Chapter seven: I Hope You Know, This is Going Down, on Your Permanent Record!

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Mikey's POV
"FRANK ANTHONY IERO YOU OPEN UP THIS GOD DAMN DOOR." I was screaming, banging on the door trying to get over Gerard's agonizing screams. He sounded like he was in pain. I kept screaming and banging on the door, until Frank opened the door.
"What's going on? Is Gerard okay?" I rushed over to the sleeping Gerard, his tear stained face gentle with sleep.
"I-I don't know what happened Mikey he just started screaming and shaking and I d-didn't know what to do!" Frank began sobbing.
"Frank it's okay, this has happened before. But he's got medication now so why on earth would he be getting these....episodes again?" I said puzzled, more to myself more than Frank.
"Maybe the medicine doesn't work for this. I'll be sure to tell the therapist about this on Saturday." Frank said, still crying.

Time skip aye

Gerard's POV
I woke up in my bed, my room empty.
"Frank?" I called out into the darkness. I checked my clock, it was 8:30.
Frank was suddenly at my side.
"Gerard are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine, why wouldn't I be...." I remembered the previous events.
"What on earth was that Gerard?"
"Oh I just had a little panic attack it's not a big deal." I didn't want to make anybody feel sympathy for me.
"It was not just a little panic attack."
"I don't wanna talk about it" I grumbled.
"Come here" Frank said as he wrapped me into a big hug, squeezing me slightly.
We fell asleep in eachothers arms.

Franks POV
I woke up to my phone buzzing in my pocket, I grabbed my phone to see what it was, dad had texted me.

From: Dad:
Get your fucking ass home right now you faggot.
I knew I was in some deep shit, I hadn't been home in three days now. I slowly got out of Gerard's bed, covering him with a blanket, kissing his cheek before I quietly made my way out of his house.
I walked down the dark street, getting progressively more anxious as I walked, hoping my dad wouldn't hurt me to bad. The time came way to soon, and I had made it to my house. I opened the front door trying to sneak in the house, I got about two steps down the hallway when I got yanked back by my shirt, and pinned against the wall.
"Where the fuck were you!? You little faggot!" I could smell the liquor on my dad's lips as he screamed in my face.
"No-nowhere" I stuttered, failing my attempt not to sound small and pathetic.
"Hah! I'm only gunna ask you one more god damn time, where the fuck were you!?" he was screaming full force at me now.
"ITS NOT ANY OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!" I screamed in his face, with a sudden burst of confidence.
My dad responded with violence. Slamming me against the wall, picking me back up and punching me in the stomach. He wrapped his hands around my throat, my lungs burning for air. He drug me down the hallway and outside my bedroom door. He threw me into my room, and yelled a harsh "faggot" at me as he slammed me into my bedroom wall, suffocating me with his hands. I choked and gasped for air until I finally passed out.

A/N hey guys! I hope this wasn't to short, I didn't want to keep you waiting to long, I don't know when the next update will be....I'm not very good at staying on a schedule. Thanks for reading!

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