Chapter One: New beginnings.

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HEY GUYS! I decided to start writing a gerard/Frankie fan fiction, let me know what you think. Go check out my other story, Silent Night! :D
{trigger warning: self harm, alcoholism, depression, suicide}

Gerard's POV
*beep beep beep*
"Shut the fUCK UP." My muffled voice said as I slammed my hand over the alarm clock.
It was the first day at this shitty school, my junior year. I slowly crawled out of bed, and walked to my closet, pulling out some black jeans, and a Misfits tee shirt. I put the clothes on and shoved my feet into my worn out black converse. Of course I grabbed my hoodie, and backpack.
I went upstairs to the kitchen and started the coffee pot. I needed my coffee. I sat at the kitchen table with my face in my hands, groaning at the thought of school. I eventually heard Mikey, my brother, walk into the kitchen.
"Hey Gee, ready for hell?" he said grabbing two coffee mugs down from the cupboard. He set my coffee in front of me and I just groaned, downing half the mug.
I said something that even I couldn't understand, and opened our parents liquor cabinet. I had almost poured one and a half shots into my coffee when Mikey grabbed the bottle from my hands.
"Gerard, come on man. Your not even legal to be drinking this shit." He said as he put the bottle away in the cabinet.
"It doesn't matter to me. I need something stronger to get me through the day." I downed my liquor infested coffee before Mikey could snatch it from me. I winced at the burning sensation in my throat.
"Okay. Let's get outta here man, the sooner we leave the sooner we are done." Mikey said placing a hand on my shoulder.
We were at the door and ready to leave, when Mikey said to me,
"Wait, Sleeves."
"Oh come on man now we are gunna be late, check after school or something." I said reaching for the door knob. He swatted my hand away from it, and once again said,
"Sleeves. Gerard, now."
I groaned, not wanting to face the fact that I had just recently harmed myself. I slowly lifted one sleeve, holding my arm out for Mikey to see.
I could see the hint of pain in his eyes, as he pulled my sleeve down and motioned for me to show him the other arm.
"Oh Gee.." he said as he saw the mess I had made.
"It's okay, I love you Gerard okay? Please, get help from the counselor today, I can't bear to see my big brother in pain." He said as he embraced me tight.
"No promises."
I pulled my sleeve down and we were out the door, on the way to school.
We had been out the door for a meer 7 seconds when I pulled out a cigarette and a lighter. Mikey strangely didn't object to the action.

We got to the gates of the crappy school, and went inside to get our papers and shit. The minute Mikey got his he sped off to class, leaving me with no goodbye. Not a surprise, who would want to be near me?
I made my way down the hallway to my locker, shoving my stuff in, not caring about organization. I checked my schedule, history first. Well, fuck my life. I put my ear buds in, and walked to class in peace. I took my seat in the back of the class, by the window. The bell rang and students were still filing into the room. We started with all that first day kind of shit, and ten minutes in, a boy came in the room. I wasn't really listening, but I saw him. He was really short, and had this chocolate brown hair. He was wearing an Iron Maiden tee shirt. I tore my eyes away and back to my notebook, where I was secretly drawing. I nearly jumped out of my skin when the boy say next to me.
"Hi..i'm Frank, Frank Iero." He said to me.
"Gerard." I wasn't in the mood for talking. I told him my name and just went back to drawing little vampire sketches and mummies and things.
"Soo, you like the Misfits?" Frank said, gesturing to my shirt.
"Yeah they're pretty cool" I said, and then gestured to his shirt, "So is Iron Maiden."
"Yeah man, they're pretty sick bands."
We ended up talking about bands, horror movies, and comic books for the rest of the hour. When the bell rang, he pulled out his schedule and tapped my shoulder.
"What have you got next?"
"Uhm.." I shuffled around my bag trying to get my schedule.
"I've got Art, you?"
"Same man! Will you show me how to get there?"
We walked out of the room, continuing to talk about comic books.
We were halfway to the art room when
Mark, the head douche bag of the school, shoved me into a locker, muttering something along the lines of "Emo faggot" I just gave him a dirty look and kept walking with Frank.
"What was that about?" he asked looking back at Mark.
"He just doesn't like me or my buddies, because we like different music and dress differently. We get the occasional shove or punch, nothing we can't handle."
"That's a big deal though! They shouldn't get away with that!" Frank almost yelled as we entered the Art room.

A/N I hope y'all are enjoying this so far! Another chapter coming soon!!!!

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