Chapter Nineteen: From The Earth to The Morgue.

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Frank's POV:
"Gerard seems nice" Ray said to me after I hung up the phone.
"Yeah..he's really quite nice, I like him a lot."
I shoved my phone into my pocket, feeling slightly shaken that Gerard had ended our call so abruptly, that was really unusual.
I tried to shake the uneasy feeling in my stomach- but it just sat there lingering in my head.
"Frank?" Ryan said trying to snap me out of my daze.
"Oh yeah, sorry Ry." I said giving him a soft smile.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm good." I answered, not sure if I was reassuring Ryan or myself.
"Well, as you know it's Saturday and, well I didn't know if you knew this, but we are allowed to go out on Saturdays and Sunday's, and Brendon has some friends who are having a party, what do you say? You up for it?"
I thought about his offer, half of me wanted to say no and the other half of me freaking out because holy shit- I could go see Gerard.
"I don't know... I'm not big on parties and it's not really my thing." I said trying to avoid the party thing and plan a way to see Gerard.
"Don't worry, you'll have fun. Just this once?" Brendon chimed in from his place on Ray's bed.
"Maybe next weekend..."
"Fine. Next weekend. Now help me with this fucking song..." Ryan trailed off, looking for the tabs he wrote down, me secretly plotting how I could sneak out to see Gerard today.
Gerard's POV:
It was Saturday and I haven't been to work in two days. Gabriel was going to fucking kill me- but I'm not sure I care. I decided it would be good to show up today, I just had to make it until my day off on Tuesday. I got out of bed, my head sore and throbbing. I slowly made my way to the bathroom, and pulled my phone from my pocket. It was 9:00 and I had to be at work in an hour.
I popped two pain relievers in my mouth and hopped into the shower. I let the scalding hot water burn my back as I scrubbed at my greasy hair. I honestly couldn't remember the last time I bathed. After I regained track of time I slowly got out of the relaxing water and wrapped a towel around my waist. I walked from the small bathroom to my closet, pulling some clothes out.
Checking the time, it was 9:45. I grabbed a mug of coffee and my keys, when I noticed that cocaine, cigarettes, and vodka littered my living room. I scooped the leftover powder into the bag and took that and the vodka into the kitchen, shoving the cigarettes into my pocket and making sure the living room was clean. After that, I exited the apartment and ran down the stairs and bumped into a new neighbor, giving a polite 'Hello' before proceeding to walk out the door to my old car. I quickly started the engine and began making my journey down the road to the comic shop. When I arrived, Gabriel was already there and had opened the shop. I walked in, giving him a smile and heading to the back to unpack new releases.
I organized the new comics into piles, preparing them to go out on the shelves. I carried pile by pile out and putting them on the shelves, and taking note of where we were running low and what needed to be restocked. As I walked back into the back room, I glanced at the clock, realizing I was due for my 12:00 lunch. I sat down the box I was holding and walked to the front attempting to find Gabriel.
"I'm out for lunch, I'll be back in an hour"
I sat in my car, pondering where to go. There was a stretch of populated road where I could go to get a coffee. I looked down the road, seeing a few diners and random stores, I settled on the diner that looked the least busy. I walked in, and took a seat, occupying myself with a pen and paper napkin, waiting for my coffee.
I was mid thought, drawing random doodles on the napkin as my phone started ringing, it was Frank.
"Hello?" I said puzzled as to why Frank was calling me.
"Hey there, could you tell me which Comic store it is that you work at? Brendon was telling me about one that was cool and I couldn't remember if it was the one you worked at..."
I smiled at his voice, happy he had company.
"It's called The Vault"
"Oh okay was the one he was talking about."
"Haha you're adorable.." I said smiling into the phone.
"Hush Gee. I'll talk to you later okay?"
"Bye, love you."
"Love you too"
The phone clicked dead and I smiled.
Franks POV:
"I'll see you guys later I'm heading out for a bit" I said as I stood up from my spot on the floor, heading to the door.
"Where are you going?" Ray asked, looking up from his guitar.
"Gunna go see Gerard" I said with a grin.
I walked out of the foster home, mentally flipping off the horrible place. Don't get me wrong now, I made a couple great friends but it's sucked balls I couldn't live with Gerard and have to be fucking homeschooled with a group of dorks like Ryan, Brendon, and Ray.
I walked quietly up the street, looking for South Main Street of downtown, it wasn't particularly far away..if you considered almost an hour of walking far. I approached the small shop, hoping Gerard wasn't working in the front. I walked in greeted by a friendly man with a slight accent.
"Hello, how can I help you?"
I gave him a smile and quietly asked him what I needed.
"Gerard Way is working today right?"
"Sure his, need me to grab him?"
"Yeah, I'm his...friend, Frank."
"Ah yes, he's told me lots about you- all good things of course!"
"Don't tell him it's me, its a surprise he doesn't know I'm here." I said as I nervously twiddled my hands.
"Sure thing kid." I watched as he walked to the back and stuck his head through a door, calling Gerard to "help with customers up front". I walked over to a random isle, pretending to be browsing. I peeked my head over the top, to see Gabriel pointing in my direction- and I saw Gerard. He looked like utter shit with dark circles and pale skin.. I quickly turned around so he wouldn't see me.
"Hey there, you need any he- oh my god Frank!" He said sounding extremely happy and on the verge of crying. He rushed up to me engulfing me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around him tightly.
"Oh fuck I've missed you so much Gee"
"You have no idea Frankie."


