Chapter Six: Save me from my Self Destruction

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Gerard's POV
I woke up the next morning with a terrible ache coming from my whole body. I sat up in my bed, seeing the empty booze bottle and cigarette cartons, remembering last nights events. I lifted my sleeve, wincing in pain. My arm was... like a murder scene. Dried blood painted my skin in a crimson mess, the gash in my skin looked as if I had, well, brought it upon myself. I couldn't think of any explanation of what I could tell Mikey or Frank if they saw. Frank... he left me last night.. I really hope his dad didn't beat him again. I figured that he hated me, because who wouldn't hate me? Yeah I sound irrational, but it's not the first time something like this happened...
My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door, and Mikey's voice.
"Gerard! Wake up or else we are going to be late for school!" Shit.. we have school. He continued knocking, and tried opening the door. I pulled my sleeve down and quickly discarded the booze and cigarette containers, ridding of the evidence from last night. By now he was frantically knocking. I opened the door to Mikey looking at me funny.
"What's that face for?" I asked him.
"Your just always up before me that's all.. you okay?" he said cautiously.
"Yeah I'm okay." I walked passed him and into the bathroom, closing the door. I pulled my phone from my pocket checking the time, 6:45. I had about 35 minutes to get ready. I rinsed the dried blood from my arm, and wrapped it with an ace bandage. It wasn't bleeding anymore, which was good. I tamed my unruly hair, brushed my teeth, and applied my usual eyeliner around the rim of my eyes, smudging it. I walked out of the bathroom, satisfied with my appearance. I threw on a random band tee shirt, my black hoodie, and black skinny jeans.
I shoved my feet into my black converse, and ran upstairs with my school bag and phone.
"Sit down Gee we have ten minutes before we have to leave." Mikey said motioning to the table, where my coffee sat with my antidepressants. I quickly downed the pills with my coffee, and sipped at the hot liquid. I was burning my tongue but I didn't care. I knew Mikey was gunna check my wrists again today.. What am I supposed to tell him?
The time came all to soon, when Mikey asked me for my wrists. I'm about .5 seconds away from a panic attack.
"Gerard, it's okay..just.. show me?" Mikey sensed my nervousness, and caught on to the fact that I had been hurting myself again. I held out my wrist to him, lifting my sleeve to reveal my bandaged wrist.
"Can I?" he asked, I nodded. He slowly unraveled the bandage, examining the wound.
"Ger-Gerard..." Mikey started to cry, and wrapped my wrist up again. I took my wrist from him, and shoved my sleeve down, looking at my shoes in shame of what I did, hurting my brother like that. Mikey doesn't deserve to have such a fucked up brother.
I felt warm arms embrace me.
"Gee it's okay were gunna get through this okay?"
"Okay." I said mumbling into his chest.

Time skip- 1st pd. class. (Gees POV)

I sat in my regular seat in the back of the room. The warning bell rang, and a few more people trickled into the room. Frank took his seat next to me.
"Hey, I'm sorry I left so abruptly the other night... it was my dad."
I looked over at him. He had a bandage on his eyebrow, that he was trying to hide with his fringe, and I could see a bruise peeking out from his shirt collar.
"Frankie did he hurt you?" I said pulling his shirt collar down a little to see the bruises on his neck.
"Well Uhm yeah, but nothing I can't handle Gee it's okay." He said looking at me, making eye contact. He placed his hand on my wounded arm as reassurance, dangerously close to the bandage that you could surly feel through my hoodie. He smiled at me, and then took his hand off my arm, turning to his backpack. He pulled out a sketch book and smiled at me.
"I've been working on something that I want you to see" he opened the sketchbook and flipped through pages, setting it down in front of me. The page had what looked like song lyrics on it.

"The light behind your eyes:
Dedicated to, Gerard Arthur Way.

"So long to all of my friends
Everyone of them met tragic ends
With every passing day
I'd be lying if I didn't say
That I miss them all tonight
And if they only knew what I would say

Trust me, I'm okay. (Frerard)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