twelve. like

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no one knows why moths are hated, maybe it's because of their weird like caterpillars, or how some of them are poisonous to humans. sunoo thinks other-wise.
butterflies are pretty, but moths are like the butterflies in night. with beautiful patterns on their wings, and a fluffy-like scarf., and an attraction towards the light made them unique, different from butterflies.

sunoo thinks it's pretty.

• • •

the invisible spirit looked at her son behind the tree she had fled and hid behind. her eyes immediately soften as she sees that he had dyed his hair to her favorite color, her cold hand touched the bark of the tree, a rough surface but she didn't mind.

she was focused on her son, sunoo.

why are you out here in the open, dear?
it's pass your bed time..
my.. you have grown.

the spirit named sophie was already in front of her son, but the harsh reality was that he couldn't see her. without the help of heeseung, no one could help someone close to the spirit meet those eyes.
a tear falls from sophie's eyes.

her head pressed against sunoo's as the boy halts, feeling a presence somewhere close to him and the air turn cold.  "i'm sorry that i couldn't protect you dear, i'm sorry that your father had left you." sophie whispered, unaware that sunoo could hear them all.


"i'm sorry that both of your parents left you to live these horrid life, i'm sorry that mommy couldn't see you grow up into a fine man. i'm sorry that i couldn't protect you back then." the woman sobs more, her hand subconsciously cups the side of her son's cheeks.
"you have his unique eyes." the woman whispers, taking in those eyes of her son.

she was guilty, of so many things. all the reasons coming back to her as she stared.
how her son had matured so well without her. she noticed how his nose was sharper, how his eyes were shaped like his father, and those lips look like they had belonged to a certain someone she had met once in a practice room.

"i accept whatever you become, whoever you love. i just need you to know that your mother will always love you no matter where she is, even if she's dead, know you can always find her in your heart."

• • •

the cold air around sunoo suddenly disappeared, what just happened?

"-even if she's dead, know you can always find her in your heart." sunoo stiffens, his mind going hay-wired as words and sentences fill his mind.
"dead? heart?" his mind was in chaos as he thought who could be the voice that echoed through his mind.

"who.. exactly are you.. and why do you feel so familiar?" sunoo whispers, stopping his search in the forest to create caterpillars.
he walks away, his heart feeling heavy as he leaves the overgrown forest.

• • •

heeseung stared sadly at the mother, laying on the mossy rock that had the moonlight going through her invisible body.
quiet sobs leave her mouth. the butterfly flying close to her comforts her, rubbing it's body against the spirit so sophie could get her thoughts off her son.


the spirit just sobs more, the butterfly flying towards heeseung and landing on the boy's extended index finger.
the once pure white aura of the spirit was slowly disappearing to a grayish white, meaning her time hidden is soon to be sent to the spirit world where she could finally rest in her husband's arms with a sense that her son would be fine.

"heeseung.." the woman whispers, signaling the boy to sit next to her as the moonlight hue hit the runny tears that ran from her eyes down to her cheeks.
"my son, someone likes him does he?"

this takes heeseung by surprise. he didn't know but he did see adoration for a japanese boy in their friend group.
"i-i don't know sophie," he only knew so much for the boy and his mother.

"heeseung, if he ever asks about me, tell him that i'll allow him to date whoever, no matter the gender. i want him to be happy, happier than he was with us."
"b-but sophie-"

"heeseung, promise me." the woman turns to the younger, her lips trembling as she tries to hold back her tears.
"tell him that whoever he likes, that boy with blonde hair or whoever, i'll allow it. i want him to be happier than me, i want him to know that mommy will always support him."

her time was nearing, she knew it.

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