special chapter. new year

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( waiting for the fireworks )

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sunoo giggled as he watched riki nearly tripped on a stone as he was walking towards him with their drinks.
"sunnie, when do you think the rest will arrive?" riki asked, handing the vampire his drink as he sipped his.

"about in a few minutes hopefully?" sunoo replied, taking the drink and also sipping the cold beverage that made him nearly shiver.
"are you cold?"
"not really,"

riki took off his jacket and wrapped it around sunoo, making sure he felt warm as the night sky glimmered in dozens of stars.
the sky was shining, colored with white specks that everyone called stars.

it was the thirty first of december, where they were able to say goodbye to the year they first met, both were feeling fine, only five months in and a few fights, they were still strong as ever.

they soon had finished their drinks and were just talking about random things that they themselves did or their friends had done during the course of the year.
"we're finally here." jungwon panted as he nearly collapsed into the ground, quickly, jay had caught him before he fell face-first.

heeseung was behind them as jake and sunghoon were in their own world talking and had managed to buy cotton candy.

"everyone's here right?" everyone nodded at jay's question, he was the one who suggested the fare to be the place they meet for the new year's eve before the fireworks go off and introduce the new year.

"another three hundred and sixty-five point two four days with you sunnie."
"oh gosh, when will they stop flirting?!" jay whined as jungwon slapped the back of the american's head, making him groan in pain.

"same to you too moonie." sunoo smiled as the countdown had started.


the days were passing by so quickly, it was just like yesterday when the two of them had met in the garden.


so much has happened since then, and sunoo didn't want lose riki. he has been there with the cancer every since. He wanted to spend his life with the japanese until death had separated them.


the two face each other as the crowd shouted louder for the number.


it was truly magical that they were together with each other, they didn't even know what they would do without each other at this point.


and the fireworks went off, loud booms going off in the background but sunoo didn't feel scared at the loud noises.
he focused on the soft pressing of lips against his, a kiss just like their first kiss at the cliff. he felt riki smile against the kiss as sunoo kissed back.

"happy new year sunnie." riki pulled back and smiled.
"happy new year to you too moonie."

this was the chapter for the new year special, so yeaaaa

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