PART 17 - Melani's Date

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*Melani's POV*

When everyone was awake, I went downstairs for breakfast. I decided to just forget about "JustyBear" but no matter what I did, he came into mind. I wanna forget about him. Why? Because I won't be able to see him anymore. I told Becca about my dream. She was really surprised. She also thought it was weird that I was having dreams about him after all these years. Sara: "So, do you guys have any plans for today?" Becca: "Melani's got a date today." She announced proudly. Sara: "Really? With who?" Me: "Chase." I grinned. Sara: "Wow. That's exciting... I guess." Justin: "I've got a date too." He blurted out. We all stared at him. Sara: "Really?" He nodded. Jack: "Wow... Two dates in one night. Are you two double dating?" I shook my head. Justin: "Nah. I'm taking Caitlin somewhere else." Caitlin. That was his ex right? Oh, who am I kidding? I don't care.. Do I? Nah... He can date, kiss, hug anyone and I wouldn't care. Sara: "Well, that's good. You two have someone to spend the evening with." I nod.


Becca: "Alright. We have excactly an hour and a half before Chase comes. Let's get started, shall we?" She smirks and holds up the curling iron. Becca: "Go get changed then I'll do your hair." I do as told and change into a purple plaid shirt and jean shorts. Becca rolls her eyes when she sees me. Becca: "Oh c'mon. Can you at least show a LITTLE class?" I place my hands on my hips. Me: "It's my date, Bec. Not yours. I'll wear whatever I want." She stuck her tongue out at me. Me: "Oh whatever just do my hair." Becca: "And makeup." Me: "What? We never agreed on makeup!" Becca: "It was implieeeed." She smirked. I roll my eyes and sit down in her "salon chair" Becca: "Alright. Close your eyes and don't open them until I tell you to." I sigh and do as told. It felt like forever until she said I could open my eyes. But when I did, all that time was worth it. I stared at myself in the mirror. Me: "Is that me?" She beamed at her masterpiece. Becca: "Yep. The same old weird Melani." Me : "Dayum Becca. What'd you do to me? I look amazing!" I laughed. Not to be conceited, ya know? Becca: "I know. I did gooood." We laughed. Becca: "Righty. You've got 30 minutes left. Let's go downstairs and act like stunnnaass!"  I got up and followed Becca out the door. She stopped at the top of the stairs. Becca: "Shh. That Caitlin bitch is here already. Let's make her jealous by making Justin drool over you."  She whispered while peeking down at Justin and Caitlin, who were sitting on the couch with Alex and the Bieber kids. Justin's arm was around her and they were laughing. Not jealous. I'm not jealous. Becca: "Kay. Imma go downstairs and announce you!" I roll my eyes. Becca. Pshhh.. Always has to make an entrance. She ran down the stairs and everyone turned to look at her. Becca: "Lady and gents! I give you Melani Ann Summers!" She gestured me to come forward and I roll my eyes and go downstairs. Justin's eyes got wide and I looked down at my feet, probably blushing. Becca crossed her arms and smirked. Becca: "Told ya." She whispered, nudging me.


Okay, so here's how it went: I was faking having a good time with Caitlin. 'Cause, you know, she's all talking about her horses and stuff and blah, blah, blah. Yeah, so she said something weird and I laughed, causing her to laugh. But I was actually laughing AT her not WITH her.. Then Becca came running down the stairs. Becca: "Lady and gents! I give you Melani Ann Summers!" Melani came down and I died. Like, seriously. I stopped breathing. She looked like a princess. Even though she only wore a t-shirt and shorts. Just plain beautiful. I stood up, ignoring Caitlin's pleads to sit back down. Me: "Wow, Melani... You look amazing.." I gawked. A gasp escaped from Caitlin's mouth. Caitlin: "Justy?! I'm right here!" I waved my hand at her. Me: "Yeah yeah whatever." I turned back to Melani and smiled. Me: "So... You got a date to prom?" She laughed and punched me playfully. Melani: "Actually, I do." She laughed again but my face grew straight. Melani: "I was kidding! Gosh you take everything so seriously." My mouth formed into a line. Me: "That's not funny. I was serious." Becca: "Ah, ah, ah Biebs. She's got a date. And so do you." She mocked. GAH. I should've listened to her! Becca: "I told you to!" Her voice rang in my ears. Me: "Whatever." I growled. Then the doorbell rang. Aww...

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