I know." I roll my eyes and take a bite. Today's going great, maybe the best day of my summer so far...


I really liked this one! I think it made up for the crappyness of Part 19 :D

Anyway i'm gonna change my writing style so, it's up to you to adjust. Some says that i made them hard to read like "Me: blah blah blah" okay?. Well I'm starting to change my writing style in Next chapter. I'll update on next weekend. I Have an important event to go for The weekend this week. I'll to to review for my College Admeìission test so help me and Pray that'll past it. Thanks





xxx LYN

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