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It has been over a week now, since Lord Jin declared Complete Monarchy in his Territory and appointed Bang Si Hyuk to look after all his works, while he enjoyed intimate moments with V in his bedroom. Once in a day, i.e., in the evening hours, Bang Si Hyuk knocks on his bedroom door and makes him sign piles of papers, which requires the Monarch's signature. Although Lord Jin finds it a tedious work to sign the papers, he still prefers to remain the only signing authority coz he does not trust Bang Si Hyuk 100%. There's always a slim chance of getting back stabbed by the subordinates.

On the other hand, both Yoongi and Jungkook were living at Hoseok's Mansion. Jungkook began to work at Professor Namjoon's Chamber alongside Jimin. He told them everything. "Namjoon Sshii! We can still save Jin Hyung, right? Tell me that it is still possible. Please!" Jungkook pleaded. "Tomorrow night is the full moon night. Vincent's created sin-circle for Lord Jin is most probably still incomplete. Perhaps it is still one sin away from completion, or else Lord Jin would already be either dead by now, or would have transformed into the deadliest Satyr Demon to ever exist. Also, Vincent is not alone. There's someone who is guiding him. We have to look for the spot where the sin-circle is, and destroy it at once. My spirit-indicator is indicating that it is somewhere in the middle of the forest, which is adjacent to Lord Jin's Mansion," said Namjoon.
(At Lord Jin's Mansion)

Lord Jin was lying leisurely on the bed, enjoying grapes that V was feeding to him temptingly and just then there were knocks at the bedroom door.

V walked towards the door and opened it. It was Andrew. "Lord Jin, Bogum Sshii has come to meet you. He is waiting for you in the living room. He said that he wants to have a chat with you alone," said Andrew. V smirked.
Bogum saw Lord Jin coming downstairs. He at once stood up , facing the latter. "What happened, why are you here?" Lord Jin asked Coldly. "Jin, I tried calling you so many times, but you never answered my phone calls. So, I Had to come visit you.....it's about....V.....he is strange.....he is dangerous....it's all his doing..I suppose....you have changed so much....he can cause serious harm to you too," Bogum spoke nervously.

"Oh, I know exactly how dangerously hot he is under me in the bed. So, you now want me and V to breakup, coz u have feelings for V?" Lord Jin outright mocked him.

"That's not it.....you are my friend, Jin, I am worried about you, try to understand," Bogum placed his hand upon Jin's shoulder.

"Bogumie, plz!...I'm not a child, okay? Why would I even listen to you??? I'm the Monarch of the whole Kingdom," Jin brushed it off, walked away and began to climb the stairs, turning his back at Bogum.

Bogum got tensed, so he directly went to see Jungkook and Yoongi at Hoseok's Mansion from there.

(At Professor Namjoon's Chamber)

Jimin at once ran to the door, when he heard knocks. He saw Jungkook and Bogum standing there, looking worried.

"Bogum Hyung went to see Jin Hyung at the Mansion an hour ago. He too wants to help us," said Jungkook.

"The situation could have been worse. Your visit to him and talking about V could have triggered his 7th and the Final Sin. But very fortunately the Sin Circle is still incomplete. We cannot waste anymore time. Vincent won't sit still. Tonight is his deadline to achieve his goal. Coz tomorrow, his fate will be decided," said Namjoon.

"Namjoon Sshii....plz!!! I want my old Jin Hyung back...I am ready to sacrifice anything for that," Jungkook wept. Jimin and Bogum tried to console him.

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