Chapter Three: Cemetery Drive

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Gerard's POV
I woke up to the familiar sound of my alarm clock, I groaned and slammed the snooze button. I slowly fell out if bed with a thud. I grabbed a random pair of skinny jeans and a black hoodie. I checked my phone to see a few new text messages. That was rare.
From: Frank:
Hey Gee, meet me in the library at 7:30. Xx

It was currently 6:45. I made my way upstairs and grabbed my usual mug of coffee. I smiled as I became more awake, thinking of seeing Frank.
"Hey Gee! lets go to hell!" Mikey said much to enthusiastically, grabbing his bag. I did the same, and we walked to the door.
"Okay Gee, you know the drill." Mikey said crossing his arms over his chest. I sighed and lifted my sleeves to show him my arms.
"I love you Gee." Mikey said, enveloping me into a big hug.
"Love you too Mikey" I hugged back.
I arrived to school at 7:28. Typical me, late. I quickly made my way to the library, to meet Frank. Class started at 8:00 so he better make this fast.
I entered the library, to see frank in a short sleeve shirt, exposing his tattoos, and fuck, it was incredibly hot.
"Hey" he said smiling as I sat down in front of him.
"Hi" I gave a brief, forced smile.
"So uhm.." he cleared his throat. "About last night.."
"I totally understand if you don't feel the same way.. I just really-" Frank cut me off
"Gerard I feel the same don't just give me just butterflies you give me fucking hurricanes in my stomach, your kind of amazing" he said with a cheeky grin.
Before we knew it a bell rang, signaling us to get off our lazy asses and off to class.
The day moved slowly, but with Frank there besides me it was a little better. At the end of the day we were walking down the hallway, when the group of asshole football players started messing with us.
"Aw does little Gerard have a boyfriend now?" a rather large one said.
"What a faggot" they spat at me and shoved me into lockers, walking away.
"Gerard are you okay?" Frankie asked me kind of concerned, helping me up.
"Yeah, it's nothing I'm not used to."
We walked out of the building, and I didn't see Mikey anywhere. I decided to text him just to make sure he was alright.

From: Mikey: Yeah I'm ok Gee. Staying after to study with Ray and Bob. See you at home.

"Mikey is staying after school, wanna come over?" I asked Frank as I looked up from my phone.
"For sure man"
When we were walking back to my house, Frank broke the comfortable silence.
"Gerard..what does this make us?"
"What?" I was to busy looking at his beautiful face to realize what he was talking about.
"Like.. we both like each other..and the kiss. It was like fireworks between us.." he sheepishly looked down at his shoes.
"Whatever you want us to be, I don't wanna take it to fast but something tells me, that your the one I want." I slowly moved my hand over to his, intertwining our fingers.
"Gerard Way, will you be my boyfriend?" he asked, stopping in front of me, holding my hands.
"Of course." And I smiled, I really smiled. I leant in and kissed him, not caring if people saw us. We walked back to my house hand in hand.

Frankie's POV
Gerard and I were in his room watching Edward Scissorhands. Well, we were lying down next to each other, I was playing with his soft ebony hair, with Edward Scissorhands in the background.
"Yes Gee?"
"Are we taking this to fast? I mean we only just met yesterday and I don't want to rush into things if your not ready."
"I think that once we get to know each other even more we will fall even more, with one of us to catch each other."
"Okay" he lent up and kissed my cheek.
"It's 10:00 Frankie, won't your parents be worried about you? Even if tomorrow is Saturday.."
I really didn't want Gerard to know about my parents..
"No they're pretty cool about it."
"Good. Because I never want to leave this spot in your arms."
And that's how we fell asleep, in each others arms.
I woke up the next morning, panicking a bit because I was in a different room, but then I remember last night. Gerard was all Mine I still couldn't believe how amazing he was. The way his greenish hazel eyes sparkled in the sun, the way he smiled.. I could tell it was forced though. Could he not be telling me something? something important? I was snapped out of my thoughts by Gerard moving next to me, wrapping his arms around me even tighter, whispering a "good morning" in my ear. I forgot what I was thinking about when I saw his face.

