Chapter Sixteen: Early Sunsets Over Monroeville

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Gerards POV:
And all to soon did I find an apartment. I found a simple studio apartment that was only $500 a month, it was doable. I talked to Frank the day I found it- he seemed to agree. So that was it. I graduated high-school a month ago and I'm moving out.
But I wouldn't be alone- I'd be with Frank. In a few days I'd be packing away my things into my old car and heading to the new apartment with Mikey who was going to help me settle in for the first week.
* time skip to moving day *
I packed the last box in the trunk and closed the door, clambering into the front seat beside Mikey. It was August, so it was summer vacation, and three months before Frank would be 18.
'Just three more months' I told myself as I shoved the key into the ignition. We drove about 20 minutes before we came across the brick building. It wasn't in the best part of Jersey and it wasn't in the worst, but it's Jersey. What do you expect?
I sat in the car for a minute- unbelieving that this was happening.
"Am I really doing this Mikey? Moving out to live with my boyfriend?"
"Yeah Gerard I think you are. And I would be a bad brother to tell you that it's a completely sane idea." With that Mikey smiled and exited the car, going to grab the first box- I followed his suit.
I sat in the apartment on the couch, the pre-furnished apartment fitting my taste. Nothing fancy and nothing to boring.
"Well, what do you think? You like your first apartment?" Mikey said from the kitchen as he was unpacking dishes that mom made me bring.
"Yeah, I like it a lot. I just wish Frank was here."
"Don't worry Gee, he'll be here soon, just a few more months. And I'm only 20 minutes away, you'll be okay."
I sighed and began to scope out the apartment. It was pretty much just one big room with curtain walls. I didn't mind though, it was only Frank and me and it was a studio apartment.
I pushed back the curtain "wall" and found a large bay window, it was a very small little space- perfect for art supplies.
I stepped back out to the main part of the apartment and grabbed my boxes full of art supplies.
Setting up my art supplies took longer than anticipated- I was in the middle of organizing random copic markers when I heard Mikey walking towards me.
"Hey, Frank is on the phone." He said, giving me a seldom smile.
"Hello?" I said into the end of the phone, elated to hear from Frank again.
"Hey" he said in a voice that made me think he was upset.
"What's wrong Frankie?"
"Nothing Gee. It's okay. I just wanted to talk to you."
"Frank don't lie to me something is wrong and I know it. You underestimate how well I know you."
A blanket of silence fell over us.
"I'm just fed up Gerard. I want to see you."
"I know Frank- but to think in just a few months you can come and we can live together. I moved into the apartment today- your going to love it."
"I know I just miss you." I could hear his voice shaking.
Franks POV:
I ran my hands through my hair, it had been five minutes since Gerard and I said goodnight and I was already curled up in my bed crying. I missed him. I missed his touch on my face, I miss the way he used to play with my hair, I miss the way he smelled. He always smelled of coffee and cigarettes- and paper. There's no better way to describe Gerard.
I just wanted him to hold me in his arms again, that was the only place I felt safe. I glanced up at the calendar on my wall- August. I was waiting for the day that maybe just maybe I would see October on the wall. I sat cross legged on my bed, the dim light on the table next to me softly illuminating the room. I opened the drawer of the little stand, pulling out a lighter and cigarettes. I wasn't supposed to have them, but what did it matter. It was the second closest thing I had to Gerard, he used to buy them for me since I can't. I stood up, clambering up onto the windowsill across my room, I shoved open the window and climbed out, I sat out on the roof in the cold air. I lit up a cigarette, enjoying the temporary relief I got from it. I felt tears swell up in my eyes, and I let them fall. Soft sobs emitted from my body as I shakily held the cigarette to my mouth. Breathing in the smoke was the best thing to replace other methods of self destruction. I sat back against the window I had climbed out of, looking up at the sky. There wasn't much to see except the gleaming light of the moon, the same moon Gerard was under. And in less than three months Gerard and I would be together again. I ran my hands through my hair, taking one last drag of my cigarette before I stubbed it out, flicking it off the edge of the roof. I climbed back inside and went to sleep.
I'm very sorry I haven't updated in a while I've had some slight writers block and the reoccurring problem of wanting to make chapters longer but then I just end up procrastinating... yeah. sorry. But anyways here's a chapter and I want to thank each and every one of you for all your positive feedback and lovely comments you all are so amazing! Sorry if it sucked too oops.

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