Chapter Twenty: From the Lights to the Pavement.

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Gerard's POV
I stood there with Frank's arms wrapped around me. I never wanted this moment to end, being in his arms made me feel whole again- it made me wish I'd never done the cocaine or had all those nights with empty bottles and cigarettes. He gently pushed me to the couch, sitting with me and wrapping his toned arms around my waist.
"You've lost weight." He said, squeezing me tighter.
"I guess I've been a little preoccupied to eat."
"Gerard, you look like you've lost at least fifteen pounds."
"I lose weight quickly" I said, trying to get the focus off me.
Frank just sighed and held me closer.
"I want you to stay you have to go back? Can you just spend the night..please?" I said, longing for him next to me, longing for his touch and his body next to mine, our legs intertwined.
"I'll see what I can do." He said with a smile, taking out his phone.
After sending a quick text message to a contact named Brendon, telling him to cover for Frank while he spent the night, Frank shut off his phone and set it on the table.
"Let's go for a walk" Frank said, grabbing my hand and pulling me off the couch. We walked out the door, walking down the road hand in hand.
"I missed you so much Frank." I mumbled into his ear as I placed a kiss on his cheek.
"I missed you more."
We walked our way in a comfortable silence to a little park, and we sat on a bench watching the setting sun.
"Yes Frank?"
"Do you think we'd ever get married?"
The question hit me like a bomb. I never really thought about marriage. I always assumed I'd be forever alone and I'd never find somebody who loved me.
"I don't know Frankie. If we think it's the right thing the yes. But people grow apart sometimes."
"I hope we never grow apart." Frank said, gripping my hand.
"Me neither Frankie."
Franks POV:
(Back at the apartment, kind of slight smut warning ????? Idk what I'm doing I've never written smut ?????)
I pressed Gerard's shoulders down onto his bed, connecting my lips with his. He ran his hand up my back under my shirt, his warm hands leaving shivers alone my spine. My hands cupped his pale face, my thumb gently pressed on his jawline.
I moved down to his neck, gently biting the skin, a soft noise emitted from Gerard as he leaned his head back in pleasure. I smiled to myself, pulling ourselves back up so we were sitting up again. I trailed my fingers along the hemline of his shirt. I gently pulled it over his head, leaving him with a bare chest.
"To many clothes.." he mumbled, yanking my shirt off me, and stripping me down to my boxers. Our lips reconnected and he laid me on the bed this time, trailing his mouth down my chest dangerously close to the downstairs region. He moved back up, his mouth planted on my neck. My hands gripped his shoulders, my finger tips gripping his skin. He slipped his fingers under the waist band of my pants, teasing me.
"Oh fuck Gerard" I moaned as he moved his hand lower into my boxers.
(Time skip to next morning)
Franks POV:
"Good morning gorgeous" I said as I kissed Gerard, my body pressed against his bare chest.
Gerard opened his eyes and looked around, and looked back at me.
"Did we.."
"Yes" I said as we exchanged smiles.
"That was your first time..."
"With a guy yeah" I said, slightly embarrassed.
"Don't be embarrassed there is a first for everything."
Gerard gave me a cheeky grin, and reached on the floor to grab a pack of cigarettes. He took one out and handed one to me, I followed his suit as we lit them up.
I watched Gerard as he inhaled the smoke, blowing it out in little rings. He looked over at me with his bedroom eyes, smiling at me, pressing his lips to mine.
"I love you."
A/N I'm sorry this took like 178292 years I suck at updating don't hate me pls yeah thanks okay and also I have never written smut before and I was gunna write into more detail if you know what I mean but I got uncomfortable bc I'm to lesbo for that. Anyways I hope you liked this stupid short shitty chapter

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