Time skip~

Gerard's POV
Frankie and I were walking around town, he wanted me to show him around since he was new around. I decided to take him to the place I went to think, kind of like my happy place. Which was ironic, because it was a cemetery. I held his hand as we walked through the gates, I led him back to my favorite spot, under a little tree.
"Gerard this is amazing" he had this dorky little smile on his face.
"Sit." I instructed him, as we sat with our backs against the tree.
"Gee I want to know you. I want to know everything about you, so I know when your sad, or happy, I want to know you."
" I just want to know you better." he said looking over at me.
"Well, I've grown up in New Jersey, and I've lived in the same house for all 16 years of my life. As you know I'm obsessed with comic books, I want to write them and illustrate them one day, I want to go to art school."
"But your so musically talented as well, You could have a double career, be an artist and in a band at the same time!"
"I'm really not that musically talented, I can sing but not well enough to be in a band."
"Gerard I've never heard anybody with a better voice then you, your amazing!"
"I guess so" I shrugged. I didn't think I was all that good.
We just spent the rest of the day talking, telling each other about our lives. Of course I left out the part about how I hated myself and I never deserved somebody as great as Frankie, and how I spend most nights harming myself in one way or another. I didn't want to tell Frankie I really didn't. I didn't want him to know, I didn't want him to feel sympathy for me. I didn't want him to change the way he acted around me because of my anxiety, or paranoia. I didn't dare say depression because I can't be depressed, I'm just an antisocial teenager who gets shoved around and hates himself, that's not depression. Is it?
Frank and I were walking back to my house, for coffee. When we walked through the door, we got our coffee and headed down to my room. We were halfway down the stairs when I saw my door was open, and heard Mikey's muffled crying.
"Hold on Frank" I whispered to him, setting my coffee down on the stairs. He nodded and sat on the stairs. I slowly walked into my room, afraid of why Mikey was crying.
"Mikey?" I pushed the door open all the way, and saw him on the floor, looking horrified. I didn't register why he was so horrified when I saw it, the note. You see, I had written a suicide note, set for October 18, which would be in three days from now. And Mikey found it. I had written it to him, he was the only one who was really there for me. I wrote it before I met Frank, and had forgotten about it until now. But that's not even the worse part, with the suicide note I had a bottle of anxiety medicine, and razor blades. I felt so guilty, I let him find it. I could've hidden the stuff better... I snapped out of my shock and went over to the crying Mikey.
"Ge-Gerard wh-y?" he said crying into my embrace.
"I'm sorry Mikey it's all my fault you shouldn't have found this."
"You wouldn't have actually d-done it would you?" He said between sniffles, looking up at me with wide eyes.
"Mikey I'm sorry. I just got so tired of hating my life an-"
"Gee I love you, do you know how much I would blame myself if you were gone!? This is all my fault. oh my god."
"Mikey no no, it's not your fault at all your doing everything you can to help me and don't think for a second it's your fault! Your part of the reason I'm alive. If I didn't have you I would've been gone a long time ago. And the only thing stopping me now is seeing you like this.. and Frank." I remembers Frank was right outside the door.. he probably heard all of this. But I didn't care, I wanted to make sure Mikey was okay.
"Gerard let me see your wrists." He said as he slowly stopped crying. I rolled my sleeves up to let him see, he started crying again. I hadn't hurt myself in two days, the longest I was ever clean. And I wasn't the only one who noticed this.
"Gerard I'm proud.. There isn't any more since the last time I checked.." he just hugged me.
He got up off the floor and wiped his nose giving me a hug before exiting my room. A second Frank came in the room.
"I'm guessing you.."
"I'm sorry."
Frank came over and sat me down next to him.
"Why? your so perfect Gerard.. I don't understand why you would hurt yourself." He said, nearly crying.
"Frankie don't cry over me.."
"Gee answer the question" he looked at me in the eyes.
"Because I'm ugly. And fat. And I don't deserve to be happy."
"Gerard of course you do." Frankie hugged me.
"Your so beautiful to me and I don't know what I would do with out you."

A/N IM SORRY. But it had to be done, Frankie needed to know. Please vote and comment! and do you think it's moving to fast? IS FRERARD MOVING TO FAST? Okay well I've already started the next two chapters so I will upload them soon!

-Moo Moo

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