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Jungkook turned on the gramophone and listened to some music of his liking in order to divert his disturbing thoughts.

*Knock knock*
He heard knocks on his door. "Eames Hyung! I am not hungry anymore, you plz go to your bed, don't worry about me-" Jungkook opened the door, thinking that it was his butler Eames who was there at the door with the food, but it was Jin and Yoongi, who stood their with their plates in their hands.

H-hyung!...why are you two here?" Jungkook scratched his head, without making an eye contact with either Jin or Yoongi.  "Jungkookie, come on, let's eat the dinner together. You came back home early just to prepare the special dinner tonight, right? All of us are hungry. So, let's not punish our bodies like that," Jin spoke softly, trying to convince the younger boy.

"You two go and eat it, I'm not hungry anymore," Jungkook tried to dodge his Hyung's affections but soon his stomach began making noises and both Jin and Yoongi ended up laughing at the younger boy's cuteness. Jungkook felt a bit embarrassed and thus, he gave up to his hunger calls and sat down on the sofa in his room and the three of them had their dinner there.
Jin came back to his room and changed into his pyjamas. He scooted inside his blanket and got ready for a good-night sleep. It had just been a few seconds of him closing his eyes, that he heard knocks on his room's door. He turned on the room's light and walked towards the door.

He saw V there, once he opened the room's door.

"Hey! What happened, V? Why do you look so scared? Are you okay??" Jin at once got worried, as the blond guy was shaking with fear.

"J-Jin Ssii...I-I...I saw a nightmare...a very scary nightmare....I-I..," V was panicking out of fear, so, Jin tried to calm him down and made him sit on his room's sofa. He poured water in a glass and gave it to the scared V.

"Thank you," V thanked him softly. "You are probably still thinking about your past. You need to relax. You are not alone here. We are here with you," Jin spoke some soothing words to make V feel safe.

"Jin Ssii....w-would you mind if...I sleep with you...on your bed tonight....please..?" V cried softly.

Jin felt bad for V. He could not even understand as to why it hurted him to see tears in the beautiful stranger's eyes. 'Perhaps it's because I am too soft for people who are helpless and needy' thought Jin, as he tried to find a valid reason behind feeling That hurt whenever he sees tears in V's eyes. V, whom he had just met a few hours ago.

"Well, alright. You can sleep here with me...stop worrying about are totally safe here. That's all I can assure you about," Jin flashed him a gentle smile.

V scooted inside Jin's blanket meekly. Jin turned off the room's light.

"Once again, thank you...Jin Ssii..," V thanked him shyly and even in the dim red light in the almost dark room, Jin could see V's blushy cheekies, and his heart skipped a beat at that.

Jin managed to nod, before turning to the other side, in order to hide his flustered face from the shy V.

[In the Morning]

It was 6:30 am in the morning. Jin opened his eyes and much to his shock, V was not there beside him. He at once ran to his bathroom to check, but he wasn't there either. "V?? Where are you?" Jin called out to him and ran downstairs.

Jungkook and Yoongi were not yet awake and Jin stood in the middle of the living hall downstairs, calling out V's name worriedly.

A couple of his Butlers (Andrew and Eames) came out from the kitchen and greeted him. "Good Morning Sir!" they wished him respectfully.

"Where is V? I could not find him there upstairs. Where did he go to?" Jin sounded worried.

"Don't worry, Sir! He is in the kitchen. He is trying to make breakfast for all," replied Andrew. Jin felt relieved upon hearing that.

"But there's a problem, Sir," Eames hesitated a bit, making Jin all the more curious. "What is it?" Jin obviously asked him.

"He is refusing to take any assistance in the kitchen but it genuinely seemed like he doesn't know much about cooking," Eames replied, while scratching his head.

"Oh, is that so?" Jin found it amusing. He at once stepped into the kitchen and saw V, standing there near the kitchen slab, trying to figure out the recipes, looking adorable in Jin's clothes (which is loose and a bit over-sized on him).

"Jin Ssii...s-sorry, I-I didn't have any extra clothes, s-so I wore yours," V admitted meekly.

"That's fine. And don't worry, I'll buy you clothes of your choice after returning from work today, ok?" Jin promised to him.

"By the way, what are you doing here in the kitchen This early in the morning?" Jin asked him.

"I woke up early and came downstairs after bathing. Eames Ssii told me that You, Yoongi Ssii and Jungkook Ssii would be leaving for work by 8 am, so, I thought about preparing breakfast for all of you...," V replied cutely.

"But it wasn't needed. Eames and Andrew are here for that. Why are you taking so much of trouble?" Jin spoke softly.

"Jin's a shame that I don't know much about cooking...but I want to help...I want to be of some help to this brought me here...I am getting to live here with you all for, I want to help you out somehow....," said V.

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