Unpleasant Surprise

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[At the Soul Mansion]

It was 12:45 am and Jungkook heated the dinner for the second time, waiting for his Jin Hyung to arrive. He tasted a handful of the Kimchi Friedrice and a little bowl serving of the soup that he had prepared, coz he was hungry and his stomach was making noises (which even disturbed Yoon-Kitty's sleep) for a while now.

"Lord Jin has arrived," a butler came into the kitchen and informed Jungkook.

Jungkook saw Yoongi stretching out his arms and sitting up on the sofa, as he ran past him to greet his Jin Hyung.

"Jin Hyung!!! How could you be so late tonight! You knew that I would be preparing special dinner for you tonight, right?" Jungkook complained poutily, but soon his mood dropped when he saw a neverseen-before blond guy hiding behind his Jin Hyung.

Jin noticed the confused expressions on Jungkook and Yoongi's faces and so, he decided to speak up.

"He is V. He doesn't know anyone in the town and has no place to go to. He was crying alone on the dark roadside. So, I brought him along. He will be staying with us...for a while..," said Jin.

"That's it? Just because of that? Just because he was crying alone on the roadside, you decided to bring him here? You did not even check his background and all? What if he is lying? What if he is actually an Assassin who has been sent here to murder you?? Jin Hyung! How can you be so reckless???" Jungkook could not take it.

V had a "scared expression" on his pretty face, upon listening to Jungkook's harsh words, he at once hid himself behind Jin's broad shoulders. Jin felt even more sorry for V now. V's scared-expression and endless tears were breaking his heart. He came forward and put his hand upon Jungkook's shoulders to calm him down.

"Jungkookah, try to understand! V is an innocent and helpless guy. I just couldn't leave him crying near the dark forest like that. We work for people and help the ones in need, don't we?" Jin tried to make him understand.

"Huh! Needy??? His flashy costume and jewelries are telling otherwise. He doesn't look needy at all, if you ask me," Jungkook folded his arms and looked at V suspiciously.

"-yes, I dress up prettily....not because I am rich...but because that's how I earn my living....I used to sing and dance for the travellers who camp in the forest. I had to entertain them with my charm in order to earn food for myself to survive," V replied and ended up crying even harder, and his knees touched the ground.

"V!" Jin at once ran to V and helped him to get up.

"Oh, I see....I see it clearly....Jin Hyung! I can't believe it....so, you have taken a special interest in this "shady entertainer", huh? I never knew that you were This desperate to get "entertained"," Jungkook glared at both V and his Jin Hyung, and then ran straight to his room, closing the door behind him with a loud thud.

Jin could not react for a moment. He had never seen Jungkook This mad at him before.

"Don't mind him, he is just possessive of you. You know that, right?" Yoongi tried to cheer him up.

"Yoongiah.....you don't have any problem if V stays with us, right?" Jin wanted to take confirmation from Yoongi.

"Ummm .....whatever!...plz eat the dinner that Jungkookie has made. We have been waiting for you to arrive. So that all of us could eat together," informed Yoongi.

"Yoongiah..don't worry, we will eat the dinner together. I'll convince Jungkookie. He can't stay mad at his Jin Hyung for too long," Jin was pretty positive about that.
"This is your room, make yourself comfortable in here, ok? And plz don't mind Jungkookie's words. He is a cute kid and has the nicest heart, I can assure you about that. Just give him some time. Come down for the dinner after you get changed, ok? I'll convince Jungkookie, you don't worry," Jin spoke softly, as he personally took V to the guest room.

"Jin Ssii....if u don't mind, can I have my dinner in this room?....I am not blaming Jungkookie at all. I understand that he needs some time to get used to seeing a new person in the house. I don't want to cause any more trouble tonight....," V spoke meekly.

"Fine, then. A butler will be bringing your food here soon....I am in the opposite room. Plz feel free to knock if you need something, ok? Good night," Jin assured V, and turned to leave from the room.

"Jin Ssii...," V called out to him from behind and held on to his wrist.

Jin turned to look at V and found the latter looking at him sweetly with a love-sick expression on his pretty face.

"T-thank you...thank you for all of this...thank you for saving me..," said V, while flashing an innocent boxy smile and much to the contrary, grazing his fingers seductively upon Jin's wrist.

Jin could not help but gulp.

"Ah...alright t-then. Good Night," Jin regained his composure, withdrew his hand slowly and left from there, closing the door behind him.

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