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"Jungkookah, what happened? You look a bit sad," asked Jimin, as he could notice a pinch of sadness in the younger boy's face.

"No,'s nothing...," Jungkook replied softly, while making traces on the bench with his fingers.

"Wait! Isn't that Lord Jin?...and...who is that blond guy with him?" Jimin spotted Jin with another never-seen-before blond guy on the opposite side of the street, near the Tteokbokki stalls.

"Jin Hyung?....V?....," Jungkook could not believe his eyes that his Jin Hyung was enjoying street foods (and even Tteokbokki) with V. Tears of betrayal rolled down from his Bambi eyes.

"Jin Hyung...has changed....he ain't the same Jin Hyung that I always knew, admired and has been just a day since he came across this V in a mysterious place in an equally mysterious way, and he has now become more important to him than me, Yoongi Hyung ....or even his utmost important responsibilities as the Ruler of the Town...," Jungkook ended up sobbing.
[On the other side of the street]

"Hey, V! Are you okay??" Jin got tensed as V's face became red and he began coughing. Jin handed him a bottle of water to calm him down.

"T-thank you, J-Jin Ssii...It's just that I can't eat spicy food...I'm sorry, coz I was the one who was craving for these foods in the first place. I should have been more careful with it..sorry for troubling you once again..," V managed to speak in between coughs.

"It's ok. Let me just get you something sweet to eat then?" Jin offered politely.

"Ice-cream! I want to eat ice-cream," V expressed his wish cutely.

Jin at once took V to the nearest ice-cream parlour. "Which flavour do you want?" Jin asked him softly.

V seemed to not know much about the various flavours. Jin noticed it. "How about this one, you want this?" Jin bought a strawberry flavoured stick ice-cream for V, as he noticed him eyeing it for a while.

V took the ice-cream and smiled his cute boxy smile and he began licking on it happily.

Jin bought a dark chocolate flavoured stick ice-cream for himself.

He was about to bite it, when he got startled by V, who just gave a good seductive lick to the dark chocolate flavoured ice cream that he was holding in his hand. His heart skipped a beat upon seeing V so close to his own face all of a sudden. The sudden arousal he felt upon seeing V's tongue. V's seductive lips and tongue, which were much in contrast to the innocent expression he was putting on in his face.

"S-sorry...J-Jin Ssii...I just..wanted to taste that flavour too....the thing is that ...I had never tasted any of these before....," V spoke innocently.

Jin smiled at V and gave away half of his ice cream to him.

"J-Jin Ssii! Here! Take a few bites from my ice cream won't be fair if I eat mine plus half of yours," V pleaded with puppy eyes.

"Well, then," Jin replied with a slush smile and proceeded to take a bite from V's strawberry ice cream.
[At Prof. Namjoon's Study Chamber]

Namjoon was busy with his books in his study room, momentarily sipping on his glass of hot chocolate. He heard knocks on his door. "Is it Jimin? Come in," said Namjoon.

Jimin entered into the room hurriedly and stood beside Namjoon's chair. "H-hyung! I met Jungkook Ssii in the streets today. He told me about Lord Jin's new mysterious friend. We saw the two of them eating Tteokbokki and ice cream at the opposite stalls. Jungkook said that Lord Jin came across that mysterious V last night near the forest, when he was driving back to the Soul Mansion. V was crying near the road. So, Jin Hyung brought him to their mansion and now they are staying together. Namjoon Hyung..... I saw him...I saw V with my own two eyes....He looks unearthly....there's something very strange about him....I could feel his force and power.... And Lord Jin...he is in his trap.....He is falling into his trap deeper.....," Jimin spoke nervously.

"What? my assumptions were correct...," Namjoon at once got up from his chair.
[At the Soul Mansion]

Jin and V returned to the soul Mansion holding each others' hands. V was smiling shyly, stealing glances from Jin. Yoongi and Hoseok were there in the Hall Room. Yoongi was silently noticing the changes in Jin. 'Is he in love?...he surely is....I guess...' Yoongi thought in his mind.

"Hello! Jin Ssii! V Ssii! We were waiting for you to return. Yoongi asked me to stay till dinner, so, why don't you two get changed and come downstairs. We all can sit and chat till dinner," Hoseok sounded excited.

"Where's Jungkookie, though? He hasn't returned yet?" Jin got tensed.

"He came back just now. He is upstairs, getting changed," replied Yoongi.

Jin was relieved to hear that.

"Alright, then!" Jin replied with a smile and went upstairs with V.
"What is it, Eames? What did you want to tell me?" Jungkook, who was done showering and changing, asked his butler who came into his room nervously, wanting to talk to him about something very important.

"Young Master,'s about V Ssii...," Eames sounded nervous.

," Eames sounded nervous

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...will be updated soon

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