seven. jam

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riki's eyes followed his steps in the mirror in front of him, focusing on how his footwork had to perfectly match the rhythm of the song that was playing in the background. riki groans, falling to the ground, ruffling his hair as he falls flat to the floor.
his dance coach give him the song to choreograph as a little assignment for a known group, for the next step of being one of the best dancers aside from being sunoo's boyfriend one day, but that was only number two on his needed list.


"yea." soonyoung, or also known as hoshi was apart of the said known group, and was given a chance to help him with the choreograph of the song they were performing.
"here, i'll help you, i'll call chan even, does that sound good?" soonyoung offers, his eyes turning into crescent as he smiles, just like his crush back at school.

a few minutes later, they can hear the practice door open to the reveal the other boy with his black hair, but nearly laughs at the hair of his member.
"why do you have bangs?!" the member, dino or also known as chan laughs harder, a hand clutching onto his stomach as he falls to the ground. tears of pure laughter coming from his eyes but soonyoung feels teased enough.

"omo! is that mullet dino? AHHHhhhHhHh OH MY GOD HE LOOKS SO GOOD BUT IS HE TRYING TO STEAL MYUNGHO'S TITLE OF MULLET KING?" the boy mocks, the two going into a small quarrel as riki watches them from the mirror. the blonde could only roll his eyes and connect his phone to the bluetooth speaker. playing the sound out-loud and gaining the two bickering members out of their fight.

riki groans again, his head moving to the beat but soon comes out an idea out of his head, he waits for that chorus part to drop and soon his dancing on the wooden floor that creates squeaks once his shoes scrap against the floor.
his eyes piercing his figure through the mirror once more and for once, he actually likes the dance now.

the two other members chat for a while before also memorizing the dance from the young boy, enjoying the adrenaline pumping through their veins as they dance.
rhe music stops, and riki is out on the floor. taking in air harshly and chan helping the younger up onto his feet.
"let's run it over again and modify it later!" soonyoung shouts, playing the song once more made by his lovely boyfriend.

the three dance once more, making precise moves and modifying the moves made by riki randomly.

• • •

the clock strikes two in the morning, and riki is walking home. humming to the song he was listening through his earphones. Making random hand-movements as if he was playing with a keyboard.
unaware of the vampire who was struggling bringing the wondering spirit that wondered behind the boy.

spirits really liked to disturb people during night, so when they saw one wondering the cold streets with no clue, they taunt them till they're traumatized.

"you get back here right this instant!" the vampire telepathically told the spirit, but the spirit wouldn't listen. it just kept following the boy until he reached his house.
soon the spirit hit the invisible wall that heeseung had a set up beforehand.

spirits can't pass through invisible walls, and it pissed the spirit.
heeseung summoned a portal under the spirit, hearing the screeches and pleads from the spirit but the portal soon closed after the spirit was finally back to the spirit realm.

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