Chapter Ten: And They Found You On The Bathroom Floor.

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Gerard's POV:
I laid on the bathroom floor, struggling to keep my eyes open. I could hear Frank's voice surround me. He stopped me. Frank stopped me. I could feel him blotting towels against my torn wrists, and I could hear his voice on the phone with somebody. I felt angry in a way, that Frank had taken away the one sense of hope I had in my life. I felt to much, I was always to sad or not good enough or to fat. I wasn't ever happy anymore. And of course Frank didn't really care about me. If he cared he would let me die because that's what I longed...that feeling to not feel at all. I wanted to be numb. I didn't want to be here anymore. And eventually, I got my wish. Even though it was temporary, I blacked out.
* * *
When I woke up the room was dark. I could see the faint glow of a closed window, and flashing green lights, eerily quiet silence, and a slight itch in my arm. I reached down to feel it, but all I felt was a bandage tightly done around my arm.
"Gerard?" Frank's voice sounded to the left of me. I was suddenly flooded with memory. Slitting open my wrists, laying on the bathroom floor... Frank. Frank saved me. He took the one thing I truly longed for. He took it from me. He saved me.
"Get out Frank. Please."
"Gerard are yo-"
"No Frank I'm not o' fucking kay, does it seem like I'm okay? You ruined it. You took it away Frank!" my voice began to raise.
"Took what away? I saved you Gerard!"
"You let me live, and I wanted to die."
"Gerard! that's because I don't want anything to happen to you and you really need to realize that you have something to live for and dammit Gerard I love you!"
"Frank I have nothing to live for I am worthless, and if you really fucking loved me you would understand the fact that I want to die!"
"Gerard your making yourself bloody miserable. I mean look at you- your 18, and you weigh 98 pounds- you should weigh 120 at the very god damn least! you don't eat, you don't keep up with school, you just sit and loathe in your self fucking pity and you don't realize that your doing this to yourself! Gerard you had better trust me because I've been there too- I thought there was nothing to live for but I know I have something- I have you! And I'm not letting you go anywhere!" Frank was yelling by this point.
"Frank please just leave- I need to be alone right now."
Frank just stormed out of the room slamming the door. A minute later a doctor looking person and my mom walked through the door and began speaking to me.
* * *
"So Gerard- I'm going to prescribe you with Xanax and see you get professional treatment three times a week." The doctor said scribbling something onto a clipboard.
It had taken one suicide attempt to be diagnosed with clinical depression, joyful.
"We're going to let you go home today, don't worry." A nurse said giving me a small smile. The doctor passed a paper to my mom, all I saw was the phrase "suicide watch" scrawled at the top.
My mom led me out to the car, Mikey sitting inside looking painfully distraught.
I hope you guys liked it :D

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