Chapter Eight: Let me Break this Awkward Silence.

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Gerard's POV.

*ring, ring, ring*

"Hi, you've reached Frank, I'm probably playing my guitar, leave a message."

"Fuck fuck fuck!" I muttered. I had been trying to reach Frank for hours now, I was worried about him. What if his dad hurt him? I pushed the thought from my mind and dialed Franks number again. Again. Again. And again. It had been two hours of trying to reach Frank, when finally somebody picked up the phone.


"Frank! oh my god where are you? are you okay?"

"Gee... he hurt me my dad hurt me.. he just left, I don't expect him to be back anytime soon. Can you come help me please?"

"Oh my god of course. I'll be there in just a minute. How bad did he hurt you?" I continued to talk as I shoved my shoes on and my leather jacket, grabbing my keys and then running out the door.

"I.. I don't know. It hurts Gerard.."

"I'm starting the car now okay? I'll be there soon." I said as I shoved the keys into the old Subaru XT. I drove as fast as possible over to Franks house. I didn't bother closing the car door, or knocking on franks door, I just ripped through the door, tears streaming through my eyes, running down the hallway to Frank.

"Come on Frank. Your gunna tell me everything but for right now I'm getting you to a safe place."

He nodded, to weak to say anything. I rushed him out to my car setting him into the seat, and started to drive back home.

Time skip aye~

Frank was bandaged, and fixed, almost. We lay together on my bed, Frank softly snoring on my chest, I stared up at the white ceiling, thinking about life. I mean, we are all going to die one day. It's inevitable. It's like gravity sucking you into this dark black hole, a hole of fear, uncertainty, anxiety, depression. There was no way out. But what was it like? What was it like to die? Is it peaceful? Where do you go? do you go to heaven or hell? Or do you just simply disappear? One day you just stop, like that your just, gone. What do people see in their time of death? Is it comforting?

You see, death is a funny topic. Nobody wants to die, but you have to, you don't have a damn choice. But thinking that one day I'm going to die without making any significant difference in the world haunts my head. Of course I'm not going to make a difference, I'm never gunna change somebodies life, never, so why should I try? Why should I try to be so loving and caring when people never love me back? No. No. Frank loves me, right? Frank would take a bullet for me, he would never leave me.... Right?

My thoughts were disturbed by Frank moving on my chest. I looked down at him, all snuggled up on me like a child. He blinked his brown eyes open, looking up at me.

"Hi" he smiled and slightly giggled, before clutching his ribs.

"Frank are you okay?"

"Yeah..yeah it just hurts. It's okay though, I've probably had worse..." he muttered moving his hand away from his ribcage.

"I'll go make some coffee okay?" I said slowly moving Frank off of me, and then bounding up the stairs.

I padded into the kitchen quietly, being cautious of a sleeping Mikey and his friend Ray in the living room. As I sat waiting for the coffee, I lit up a cigarette, Ma wasn't home, and sure it was against the law for a 16 year old to smoke, but I don't really care. I poured coffee into two mugs, and once again quietly stepped downstairs. I walked into my bedroom, to see Frank sitting on my bed, holding my sketchbook. I set the coffee down, and sat next to him as I tapped ashes from my cigarette to the floor. Frank looked up, obviously just noticing my presence. He reached up, and gently took the cigarette from my hand, and took a drag, and proceeded to hand it back to me.

"Your cute" I said as I giggled, sitting next to him, wrapping my arms around him.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him as he flipped through my sketchbook. Frank was the only person other than myself I let into my sketchbook.

"Your amazing artwork." He flipped the page, revealing a half done drawing of him.

"Oh uh," I blushed looking down at my hands.

"Gerard this is amazing..." Frank looked up at me.

He slowly leaned forward, dropping the sketchbook and placed his hands on my head, running his thin fingers through my tangled black hair. I closed the gap between us, crashing our lips together, placing my hands on the small of his back. He moved his hands slowly down to my chest, pushing me down onto the bed, being cautious of his injuries. The feeling in my stomach was like magic, fireworks, like nothing I've ever felt before. It was amazing. It was like..lust? No, it was love. I love Frank, and he loves me.

I woke up with Frank wrapped around my bare chest. (A/N lolololol no they didn't do any frickle frackle or buttsecks) His callused rough fingers intertwined with my soft ones. I slowly got up, not wanting to wake him. I pulled my shirt on, suddenly feeling self conscious of my wounded wrists. I quietly just grabbed my sketchbook, and sat down with it on the floor. I flipped through the pages until I found my unfinished drawing if Frank. I started to work more on the details in his eyes.

I don't know how long it had been, but my focus was interrupted by arms snaking around my waist. Frank squeezed me gently with his arms, burrowing his head into my neck. I gave him a kiss on the head and smiled at him. I returned back to my drawing.

"This is beautiful Gee" he mumbled, still half asleep.

"Your beautiful." I set my sketchbook down to pick up his tiny frame, carrying him to bed I set him down, and fell down next to him.

"I just want to be in your arms forever frank." I said to his puzzled face. He got the hint and them wrapped his arms around me. I pressed my forehead against his, our lips just centimeters apart. I slowly leaned in, connecting our lips. He moved his against mine in such a perfect fashion, it felt right, it felt magic. He pulled me closer, and intensified the kiss.

We eventually heard an awkward cough, coming from my doorway. We parted our lips faster than light, and I looked up to see Mikey standing at the door.

"Uhm.." he scratched the back of his neck, his knees in this strange awkward position.

"Yeah I was gunna see if you wanted some coffee, it's 1:00 but I can tell your a little bit... occupied at the moment."

And just as if he was never there his lanky figure ran up the steps.

"Well I suppose we should get up then." I said dragging Frank out of bed.

A/N sorry this took so long you guys I was reading a really awesome fan fic and I was to distracted to write. But here it is! I hope y'all enjoyed ;)

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