Chapter Eighteen: And I See You Lying Next to Me.

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Franks POV:
Ryan and I sat on my bed, him guiding my hands over the guitar, showing me where to put my fingers to complete a chord.
"There! That one was the most in tune yet. Try it from the top" Ryan said with a big grin.
I began plucking the strings, making something that sounded reasonably good.
"Good!!! That's exactly right!" Ryan exclaimed as he set down my guitar.
When I first got here, I was met by Ray, Ryan, and Brendon. They were all really nice and welcoming, bringing me in as one of their own. At first I was reserved and kept to myself, thanking them and appreciating their kind gestures but not wanting to get attached.
But, Ryan is a persistent bitch and we soon became friends. Ryan, Brendon, Ray and I all exchanged numbers and we would text in a group message until late at night, talking about the weirdest shit. I soon became good friends with them all, but Ryan especially.
Ryan was one I could especially trust, he just always knew what to say and how to comfort me. He knew a vague amount of my back story, I told him about Gerard and showed him a photo of Gerard and I, and he said we were absolutely meant to be, the way we fit together just perfectly.
Gerard's POV:
I lay on the floor, out in a daze. I assumed it was around 10:00. The numbness I got had slowly faded, and I lay on the floor staring into vacant space, trying endlessly to fill the void in my stomach. I slowly sat up, trying to avoid blacking out and falling over. My head pounded as I sat up, a sharp pain intruding into my stomach. I heaved myself off the floor and grabbed a bottle of pain killers off the coffee table, I downed a couple and began to lay back down and try to sleep.


I woke up to pounding on my door. I jumped up, and slowly made my way to the door. As I looked through the peephole I saw the familiar face of the one and only Bert McCraken. I undid the chain on the door and opened it, Bert quickly stepping inside the apartment.

"Here, a little short tonight, its only $80 tonight." he said, flicking a bag of white powder into my hands.

I muttered a small "thanks" before I gave him the money.

"You doing okay Gerard? You look like utter shit.." He said, seeming genuinley concerned.

"Yeah yeah I'm alright."

"This isn't something I usually ask my clients, I do intend to stay out of their buisness, but I can't help but wonder, how old are you?"

"Well if you must know...18." I said with a slight nod.

"Damn kid, your young.. how long you been into this shit?" he said as he gestured to the bag in my hand.

"Not long."

"Ah shit, I'm gunna be late for my next drop..see you later bud. Be safe-don't get me caught." He said, returning to his usual amount of grumpiness.

I put the baggie down on my kitchen counter, and found my way to bed with a box of cigarettes and a bottle of rum. I awoke the next morning to my phone buzzing, I quickly picked it up.

"Hello?" I said groggily.

"Hi Gee, how are you?" Frank's voice sounded through the phone.

"I'm okay..just tired is all. What about you?"

"I'm good. Remember the boy Ryan I told you about? The one who plays guitar like me? well he taught me how to play a few songs and I'm working on writing one for you.. I can't wait until I'm out of this hell hole. i miss you so much."

"I do remember him, and thats great Frankie. I miss you so much babe."

"I know.." i could hear somebody talking in the baclground, inaudible words.

"Who's that?"

"Thats Ryan, Ray and Brenon, they refused to let me leave the room to call you."

"Aha okay. Well Frank, I didn't get much sleep last night I'm going to go back to bed...I love you Frankie."
"Love you Gee. Call you later." Frank replied as he hung up.
I lay back on my bed, sipping on vodka and lighting up a cigarette. Should I ever tell Frank about my little addiction?

A/N hey guys so im trying to have more consistent uploads so here is this!!! It's kind of short sorry but it introduced a few new people and tied up a couple loose ends, kind of a filler chapter. I'm trying really hard to start writing better, and giving more updates. There's a lot more I have imagined for the future. Thanks for all the kind words ily all so much!

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