Chapter two: The Sharpest Lives

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Gerard's POV:

Frank and I entered the classroom, and took a seat in the back. I immediately took out my sketchbook, and opened to my current project. I was working to create a group of characters, that I called "The Fabulous Killjoys". Just my perspective of superheroes.
I began adding details to the first killjoys apparel. Frank discreetly looked to what I was doing.
"Oh my gosh that's amazing.." he said looking up at me.
"You think so?" I asked him, he nodded.
As he reached into his bag for what I was assuming was his sketchbook and pencils, I could see he had a couple tattoos I hadn't noticed before, peeking out from his sleeve.

{Time skip to end of the day}

Frankie and I walked out of our last class, English. We had most classes together which was nice. But there was something about him.. something I couldn't quite describe. It bothered me.
"Gerard?" Frank interrupted my thoughts.
"Oh sorry, do you wanna come over to my place? we can watch some horror films or something?" I asked him, out of nowhere.
"For sure man" he grinned.
We walked out of the school to find Mikey by the school gates.
"Hey Frank, Gee." He said as he put his sunglasses on.
The three of us walked home talking about music, bands, and comic books.
We entered the door to the house, and I went directly to the kitchen motioning for Frankie to follow me. I started the coffee pot and offered Frank some coffee. He politely declined.
"Is it alright if I light up a cigarette?" he asked lifting the pack of Marlboros in his hand.
"Yeah it's fine" I said handing him an ash tray.
We headed down to my room with coffee and smokes, trying to decide what movie to watch.
I was looking through my DVD collection, when Frankie excitedly found my guitar.
"This is fucking sick man! Do you play?"
"I try, I kinda suck though. I do sing a little though, the drama teacher says in good but I think I'm just kinda average."
"You write anything?" he raised an eyebrow at me.
"Well kind of.. nothing like what we listen to. I wrote a song for my grandmas funeral, and sang it for her. Anything else I've written is just nonsense."
"Oh I'm sure it's not, can I hear what you wrote?" he asked me, sounding like a child asking for a cookie or something.
"I guess, I'm warning you I'm not very good though." I picked up my guitar, and put it in tune. I slowly started to pluck the chords to the song that I knew all to well.

A/N the song here is "Cancer" by My Chemical Romance (could've been more obvious eh)

"Turn away,
If you could get me,
A drink of water, because
My lips are chapped and faded,
Call my aunt Marie,
Help her gather all my things,
And bury me in all my favorite colors,
My sisters and my brothers still,
I will not kiss you!
Cause the hardest part, of this
Is leaving you.
Now turn away, cause in awful just
To see,
Cause all my hairs abandoned all my body,
All my agony,
Know that I will never marry!
Baby, I'm just soggy from the chemo.
Counting down the days to go,
It just ain't living!
And I hope you know,
If you say goodbye today,
I would ask you to be true,
Because the hardest part of this,
Is leaving you.
Cause the hardest part of this,
is leaving you.

"Wow, Gerard that was amazing!" Frank said laughing with excitement.
"Your an amazing singer! I would buy all your albums in a heart beat!"
"You really think I'm that good?" I asked setting my guitar down.
We heard a knock on my door, and Mikey's voice on the other side.
"GERARD MOM IS HOME." He said unnecessarily yelling.
"OKAY" I yelled back at him.
"Is that how you guys communicate?"
"Pretty much."
I led Frankie up the stairs and into the kitchen, to see my mom making dinner.
"Hi Gerard I was just goi- oh well who is this?" Mom said sounding quite surprised when she noticed Frankie. See, I didn't really have any friends. I usually sat in my room drawing or hanging out watching horror films with Mikey. So this was the first time I ever brought a friend home.
"Mom this is Frank, he's new at school."
"Well hello Frank!" Mom said sounding way to enthusiastic.

{Time skip 25 minutes}

Frankie and I were sitting outside the house smoking in the back yard, laughing and talking.
I couldn't help but be uneasy about the feelings in my stomach. I felt fluttery..and happy, I never felt like this before, and it was weird. I found myself looking at Frank, studying his scorpion tattoo on his neck, and the way his brown, shoulder length hair framed his face perfectly. And his tattooed hands were slim and delicate.
"Gerard?" Frankie waves a hand in front of my face. I realized I was staring at him. I flushed a color that was an un human red. I could feel my neck and cheeks burning, silently thanking the universe for the dark sky, my blush would go unnoticed.
"Uh s-sorry" I stuttered, taking a long drag of my cigarette.
Now it was Franks turn to stare. I could almost feel his eyes on me.

Franks POV (finally!)
I studied Gerard's sharp, yet soft facial features, and his hazel green eyes. The way his ebony hair looked in the dim sunset light. The way he pursed his lips when he was deep in thought..dammit Frankie.
I didn't know why I was thinking of Gerard this way, I had only just met him like what, 8 hours ago? But there was something about him.. I always knew I was attracted to guys, but I've never had a physical crush on anybody before. Sure I thought people were cute but it was never a full on crush.
Eventually Gerard turned his head and we made eye contact. I had only just realized how close we were, just a fraction of inches away. We both slowly started to lean in. I realized what was going on, and I didn't stop. We closed the gap between us. The kiss lasted about three seconds before I pulled away.
"Oh my god Gerard I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-"
"Frankie it's okay." Gerard cut me off, and kissed me again, and I kissed back.
We pulled apart, slightly out of breath. Out foreheads pressed together. We bolted apart when we heard the sound of foot steps coming near the porch door.
"Gerard it's getting late I think it's time Frank should get home now? Frank I'm sure your parents are worried." Gerard's Mom said motioning us to come inside.
Gerard walked me to the door, and hugged me. And whispered in my ear,
"Frank I think I'm falling for you" and with that he kissed my cheek and I was out the door.

Gerard's POV
I lay in bed that night thinking about Frank.
He kissed back..
I kept repeating the thought over and over again in my head. I think he liked me back. He didn't seem angry or upset, did he?
I looked over at my clock to see it was 1:00 AM, and I should sleep so I wouldn't fall asleep in class tomorrow. I smiled as Franks face was in my head as I fell asleep.

A/N I hope you guys are liking this. I'm not setting a complete update schedule, I'm just gunna update as often as possible! it would mean a lot of you guys could vote for this! (I'm sorry for self promo T.T But I have another fan fiction I'm writing "silent night" (Phan) you guys should go check it out! also, go check out @sassybrown) okay, i will update soon xx.

-Moo Moo

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