Gerard's POV:
"I can't believe It's you I've missed you so much Frankie." I said as I looked over at Frank in the passenger seat of his car. Gabriel was nice enough to to let me out of work so Frank and I could hang out. I leaned over in the seat and kissed him, cupping his cheek in my hand, him running his hands through my hair.
"Let's go back to our apartment" I said pulling away, and sitting up straight.
"Our apartment... I like that."
We made it back to the brick building, and I led Frank up the stairs to the second floor, and unlocked the door to the apartment. I walked in first with Frank trailing behind me.
"Oh my god I love it.." He said, looking around.
"Isn't it great? I hoped you would like it. I walked into the kitchen, my heart dropping at the still uncleaned remnants of last night. My face went pale and I quickly turned trying to find a place for the drugs and bottle of poison.
"Gerard? You okay?" Frank said as he walked suspiciously over to the kitchen.
"What? Oh yeah no I'm fine"
"Your paler than normal and you look scared.. what the hell.." He gently pushed past me to see what was on the counter.
"Gerard what the fuck is this cocaine?!" Frank angrily turned to me holding the bag.
"I'm-I'm sorry Frank I just can't handle being without you and it got to be to much and..."
"And how the hell did you even get vodka your not even 21 yet! Gerard!" Frank said looking upset.
"Frank no I'm sorry babe it's okay."
Frank put down the bag and slowly made his way to the couch. I cautiously went after him.
"Why did you do it..." It looked like he finally let the tears he'd been holding spill.
"I'm sorry Frank I just can't live without you.."
"But why drugs have so many other options.."
"I just wanted to forget. Forget how much I was hurting. Please don't be mad at me Frank I can stop doing this I can quit I swear"
"I'm not mad at you Gerard, but I am however incredibly upset you didn't even tell me."
Franks POV:
A sudden thought crossed my mind. What if cocaine wasn't the only coping method Gerard had done in the past few weeks?
"Gerard, baby, show me your arms."
His face went pale and he began to physically shake.
"Fr-Frank no that's not important.."
I grabbed his arm gently, I looked at him but his eyes did not meet mine. They looked shamefully down at his arm in my hands. I lifted the sleeve of his button up shirt, examining his arm. There were not many new cuts but there were still fairly fresh ones.
"Oh Gerard..." I pulled him into my chest.
"I'm so sorry Frankie. I wish I could stop I really do but I just can't babe."
"Don't worry, We are going to get through this together okay? I love you so much." I pulled him in for a kiss, running my hands through his long black hair, pulling him close to my body as he rested his hands on the small of my back.
A/N HELLO GUYS HEY HOW ARE YOU? I hope you all enjoyed this I wrote it in two hours so I hope it's not to shitty. It's 12:00 am and I need to sleep so there is probably some typos and editing issues but that always happens cause I'm a lazy fuck and im to lazy to re read my chapters. #prowriter. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
(Also how cute is Frank's noodle tattoo for Cherry I squealed when I read that article. Hope you liked it

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